Jim Jordan Is Another Typical Republican

Jim Jordan Is Another Typical Republican

Jim Jordan Is Another Typical Republican

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan is giving up his quixotic race for the Speaker of the House temporarily. Instead, the House Republicans will nominate North Carolina Representative Patrick McHenry to be Temporary Speaker until January. Gaetz and the Ungrateful Eight had no plan when they ousted California Representative Kevin McCarthy. As awful as the things that Liberals/Progressives say about Republicans, they are not awful enough. Jordan is another typical Republican.

For years, the Republican hierarchy told us that, if we gave them both Houses and the Presidency, Obamacare would be repealed and replace. For some reason, I had forgotten that Jim Jordan was one of those talking about it. From his own press release:

March 29, 2017
Press Release
Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) joined CNN New Day this morning to discuss what’s next for congressional efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare.
During the interview with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, Rep. Jordan said:

“We want to put together a plan that actually repeals Obamacare, that actually lowers premiums, and frankly one that hopefully more than 17 percent of the country approves of. So we’re working hard at that and we’ve never stopped at achieving that goal because that’s what the American people sent us here to do.

“We’ve always been focused on those regulations which are driving up the cost of premiums. I’ve said all along, even CBO said premiums are going to increase over the next three years under the proposal brought last week. So let’s get at those regulations, let’s do all we can to lower premiums for the American people. That’s what we’ve always focused on.

“Look at the four corners of the document. Look at the legislation itself. What did it do, what didn’t it do? It didn’t repeal Obamacare fully, it didn’t lower premiums, it wasn’t supported by the Republican Party, every major conservative organization in the country opposed it, and only 17 percent of the country liked it. … Let’s do what the president said. Let’s get a deal put together, but one that accomplishes what we were sent here to accomplish.

The Republicans had years to craft a plan. They had nothing and lost everything. But, like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the place kick, I believed again. I was peeved when McCarthy got Speaker because he’s all compromise and no principles. He was. I wasn’t too bent out of shape when Gaetz and company ousted McCarthy because I figured the Republican “nattering nabobs” had a plan. Charlie Brown-Lucy-Football-again.

All of this makes the Amanda Marcotte article I read in Salon this morning more than comical:

To most ordinary people, the sneering visage of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, brings many words to mind: “Jackass.” “Bully.” “Sexual abuse apologist.” “Clownshow.”

But when it comes to those who have backed his run for Speaker of the House, the MAGA mind seizes upon their alleged Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“If Jim Jordan can’t get through, Jesus can’t,” Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont. told Fox News on Tuesday. Zinke loves comparing the former assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State to the Prince of Peace.

Amanda Marcotte needs to get out of her Brooklyn apartment more often. Listen to voices other than the ones in her head. Marcotte believes that all Wypipo are racist, Christian Nationalists. Such a weird fantasy projection on her part.

The first I heard about McHenry remaining Speaker was from the Slate article: “Jim Jordan’s Speaker Candidacy Is Neither Dead Nor Alive”. In this article, Jim Jordan is not a White Supremacist, Christian Nationalist Jesus, but Schrodinger’s Cat. Just as in the Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment where while the cat is sealed in the box, the cat is both alive and dead. I never did buy Schrodinger’s cat, I think it’s stupid. But, I know that Matt Gaetz’s career is “mostly dead” like Westley in the Princess Bride.

From the article:

The day did introduce a new subplot: behind-the-scenes discussion of a proposal by Ohio Rep. Dave Joyce to extend the tenure, and expand the powers, of temporary Speaker and North Carolina Rep. Patrick McHenry. (Specifically, Joyce’s plan would make McHenry speaker until January.) As we discussed on Tuesday, while McHenry is a true-blue (true-red?) conservative, he’s also seen by moderate Republicans and Democrats as someone who would be responsible enough to run the chamber without engaging in the kinds of disruptive stunts that Jordan has specialized in. It’s within the realm of possibility that Republicans could agree to give the job to McHenry for the next few months (or that enough Democrats would support a motion to elevate him that it could pass even if hard-line right-wing Republicans opposed it).

Ah, just long enough to justify getting nothing done in this Congress.

