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Did you watch the swearing-in ceremonies today for the 112th Congress? It was a great day for conservatives. The peaceful, non-violent transfer of power is what sets our country apart from so many others in the world. However, there was one little slip-up from Speaker John Boehner. You can watch it below:
Come on… you know you wanted him to do that! Don’t tread on me.
Jesus, Joseph, and Mary that looked real!!!
I notice John Boner is crying like a baby even while he “hits” Pelosi. He’s a failure and hasn’t even started yet. Somebody give him the number of a good therapist.
Actually wanted to see him shoot her
I was HOPING that would happen!!!
He needed a bigger gavel.
Im glad he held back. They would have never gotten all the botox cleaned up.
See ! Prayers get answered.
Sam, Sam, Sam…
That was really great! I’m sharing on FB.
That was great. Wish it were for real! You’d think with all the surgery she has had they could have made her pretty. Maybe that bop in the head will help her get the surgery she needs.
Looks Good
Jay Leno… the only guy whose REAL head bobbles more than his bobblehead doll’s does.
Sam, He would only be considered a failure if he exceeds Pelosi’s spending of $5.2 trillion in the next four years.
WHY does it bother someone that a man (person) cries. I call it sensitivity and
caring. My son cries sometimes while teaching a class and many men have come to him and said how much it helps them to realize it is OKAY to show emotion!
Secretary: The crying doesn’t bother them. They’re democrats. They’d criticize Speaker Boehner for NOT Crying!
“I notice John Boner is crying like a baby even while he “hits” Pelosi.”
Intelligent as always, Sam. You never disappoint.
CRying or not, Liberal nutjobs will just complain about the color of his shoes. Libs are ignorant petulant children.
Hey, guys, give Sam some time, please. He is still at the stage of development where
repeating our marxist press makes him feel that he is intelligent. His grade school teacher probably supports his view.
Regardless of your political affiliation, this kind of political vitriol is simply a furtherance of the negativity that pervades our country. In light of the political assassinations that just occurred yesterday, don’t you think that we’ve had enough already! It’s just not funny.
Hey Phil… It IS funny. You sir need to lighten up.
Jaco, you seriously want me to believe that you think that a man hitting a woman on the head with a gavel is funny? Show it to your kids if you have them, or somebody else’s kids and see what the reaction is. It’s this kind of blatant bullying that puts our kids in danger in schools because parents promote the belief that you can “win” by putting somebody else down. It may even encourage another video of Pelosi getting Boehner to cry…oh wait, that’s out there already. Light enough for you? Sorry, Jaco, it’s still not funny. It is, however, very pathetic slapstick.
Having slept on it…you’re probably right…I need to lighten up. I guess I’m just reacting to the fact that I’ve been out of work for a long time, my health insurance has expired, and my prospects, because of age discrimination, are pretty grim. There’s a level of frustration and helplessness that’s been building for quite some time, and I watch this level of humor with a different perspective than perhaps you do. The anger and vitriol in Washington has fueled this lack of focus on what the problems really are, and I’m personally concerned about trying to laugh our way out of this situation. This political system no longer works…For me…it’s all pretty humorless. Maybe a few more resumes…
“This political system no longer works…For me…it’s all pretty humorless. Maybe a few more resumes…”
Don’t let it get you down, brother. Sounds like you’re going through some tough times. We all do at some point or another. Just keep on trying.
“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.”
~ Thomas Jefferson
Thank you for the encouragement.
In another life, seemingly centuries ago, I worked at Apple. During most of that eight years, things were actually pretty good, and we hung on to the idea that the “journey is the reward” as though somehow there was value in adversity. That worked just fine when you were making enough to survive, pay your bills, feed your children, get medical services…
Unfortunately, all that has changed. Not just for me…for millions of others. The journey is no longer the reward. It is simply a continuing series of negative events, and when I see our “leadership” arguing and bickering over the stupidest things…I become even more discouraged and enraged at the childish behavior. I just hope I won’t find a noose at the end of that Jeffersonian rope.
“It is simply a continuing series of negative events, and when I see our “leadership” arguing and bickering over the stupidest things…I become even more discouraged and enraged at the childish behavior.”
I hear you, really I do. When people are struggling its enraging to watch politicians and their 6 figure salaries bicker back and forth, but it WILL get better. Americans have endured tough times and we’ll get through this but you can’t give up! Right now, you may just have to survive, I think alot of people are doing jus that.
“I just hope I won’t find a noose at the end of that Jeffersonian rope.”
That’s not an option, my friend! Honestly, if you are having thoughts or troubles like that, talk to someone! I don’t know if you’re religious and I don’t care, I’m gonna say a prayer for you tonight, brother.
hi phil!
thanks for coming by my wee blog. it’s nice to meet you. 🙂
hi jaco! i think its funny too — a much needed political laugh in a not very funny political year.
Thanks Ken. I’ll keep hanging on. Thanks for the welcome Kate!
“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
Benjamin Franklin…on the beginning of the FIRST American Revolution.
Before I go homeless, and/or push a shopping cart, I shall endeavor to move in with any one of our overpaid, underachievers in congress.