Is Biden Actually Proposing A Ceasefire Deal Anyone Wants?

Is Biden Actually Proposing A Ceasefire Deal Anyone Wants?

Is Biden Actually Proposing A Ceasefire Deal Anyone Wants?

The media and the administration would have you believe that Joe Biden is SUPER DUPER ENGAGED in the “peace” talks between Israel and Hamas.

On Saturday, a reporter managed to shout a question at Biden, asking for an update, just hours before the news broke. Remember, Biden is still in Delaware, going from beach to beach now that he no longer is running for office.

After the devastating news that six of the hostages, including American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, were found murdered execution-style in the tunnels of Rafah, Biden issued this statement, talking about how upset he was. Not upset enough to talk to reporters in front of a camera, but definitely upset enough to have a staffer write a statement and release it.

Earlier today, in a tunnel under the city of Rafah, Israeli forces recovered six bodies of hostages held by Hamas. We have now confirmed that one of the hostages killed by these vicious Hamas terrorists was an American citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin.

I am devastated and outraged. Hersh was among the innocents brutally attacked while attending a music festival for peace in Israel on October 7. He lost his arm helping friends and strangers during Hamas’ savage massacre. He had just turned 23. He planned to travel the world. I have gotten to know his parents, Jon and Rachel. They have been courageous, wise, and steadfast, even as they have endured the unimaginable. They have been relentless and irrepressible champions of their son and of all the hostages held in unconscionable conditions. I admire them and grieve with them more deeply than words can express. I know all Americans tonight will have them in their prayers, just as Jill and I will. I have worked tirelessly to bring their beloved Hersh safely to them and am heartbroken by the news of his death. It is as tragic as it is reprehensible. Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.

“Working around the clock,” huh? Sure, you may have aides telling you what’s going on, but all appearances indicate that you are now semi-retired at best, completely non compos mentis at worst. So it should be no surprise that it is Jake Sullivan who is talking to the media about how Biden is putting a “final deal” on the table.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Sunday told families of U.S. hostages held in Gaza that President Biden is considering presenting Israel and Hamas a final proposal for a hostage-release and ceasefire in Gaza deal later this week, two sources with direct knowledge of the meeting told Axios.

The murder of six hostages held by Hamas in Gaza increased the sense of urgency among Biden’s top aides to push for an agreement as soon as possible and present Israel and Hamas with a take it or leave it moment, sources said.

Biden is going to meet with his national security team on Monday morning to determine the strategy for the final push regarding the deal, a source familiar with the issue said.

So, what happens when Hamas, as has been their pattern up to this point, “leaves it”? After all, Hamas has been decimated in both fighters and leadership. Yahya Sinwar may literally be the last man in Hamas leadership standing, and he has reportedly asked Israel for a guarantee that he won’t be assassinated, and is allegedly using hostages as human shields.

And what happens when Israel, in their grief and anger, refuses to negotiate further with Hamas?

This reaction is understandable, especially considering that three of the executed hostages were supposed to be involved in the next exchange, according to Axios.

Six hostages who were held in Gaza, including U.S. citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, were murdered by Hamas in recent days, Israeli and U.S. officials said.

Their bodies were recovered by Israeli soldiers on Saturday. The Israeli Ministry of Health said autopsies showed the hostages were shot dead from a short distance.

At least three of the hostages would have been released during the first phase of the possible deal.

Sullivan and President Biden’s top Middle East adviser Brett McGurk held a one-hour Zoom call with family members of the seven U.S. hostages who are still held by Hamas in Gaza.

Two sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said Sullivan and McGurk told the families that they didn’t know if a deal would be concluded but added there was a chance and said they hoped it might happen in as soon as two weeks from now.

What does it mean if Hamas is now executing hostages that they were negotiating to release? Well, they are definitely attempting to stir up the upset factions in Israel. There have been protests against the Netanyahu government by left-wing Israeli groups after the news of the murders.

Hamas itself is pointing the finger at Netanyahu’s insistence on certain parts of a negotiated ceasefire – specifically control of the Philadelphi corridor. Why does Netanyahu want to keep control of that corridor for now? Because the corridor is where so many of the Hamas tunnels leading to EGYPT are located. Those tunnels are Hamas’s lifeline, and if Israel has control of the Philadelphi corridor, then supplies to keep fighting this war can’t keep getting in. Naturally, Hamas is spinning this to their own benefit, even telling Israelis that the corridor is the reason the hostages had to be executed. Wait, what?

Yes, they are really trying to spin it that way. The hostages were all executed by gunshot, and it was totally because Netanyahu wants control of the Philadelphi corridor! Wow, that makes no sense at all!

So here is the Biden administration, ostensibly headed by Joe Biden himself (Kamala Harris is very busy being totally involved and yet not responsible for any final decision, you know), who is offering a “final deal” to Israel and Hamas. And sure, this will be the “final deal,” until the next “final deal,” which will come before the next “final deal.” So long as there are American citizens and Israeli citizens being held hostage, there is no “final deal” that can be done without handing over EVERYONE, not just dead bodies. Hamas had to have known that Hersh Goldberg-Polin was an American citizen. Hamas knows they have other American citizens as prisoners. How has Joe Biden not leaned on Qatar or Egypt to have the American hostages handed over to American custody in the last eleven months???

Just think of how different it would have been if the Biden administration had simply told Israel to finish off Hamas immediately, and not pushed them to delay going into Rafah. These six hostages might have been recovered months ago. We won’t ever know, but no one has benefited from the Biden administration’s insistence on “slow walking” this war. And now administration officials, still pretending that Old Joe is still “sharp as a tack” and totally involved in these negotiation details, say he’s trying to get this deal done.

Hamas will not give up all the hostages, even if they are dead, because they are using them as an emotional insurance policy. Israel is in no mood to negotiate when six hostages were just murdered in cold blood. And Joe Biden is sitting on a beach, vainly pretending that he is still in charge while world events speed on without him.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    I think what Joe actually meant to say was ” Make no mistake,, we will pay hamas leaders for these crimes”.. At least that’d be consistent with his actions.

  • Wfjag says:


    Let’s see . . .

    Hamas has no representatives attending the negotiations and repeats public demands previously rejected,
    and is executing hostages.

    If you’re asleep on a beach or hold up in your DC mansion, and claim to be so busy that you cannot even meet with Gold Star families and get an idea what it means to loose family members to 7th century religious zealots, that passes for deeply engaged in negotiations the are close to a ceasefire – in some blue bubbles.

  • GWB says:

    would have you believe that Joe Biden is SUPER DUPER ENGAGED in the “peace” talks
    Well, if you look at it in the old monarch sense, anyone representing the Biden admin is Biden himself. So, of course he is deeply engaged, as all of the cabal running things are him! It’s something you dirty populist Americans wouldn’t understand. /sniff/

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