Gaetz doesn’t like Speaker-lite. Well, you should have thought about that on October 7, little buddy.

Keep Lucy and the football away from Charlie Brown.

I agree with LaVern here:

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • kevin says:

    All roads lead to one vile, heinous, cancerous “republican.” (He’s not a republican but they lick his boots like there’s no tomorrow.) Everything the republican party is experiencing (the chaos, division, distrust) emanates from the head of the snake, the 280 pound Malignant Tumor. His brand is “crisis politics.” What’s occurring is exactly what he wants. I saw an interview with a republican congressperson and he said, “I’d vote for Jim if would admit the election wasn’t stolen and Biden won.” Jordan can’t even do that to get his vote. The MAGA crowd has surround the 280 pound Malignant Tumor to protect him and nothing else matters. The Malignant Tumor has wrapped himself up in the republican flag and until he’s ripped from the womb, nothing is going to change because the lunatics follow his lead. Chaos. Insanity. Distrust. Lies. You lie with dogs you get fleas. You’re in a cult. Get help before it’s too late.

    • Stephen C says:

      You make no sense at all. What do you like to drink? I like vodlka.

      • John Shepherd says:

        Ignore him. He must be a very low ranking DNC troll to be assigned to polute an obscure conservative blog.

      • Cameron says:

        He strikes me more as a paint huffer.

        • Scott says:

          Substitute farts for paint, and I agree Cameron

        • John Shepherd says:

          That is not inconsistent with him being a DNC troll. Maybe that is why they gave him the Victory Girls beat rather than a more widely read conservative site.

          He says the same thing on every post. I am not a fan of censorship, however since he has nothing of further value to say maybe future posts should be monitored away at least until he has something of value to say.

  • How quickly things fall into the memory hole…

    The Republicans, with a majority in both Houses, and the White House, DID have a plan to replace the Obama nightmare. It was not perfect, by any measure, but it would have ameliorated the worst of it. It passed the House of Representatives, and President Trump would have signed it just as soon as it passed the Senate.

    Except that it was dramatically scuttled by ONE MAN. A corrupt, demented, supposed member of the Republican Party, who killed it for pure personal gratification of his animosity to the President. A man that is still a “hero” to all too many people that call themselves “conservatives.”

    A man who, in hindsight, would have left the world a far better place if he had died in a Vietnamese prison camp.

    • John Shepherd says:

      I wonder how McCain would have voted had Trump not attacked his military service. Mean tweets have a price.

      • Cameron says:

        He would have voted the same even if Trump had praised him. And his military service was worthy of criticism.

        • Liz says:

          McCain is the reason the F22 was canceled. He pushed the JSF and is largely responsible for that expensive fiasco (then he complained about the cost as though he wasn’t the reason it was promoted and the F22 cancelled).
          I am not a fan.
          Nor was my Dad, who did 3 tours in Vietnam (also a pilot).

        • John Shepherd says:

          And you know that because? Face it Trump’s mean tweets demolishes bridges. You know like attacking Bibi because he thanked Biden for support?

      • Trump signed several bills that McCain voted for. Isn’t it fortunate that at least ONE of them had an emotional maturity in the double digits?

        • John Shepherd says:

          Do you know how stupid you sound? Trump signed bills that Pelosi voted for too.

          • Do YOU know how stupid YOU sound?

            Trump didn’t do things that were bad for America out of petty childish revenge. Your hero McCain DID.

            I’ve mentioned this before – you really, really do need to sign up for a remedial reading program.

  • GWB says:

    Gaetz and the Ungrateful Eight had no plan
    And I just stop reading right there. Done.
    Why do you not blame the GOPe for not actually following the principles they claim and forcing Gaetz and others to resist them?

    • John Shepherd says:

      Gaetz and 7 traitors voted with the Democrats. They are RINOs. McCarthy put forth a CR with an 8% across the board spending cut. Gaetz and the 7 RINOs voted with the Democrats on that one too. He wanted to fund raise off a shutdown.

      The Democrats have already the White House in 2024. If Trump wins the nomination they will swap out Biden for someone who will crush Trump. If Trump falls he will urge his supporters to stay home or vote for whoever the Democrats up. Even he goes sulking away you RINOs will probably for Junior in protest.

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