Iowa’s Quad City Times Apologizes For Bigoted Cartoon Towards Vivek Ramaswamy

Iowa’s Quad City Times Apologizes For Bigoted Cartoon Towards Vivek Ramaswamy

Iowa’s Quad City Times Apologizes For Bigoted Cartoon Towards Vivek Ramaswamy

The Iowa Quad City Times thought it would be groovy to run a racist and bigoted cartoon about Vivek Ramaswamy. But now they have apologized for letting such an image slip through their editorial process.

When the repulsive cartoon first appeared, the Presidential hopeful took to Twitter to blast the liberal media for pushing such hateful content. He also defended their right to do so. Yes, they have every right to publish this sort of thing, just as the rest of us have a right to call it out for its shameful indecency.

Vivek also explained that since embarking on his campaign to become the Republican Presidental nominee, he has never experienced this type of behavior from conservatives.

It’s sad that this is how the MSM views Republicans. I’ve met with grassroots conservatives across America & never *once* experienced the kind of bigotry that I regularly see from the Left.

Of course, the Quad-City Times has since apologized and taken the cartoon off its website. But should they have? Maybe. Possibly so. If just for the fact it was in poor taste, bigoted, and racist. So yeah. And the freedom of the press clause allows for such things to be published without fear of retribution by the government.

Still, though, it doesn’t excuse the in-poor-taste clause. Vivek has already said he has accepted their apology and has moved on, as he should.

But this doesn’t mean we should overlook how the liberal left behaves regarding their precious diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Joe Biden is notorious for the racist words that come out of his mouth. This is just one of many.

And how can we forget the “you ain’t black” comment from Biden’s basement when he was giving an interview to Charlamagna tha God on his show The Breakfast Club.

The presumptive Democratic nominee’s comment came at the end of an at times tense interview with Charlamagne tha God on “The Breakfast Club.”

A staffer interjected that Biden needed to go, and Charlamagne shot back: “You can’t do that to black media!”

“I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o’clock,” Biden said, referring to his wife Jill Biden apparently needing to use the broadcast studio they’ve built in their basement in Delaware as the coronavirus pandemic has knocked Biden off the campaign trail. Glancing at his watch, Biden said, “uh oh, I’m in trouble.”

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that “we’ve got more questions.”

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

That’s Not All

Or the time he talks about how poor kids are just as bright as white kids. Or how he learned about roaches and learned about kids jumping on his lap when he started recounting his glory days as a lifeguard at a community pool where Corn Pop was a bad dude. Or how he didn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle. And this is just Biden.

There are countless other examples of how the Democrats and liberals are racist. You’ve seen it; read about it from their mainstream state media groups that help push their ugliness. And The Victory Girls also points out the hypocrisy of the races.

It is no surprise that Vivek Ramaswamy handled the cartoon situation with grace. He definitely exudes class, can handle issues with finesse, and is a candidate with sharp and brilliant ideas for bringing America back from being pushed off the cliff. I’m following him closely. I like him.

Feature Image: Cage Skidmore/Flickr/CC by-SA 2.0


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  • Cameron says:

    Given that Democrats still view brown people as their property, this behavior really doesn’t come as a surprise. To them, Vivek is off the plantation and needs to be brought to heel.

    So far I like what I have read of his positions on things. I wish him well.

  • Robin H says:

    If you listen carefully, they always tell us who they are.

  • ROS says:

    You would think the left would decry this bigotry, considering, you know, the veep was birthed by an Indian woman and all. I suppose it doesn’t matter since the cartoon was about an (R).

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