Israeli Forces Rescue Four Hostages From Gaza

Israeli Forces Rescue Four Hostages From Gaza

Israeli Forces Rescue Four Hostages From Gaza

In a daring and carefully planned raid, Israeli forces went into Gaza and were able to rescue four hostages.

This morning (Saturday), in a joint operation of the IDF, ISA (Shin Bet), and Israel Police (Yamam) in Nuseirat, four Israeli hostages were rescued.

Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), were kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization from the ‘Nova’ music festival on October 7th.

The hostages were rescued by the IDF, ISA and ‘Yamam’ forces from two separate locations in the heart of Nuseirat in a complex, special, daytime operation.

The hostages are in good medical condition and have been transferred to the ‘Sheba’ Tel-HaShomer Medical Center for further medical examinations.

What amazing and wonderful news at a time when the Biden Administration as well as other governments have been telling Israel for weeks to stand down and stay out of Gaza. Biden even put together an asinine ceasefire agreement that would’ve ensured that the four rescued today would’ve been left behind. 

THIS rescue is one of the key reasons why Israel has stood firm and has continued their efforts to find those whom the Hamas terrorists took hostage. 

As our readers may recall, Noa is the young lady whom the terrorists filmed held captive on the back of the motorcycle screaming and reaching out for her boyfriend. To see her reunited with her father brings tears to my eyes. 

Especially given her mother has been valiantly hanging on throughout her battle with terminal brain cancer in hopes of seeing her daughter before she passes. That prayer, due to the persistence of Netanyahu and the Israeli government along with the outstanding work by Israeli forces, has been granted. 

This rescue, coming just after the news that four other hostages were found killed by Hamas. The same Hamas that has rejected Biden’s so-called peace deal. 

The Hamas leader in Gaza said he will only accept a cease-fire proposal if it includes a permanent halt to the war in Gaza, his first official response to the Biden-backed resolution.

A day after the cease-fire talks resumed on Wednesday in Qatar, Yahya Sinwar — who was a key mastermind of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel — signaled that he would not agree to a compromise endorsed by President Biden last week, since it only calls for a temporary truce, the Wall Street Journal reports.

“Hamas will not surrender its guns or sign a proposal that asks for that,” Arab mediators said Sinwar told them on Thursday.

While Hamas continues to claim that Israeli forces are targeting women and children, whom the AP has reluctantly reported that those numbers are highly inflated, it’s incumbent to note that Shlomi, Andrey, Noa, and Almog were found deep inside a civilian sector of Gaza. Like it or not, many Palestinians are complicit in this.

So, while many pro-Palestinian Hamas terrorist sympathizers are coping and seething that Israel dared to come in and rescue some of their hostages, Israel and supporters around the world are cheering. 

CNN couldn’t help themselves and claimed that the four were RELEASED, not rescued. Meanwhile Hamas propaganda machine is peddling furiously in attempts to claim that IDF forces killed and wounded eleventy thousand “innocent” civilians during the hostage rescue. 

Nice try, but in reality, it is a sign of Hamas failure that 50 of their own soldiers, who were holding and guarding the hostages, were killed. 

It is indeed a day to celebrate that four have come home to Israel.

Yet we must also pray for the remaining 130 hostages, some of whom are children, that they too will come home. 

Feature Photo Credit: Photo of Shlomi, Noa, Almog, and Andrey via Israeli Defense Forces on X, cropped and modified

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