Israel Takes Out Leaders Of Hamas And Hezbollah In One Day

Israel Takes Out Leaders Of Hamas And Hezbollah In One Day

Israel Takes Out Leaders Of Hamas And Hezbollah In One Day

There’s a distinct air of “settling all family business” in what Israel just did. In less than 24 hours, Israel has eliminated two terror leaders, put Iran on notice in a big way, and left the media and other political bodies scrambling.

Yesterday afternoon, the news broke that there had been a strike in Lebanon that had killed Hezbollah senior commander Fuad Shukr. While Americans may not know the name, those with a long enough memory know why there was a $5 million reward on his head.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Tuesday announced the death of Fuad Shukr, the Hezbollah commander who was behind a drone strike that killed 12 children and teens over the weekend.

Shukr, who was also known as Hajj Mohsin, joined Hezbollah in 1985. He was also sought by the U.S. government over his connection to the 1983 suicide bombing of the Marine Corps barracks in Beruit that killed 241 U.S. service members.

Shukr served as a senior adviser to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah at the time of his death in an IDF strike on Tuesday in southern Beirut.

So, not only was this retaliation for the killing of Druze children in Israel, but this was some long-delayed justice for the Marines murdered in 1983. That only took over 40 years.

A targeted hit on Shukr by the IDF in Beirut sent a message, but apparently Israel was not done putting Iran on notice. Late yesterday evening, the news broke that Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, who cheered October 7th and stressed the need for the deaths of civilians in Gaza because it would “ignite the spirit of the revolution,” was killed. In Tehran, while attending the inauguration of the new president of Iran (the replacement for the dead Raisi), Masoud Pezeshkian. The Iranian ayatollahs must be absolutely beside themselves right about now.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said after Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran on Wednesday that it is Iran’s duty to “take revenge” for the attack.

“The criminal and terrorist Zionist regime martyred our dear guest in our home and made us sad, but it also prepared a harsh punishment for itself,” Khamenei said on his website.

“Martyr Haniyeh was willing to sacrifice his honorable life in this dignified battle for many years,” he added. “He was prepared for martyrdom and had sacrificed his children and loved ones on this path. He was not afraid of being martyred on the path of God and in order to save the lives of God’s servants. However, following this bitter, tragic event which has taken place within the borders of the Islamic Republic, we believe it is our duty to take revenge.”

All the usual suspects were quite upset at the death of Haniyeh. Besides Iran, who definitely should be feeling unnerved right now, Qatar, Russia, and Turkey all complained. For its part, the Biden-Harris administration sent Antony Blinken out to say that they had no warning that this was going to happen.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday the United States was not involved in the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and reiterated the importance of a ceasefire in Gaza.

“This is something we were not aware of or involved in. It’s very hard to speculate,” Blinken said in an interview with Channel News Asia during a visit to Singapore.

There was probably a good reason for that.

While the credit for the Haniyeh strike has not yet been claimed by Israel, most are assuming that it was them. And if so, the message being sent is unmistakable.

The question now, of course, is what happens next.

Israel, while not confirming that they had anything to do with Haniyeh assuming room temperature in Tehran, asserted their right to defend themselves.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has sent a letter to dozens of foreign ministries around the world saying that “Israel is not interested in an all-out war, but the only way to prevent it is the immediate implementation of (United Nations Security Council) Resolution 1701.” That resolution calls for a full cessation of hostilities along the Israel-Lebanon border and a demilitarized zone.

Katz writes that with Israel’s killing of a top commander in Iran’s ally Hezbollah on Beirut on Tuesday, “Israel sent a clear message: we will harm with great force whoever harms us.”

Israel has kept silent on the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in an airstrike in the Iranian capital, which Hamas and Iran have blamed on Israel.

With this one-two punch, Iran and its terror proxies have been dealt a huge blow, and now have to consider what their next move will be. And they need to consider just how far Israel’s potential reach really is. Because all the accounts have not been settled just yet.
Stay tuned, because this is not over yet.

Featured image: flag of Israel by edu_castro27 via Pixabay, cropped and modified, Pixabay license

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  • bob sykes says:

    It is absolutely certain that Hezbollah did not kill Syrian Druze children living on occupied Syrian land. They do not kill Arabs. But Israel does, to the sum of 180,000 Arab civilians in Gaza.

    The attack on Majdal Shams is obviously a false flag Israel operation intended to justified their attack on Beirut and Teheran. Netanyahu and the other psychotic war criminals who run Israel are trying to force the US into a wider Middle Eastern war. Considering that we, too, are led by psychotic war criminals, Netanyahu has a good chance of getting his war.

    • Turtler says:

      Oh joy. The genocidal, dishonest, Jew hating Liar has crawled over here. I still remember your dishonest ass from Neo’s blog. You remember that?

      You should. She banned you for being a dishonest, Jew hating, terrorist advocate.

      “It is absolutely certain that Hezbollah did not kill Syrian Druze children living on occupied Syrian land. They do not kill Arabs.”

