Joe Biden’s New Maximum Stability Shoes

Joe Biden’s New Maximum Stability Shoes

Joe Biden’s New Maximum Stability Shoes

Joe Biden’s new maximum stability shoes are keeping the old geezer upright these days. Of course, if you ask Joe’s team, they’ll tell you they are called ‘lifestyle’ shoes. Okay.

Biden’s handlers are apparently fearful that he may fall again, and these new “lifestyle” shoes will help keep his feet more stable underneath him.

These lifestyle Hoka brand shoes are supposedly made for a more comfortable walk and are great for hiking.

The only hiking Joe is doing is to the ice cream parlor, and needing assistance with that!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with needing a good, comfortable pair of shoes, especially as we age. But most people Joe’s age are relaxing while enjoying their retirement.

Biden’s specific shoe is called the “Hoka Transport,” the report said, a shoe that has a “wide sole” that is “no doubt great for stability.” – New York Post

When I hear “wide soles,” I think of Jimmy’s new training shoes from an episode of Seinfeld—the latest vertical jump training shoes. By the way, they are apparently real and available at retailers like Walmart for $169.99.

Biden has had several falls, trips, and stumbles, including falling off bicycles. It’s not clumsiness. It is old age!

Clumsy Presidents

But Joe Biden isn’t the first President to fall down in public. Granted, Gerald Ford would not have been considered a young whipper snapper at 61 when he first entered office. Ford’s falling down Air Force One steps and multiple skiing accidents were simply chalked up to him being a clutz and not being related.

On the other hand, Joe Biden, bless his heart, is just old and feeble, and his mind is gone. No matter how loud he was at the State of the Union.

Those around Biden will tell you he uses his new shoes for exercise.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates explained that the president uses the shoes for exercise.

“I know y’all don’t care for presidents who exercise. But don’t worry – you’ll get used to it,” Bates told Fox News Digital. – Fox News

It’s sad how badly Joe wants power; he will risk his health to stay in office. Those around him are guilty, too. Did the Democrats really not have anyone else they could put up against Trump? What is really going on here, I wonder.

It was revealed last month that Mr Biden suffers from sensory peripheral neuropathy, which causes nerve damage to a person’s foot.

The diagnosis comes after the president has had multiple public stumbles, falls and near misses. – The Independent

Uh-huh, sure. You know what, though. That may be so. After all, he did suffer two life-threatening brain aneurysms and had to have surgery to remove them.

Biden told us about them in his 2007 book Promises To Keep.

He underwent a microsurgical craniotomy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C. The chances of surviving the surgery were 50 percent, but the likelihood of waking up with serious deficits was even more concerning, Biden wrote. – Delaware Online

All the more reason to step aside, Joe! Use your new shoes to shuffle away the hours on the boardwalk at Rehoboth Beach. Good night!

Feature Image: Joe Biden/Flickr/Gage Skidmore/CC BY-SA 2.0/edited in Canva Pro

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  • draigh says:

    “These lifestyle ‘Hokie’ brand shoes are supposedly made for a more comfortable walk and are great for hiking.” Just a small change, but a lot more accurate. In the final analysis, they’d be better off using a hand truck to move him around.

  • Wfjag says:

    Pres. Ford also had people shooting at him from time to time – a very different experience from being House Minority Leader, where it was unlikely that many people would recognize him on the street. When you’re concerned that you might, at any moment, have to do a Duck & Cover, you’re somewhat distracted and appearing a little clumsy can be expected.

  • Lloyd says:

    This fitting….Clowns have always worn special shoes…Clown Shoes

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