Joe Should Drop Out Of Presidential Race To Save Hunter?

Joe Should Drop Out Of Presidential Race To Save Hunter?

Joe Should Drop Out Of Presidential Race To Save Hunter?

The Democrats are getting desperate. Joe Biden is circling the drain and his frailties can’t be photoshopped away anymore. Hunter Biden was charged with nine felony tax evasion counts, Nina has the deets here. The charges may protect Biden the Younger from the scheduled House deposition, but the splashing of mud will still dirty Joe. Renowned Democrat bootlicker Al Hunt has a plan. Joe bows out of the 2024 Presidential Election to aid the defense of his son. Hunt makes the argument but no without some real knee slappers.

Al Hunt (husband of Judy Woodruff) was once a reliable television Democrat pundit. Now retired, the Dems still listen to him and he will relay Democrats inner dialogues. That’s why we paid attention to Hunt’s article: “Biden Has the Perfect Opportunity to Bow Out”. It began like this:

President Biden has the perfect reason to bow out of the presidential race: to come to the aid of his troubled son, Hunter, who was just indicted for tax evasion.

This would merge two realities. Since his wife and young daughter died in a car accident more than 50 years ago, Biden has been a caring and concerned father. And the 81-year-old incumbent is in real danger of losing the 2024 election to Donald Trump.

The speech he could give would be simple and sincere and could sound something like this:

Um, Joe is a “caring and concerned father. Well, I don’t know. He has used his younger son as a bagman for decades. And then there is this, Colonel Schlichter wrote this a few years ago:

Here is Hunt’s suggested speech from the article:

“Folks, I deeply love this country and hoped to build on all our accomplishments, serving you for four more years. I also deeply love my son, who faces additional legal charges. While I am convinced that he is innocent, I want to be there for him. That would be almost impossible if, in addition to being president, I were engaged in what promises to be a vicious campaign.

“Therefore, I will not run for reelection.

“I would not take this step if I weren’t convinced that we have many talented candidates who will defeat Donald Trump, an existential threat to our American way of life.

“There still are many challenges, foreign and domestic, that we are meeting. The added burden of an ugly presidential campaign — which I have no doubt I would have won, as in 2020 — would make it impossible to devote the attention my family needs from me at this time.”

Joe is not going to step aside to aid Hunter. Joe has been using Hunter to help with the dirty work since before Hunter was the family bagman. Read through this article “How Biden Helped Strip Bankruptcy Protection From Millions Just Before a Recession”. This was the era that had Joe denying that he was the Senator from MBNA because it was so obvious that he was:

Biden at the time stressed that he wasn’t acting on behalf of the credit card companies, and as Matt Ygelsias writes at Vox, Biden’s camp claims now that BAPCPA was an effort to get some concessions out of a Republican bill that would have been a bigger disaster without his intervention. But to his critics, there were red flags. For example, one of the biggest credit card companies in Delaware, MBNA, hired Joe Biden’s son Hunter in 1996. Even after Hunter became a federal lobbyist in 2001, he stayed on at MBNA as a consultant at a fee of $100,000 per year, meaning he was pulling in a six-figure salary at the same time his father was pushing for the industry’s top priorities. Biden’s interests were so aligned with MBNA’s that in 1999 he was forced to defend himself by declaring, “I am not the senator from MBNA.” But even without the shadows of impropriety, critics of Biden’s support for bankruptcy reform had plenty of fodder.

Joe’s had Hunter entangled in his dirty shenanigans for ever. No wonder Hunter had problems. If your Father was a “lying, dog-faced, pony soldier”, you might get involved in drugs and women, too.

But this next line proves that Al Hunt is a typical Democrat hack. Again, from the Biden should quit article:

Trump would take the only road he knows: low and dirty.

Al Hunt would know “low and dirty”.

I actually don’t mind low and dirty in showing our country’s strength:

Joe is too selfish to quit. He will hang Hunter out. The Democrats are going to have to peel DOCTOR Jill’s fingers off of the doors. Watch and see

But Hunt had a good try and it was amusing.

Featured Image: Thomas Hawk/ Commons and Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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  • John Shepherd says:

    This would severely undermine the Democrats replacement plans but I hope Biden takes the advice before the start of the Republican primary season so Republican primary voters can see how badly Trump would do against candidates not named Biden or Harris.

  • MJM says:

    Since you are all knowing, who would those candidates be?

  • John says:

    If Senile Joe dropped out, it would not save Hunter. Right now, the only way to save the twerp is to put his butt onto Air Force One and fly him to a country that does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S.

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