      No, it is “absolutely certain” you are a monumental, dishonest dumbfuck. As we’ve specified before. But to spell it out to those that are new…

      “Hezbollah did not kill Syrian Druze children living on occupied Syrian land”… why not? They’ve happily murdered Druze on the Golan (which by the way is now legally Israeli Clay, as the local Druze prefer) and in Lebanon, as well as abroad. They certainly murdered hundreds of them in Suwayda through the 2010s, and helped tyrannize the Lebanese Druze into silence.

      “They do not kill Arabs”? Who the FUCK do you think you are fooling? Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri alone torpedoes this claim absolutely. Whether or not he was directly murdered by Hezbollah or instead was murdered by Syrian Baathist intelligence and/or Iran with Hezbollah “merely” providing support and clean up afterwards is utterly irrelevant, because Hezbollah swears fealty to both the Syrian Dictatorship and Iran and so would have happily beheaded him themselves on live TV if they believed it would serve the “Revolution.” But Hariri has one advantage most Arab victims of Hezbollah do not have: he is famous. Most Arab victims of Hezbollah are not.

      As we would know from their massacres in Lebanon and Syria, where they have loyally served as allies and vassals of Assad and the Ayatollah. The 2012 Darayya Massacre and Hezbollah’s hand in it also underline how they have absolutely no compulsion against murdering Arabs. Nor should this be of any surprise to anyone, given the number of Arab Jews they have murdered.

      Though I find it amusing beyond belief you think this would actually HELP their case if it were true, as if merely being murderous, totalitarian terrorists was not enough but them being RACIST and murdering only people of the “Correct” ethnicities as well would make them less evil?

      “But Israel does, to the sum of 180,000 Arab civilians in Gaza.”

      Gonna need a source for that, you scumsucking POS.

      Because not even UNRWA claimed that horseshit, and I note that UNRWA and the “Gaza Health Ministry” (who are both psychopathic, totalitarian propaganda arms of Hamas and its allies who have proven EVEN MORE SUBVERTED AND CRAVEN than the freaking **NAZI ERA RED CROSS** has). As dishonest and incompetent as those farqs have been (complete with admitting they “misgendered” A FULL THIRD OF THE VICTIMS, HALF OF WHICH THEY CLAIMED WERE WOMEN OR CHILDREN), they have not claimed that Israel killed 180,000 civilians. They merely claimed 180,000 have died in total in Gaza.

      Congratulations fuckhead, you’ve proven to be more anti-Jewish than Literal Islamo-Nazi Propaganda Outlets are. I hope you’re proud of yourself. And you wonder why you got dumpstered by me and eventually banned by Neo?

      “The attack on Majdal Shams is obviously a false flag Israel operation intended to justified their attack on Beirut and Teheran.”


      You’re a dumbfuck racist and Jew hater who has falsely claimed Hezbollah does not murder Druze and Arabs, in spite of how they objectively do and indeed regularly crow about it in order to cultivate an atmosphere of self-righteous terror. Nobody should trust you, even on what is Obvious.

      PS Shithead: If the attack was a “false flag” and so “obvious”, please identify the launch point of the attack, the trajectory, and the velocity, as well as the weapon used. And then explain how the Israelis took position there.

      Then we can talk, but not before.

      Considering you’ve been an illiterate dumbass claiming things that even Hamas and Hezbollah don’t and claiming that neither civilians or soldiers in an “aggressor nation” have the right to self-defense (something that is handily destroyed should you actually freaking read the relevant international law), I’m not going to hold my breath.

      Also idiot: the Israelis had been making surgical strikes on Iranian targets involved in the terrorist campaign well before this, so your explanation doesn’t work.

      “Netanyahu and the other psychotic war criminals who run Israel are trying to force the US into a wider Middle Eastern war.”

      Riiight. Hamas, the PIJ, and PFLF attack Israel, targeting literal peace concerts where they conduct mass murder and rape, before kidnapping a host of civilians, including Israelis and Americans and thus demanding Israel retaliate in order to destroy Hamas’s ability to do similar nonsense again and to free what hostages can be. Hezbollah launches rockets murdering lots of more innocents. But Netanyahu and co are the ones “trying to force the US into a wider Middle Eastern War.”


      “Considering that we, too, are led by psychotic war criminals, Netanyahu has a good chance of getting his war.”


      Funnily enough the Iranians themselves know better. When the Iranian Himmler/Beria Solemani got taken out, the Iranian Dictatorship’s attempts to hold mass rallies mourning him backfired when Iranians celebrated and refused to step on American and Israeli flags in thanks.

      Also I’ll note Biden and Harris are remarkably pro-Mullah and pro-Hamas, as shown by their onesided demands of a ceasefire. But that’s something you’re going to ignore.

    • Turtler says:

      To those interested in analyzing “bob sykes”‘s mo and evil and takedowns on him, I offer some links to TheNewNeo.

      To quote Neo:

      “The interesting thing – if “bob sykes” can be said to be interesting – is that he is not only an example of a Jew-hating, ignorant troll, but he is also an example of where the Jew-hating left and the Jew-hating right meet. He is not on the left, and yet on this subject he is indistinguishable from the left.

      Probably time to say buh-bye to buh-bob.”

    • Cameron says:

      Oh look; yet another liberal who thinks that if the Jews just died off, we’d have peace on Earth.

      Go gargle a revolver or head back to Stormfront.

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