I Hate Pink

I Hate Pink

I Hate Pink

No, seriously, I absolutely loathe pink with the intensity of the fires of a thousand suns.

However, one of the few things I loathe even more than pink is people projecting their insecurities on me and trying to force me into what they consider “appropriate” – such as this SuperKaren in this video in regards to a BABY:

In what universe would a rational, logical human person feel it acceptable to tell a parent they’re dressing their child incorrectly? Anyone? Bueller? Not whatever universe has rocks under which creatures such as she live.

This is obviously in the U.K., which can’t be thought of as America Lite because of people like she who feel it their duty to correct others in their own homes, forcing beliefs and opinions on hapless adults who dared act as though they had the authority to dress their own daughter. Who told them these lies?!?!

At the rate our own country is going with politicians and presidents and pansies trying (and in many cases, succeeding) to force our own daughters to share locker rooms, competitions, achievements, and even social statuses with others, who’s to say the U.S.A. isn’t next? When should we start expecting our lists of rules and regulations regarding dress codes, appropriate phrases, proper and acceptable gender colors other than rainbows, or even pet names?

My first question regarding this beast is this: Why is she paying so much attention to someone else’s child that she knows what this child wears every day? Hilariously, the little girl she’s stalking is wearing a yellow top with pink pants on the video, which throws SuperKaren off her game for just a second, before she sails on in her rant.

Contrary to what some people may think (and preach at campaign stops), it does NOT take a village to raise a child, nor does it take that same village to dress one.

We are now living in a world where narcissists run rampant, where they’re convinced their opinions are superior, where society is doomed if they to not foist those opinions on the lives of others on those people themselves. There’s no more thinking to themselves “Margaret’s hair looks flat today.” Instead, it’s, “Good great spirit, Margaret is going to be shamed and die if she doesn’t do her hair like I think she should right this second!”

We fought wars to not be told what to do or how to live our lives, but it’s come to this, and at the rate the Karens of the world are multiplying, it won’t be too long before we’re told what color condoms to use.

Featured image via Ron Lach on Pexels, cropped, Pexels license

Written by

Obsessively grammatically correct and unapologetically politically incorrect Mom, friend, mad scientist, Papist, and bibliophilic conservative hippie with an internet connection.

  • NTSOG says:

    We do need to re-open some of the institutions as some people clearly need to be under close psychiatric care. Failing institutionalisation a good whack in the face with a large dead fish would serve her right! The fool of a woman obviously knows nothing about little children and their developing mental processes as she projects her [perverted] adult agenda onto the little girl. [Am I allowed to call the child a ‘girl’ or is that now a pejorative term in the eyes on the progressives?]

  • I don’t understand why the guy didn’t simply close the door in her face. He was a lot more polite than I would have been.

    • NTSOG says:

      The father is clearly a tolerant person and may believe that polite logic and reason will be understood by people who are illogical and unreasonable. However, it’s clear that such people, especially those of the ‘progressive’ Left, take the polite tolerance of reasonable people as licence to reach for more and more power and intrusive ‘oversight’ of others and their affairs. Incivility and intrusive, domineering assertion, even aggression are fundamental characteristics of the Left.

  • Jeff A. says:

    God forbid that woman has any authority over another human being. I’d even pity any pets of hers.

  • Marco says:

    In Italy they say: “Quando vai a criticare la vita altrui controlla se a casa tua vivono i Santi-When you go to criticize the life of others, check to see if Saint’s live in your house.”

    In very simple terms, it’s time that these people mind their own business.

    The youth and middle age leftist have become unbearable and they’re only hurting themselves because eventually they’ll come a time when people will take matters into their own hands, especially when it comes to their children and governments or mentally deranged leftists attempt to control them.

  • ROS says:

    You would think politicians actually care about mental illness AND their constituents, but it would appear their only concern is pandering.

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