Joe Biden: Still President, Still Angry

Joe Biden: Still President, Still Angry

Joe Biden: Still President, Still Angry

Everyone remembers the fiery, angry speech of president Joe Biden at Independence Hall years back.

Seems as if Scranton Joe cannot get enough of the Keystone State. Biden is, after all , still the president of this nation. Jill and his handlers occasionally let the old man out to attend some events to remind us that he is still alive. He was at one of these events last night and Boy Howdy, was he in rare form!

Biden took to the podium at Philadelphia’s City Committee dinner, where he claimed that more people are working now since Trump left office. Oh yeah, and violent crimes are down and there are fewer people crossing the border:

More people are working today in America than any time since Trump left office, that’s just a fact. 401Ks are strong, violent crime is down, murder is down and fewer people are crossing the border, and Trump calls that a hellscape? He talks about America being a failed nation, where the hell’s he from?”-Joe Biden

New York, Joe. You know, that hellscape? Psst. There are still violent crimes that occur in New York courtesy of some of those people who crossed the border illegally.

It makes me angry. I say America’s winning, we’re the most powerful nation in the world, the most respected nation in the word. … Trump says we’re losers, but the only loser I know is Donald Trump.”-Joe Biden

Yes, Trump is a loser in Joe Biden’s eyes because he lost to the “Big Guy” in 2020. There may be some credence to Biden’s desire to be the only person to beat Donald Trump. This is his one and only achievement. And, at that, we have questions. But Joe Biden takes pride in his 81 million votes. The party of “a new way forward” is still very much in the past with this old relic at the helm living his glory days before his adoring public that has somehow been sucker-punched enough to consider voting for an utter imbecile because she is a woman.

Every president has to cut their own path. That’s what I did. I was loyal to Barack Obama but I cut my own path as president.”-Joe Biden

Barack Obama certainly was not loyal to you, Joe. He all but pushed you off the ledge.

In Biden’s eyes, he cut himself a path. I suppose, he did. A clear one right across our southern border and into our cities. A path down the road to bat guano crazy with some of the very individuals he’s appointed. A male Admiral in a dress? A cross-dressing, luggage snatcher? Something was cut. Maybe the cheese? I smell a dirty adult diaper…

Apparently, Kamala has been (AHEM) loyal as well:

That’s what Kamala’s going to do…She’s been loyal so far, but she’ll cut her own path.”-Joe Biden

Loyal “so far”, Joe?

It’s as if Joe Biden knows so much about loyalty. Right, Hunter? Hunter? Are you there?

And, speaking of cutting paths:

And then, there is this:

The most powerful, respected nation in the world. Men in dresses on the battlefield? Chinese balloons hovering over our airspace? Drug cartel drones at our southern border that patrol cannot shoot down? Yep. We’re feared and “respected”, alright.

All because delusional, senile, Joe Biden thinks that he forged a path. Keep in mind this man needed Secret Service to lead him down the right path for fear that he may wander off, or trip walking up the stairs.

Folks, this is 2024, we’re not going back.”-Joe Biden

At least Biden got something right. It is 2024. He must have had assistance from a teleprompter on that one. We can only hope to go back this year. If going forward means a Harris-Walz administration, “going back” should be considered a gift.

Featured Image: Featured Image: Twitter/cropped/altered

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    “violent crime is down, murder is down”

    When you don’t allow them to be reported, that will happen.

    “and fewer people are crossing the border”

    Because we already have most of them and the remainder are waiting to see if Trump becomes President.

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