Joe Biden Turns Volume Up To 11 For The State Of The Union

Joe Biden Turns Volume Up To 11 For The State Of The Union

Joe Biden Turns Volume Up To 11 For The State Of The Union

Joe Biden delivered the State of the Union address tonight. We can pray that this will be his last one.

The president walked into the chamber 17 minutes late, after having to dodge pro-Hamas protestors out on the streets of Washington D.C.

Well, he finally made it to the stage, after a long and meandering walk down the aisle in order to get a personal pep talk from all sorts of Democrats. Or maybe it was to make sure that last minute drug boost kicked in. Because once Joe Biden got to the podium, he began his speech with all due speed. LITERAL speed. As in, he didn’t even wait to be formally introduced by the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Johnson struck the gavel, and was prepared to introduce Biden – and Biden just plowed ahead with his speech. And he literally just zoomed through the speech, at top speed and top volume.

For being a “State of the Union” address, Joe Biden was big on launching right into… funding Ukraine. And it didn’t get any better from that point on. Joe Biden was so intent on reading his speech off that teleprompter so fast that everyone was openly speculating on just how much speed the Big Guy was given before he got on the stage.

However, before he got on stage, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene got to Joe Biden and handed him a button.

So when Joe Biden got to the point in the speech when he began talking about the border, MTG yelled back at him to “say her name.” Biden then picked up the button, and… completely flubbed the name.

It’s questionable whether or not MTG should have given Joe Biden the opening – but he then shot himself in the proverbial foot by both blowing Laken Riley’s name, and then calling her alleged murderer an “illegal” – which is sure to piss off the leftist base.

The rest of the speech was a sped-up laundry list mash-up of all the other previous speeches, with an add-in regarding Israel and Hamas, and his GENIUS plan to build a pier off Gaza to get humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. On one hand, Joe Biden put his support behind Israel, mentioned the massacre of October 7th, and confirmed the sexual assault of Israelis on that day. On the other hand, Biden then promptly burdened Israel with not hurting any Palestinian civilians while acknowledging that Hamas is hiding among the civilians, and proclaimed that in order for there to be peace, the Palestinians must be rewarded with their own state.

Joe Biden came off as an angry old man on crack. Perhaps Hunter hooked him up for the night. He did not come off as presidential, or a kindly, elderly old man. He came off as mean and nasty and obviously pumped up on something. Will anyone be able to remember anything that Joe Biden actually said tonight – or will we only remember THE VOLUME that he used?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • John C. says:

    The Palestinians have been offered their own state several times, and every time they have rejected it. It is not the solution to what they see as the problem.

  • […] Musings: Villainous Monologues, also, A Pro-Free-Market Industrial Policy Victory Girls: Joe Biden Turns Volume Up To 11 For The State Of The Union Volokh Conspiracy: No Constitutional Violation in Mental Health Investigation Following […]

  • A reader says:

    I’m confused. First Biden is old and doddering. Then he’s an evil mastermind. Now he’s angry and mean. Pick one.

    I have to say the contrast between someone who occasionally slips up while reading a teleprompter— and who has a speech impediment to boot— versus the man who calls his wife a different name, forgets who he’s running against, forgets words and trails off with. “ahhh” sounds is a lot worse than Biden. I bet Laken Riley’s name would come out sounding like “Laken Ohhhhhh…” or he’d call her “Larkin” or Lakers ir some such nonesense.

    If this is all you can find to complain about, I’d say he did pretty well. And I notice no peep yet about Katie Britt. I’d think you ladies would be all up in that Serena Joy Waterford/Michelle Duggar around the kitchen table nonsense! She’s a good “Christian” woman and so relatable! She cares about the border! (Never mind that she was on the committee and then voted against the bill…) She stays up worrying about dinner! I have a solution for that, it’s called a crockpot.

    • Cameron says:

      It’s so fascinating how you and your kind come here and get upset with the people who run this site that they don’t talk about what’s important to you.

      I have a great idea: Start your own website and post what you like. Obviously, this place isn’t meeting your demands.

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