Hunter Biden And The Crack Congressional Stunt

Hunter Biden And The Crack Congressional Stunt

Hunter Biden And The Crack Congressional Stunt

When last we saw First Son Hunter Biden, he was defying a lawful Congressional Subpoena and giving a press conference on the Senate side of the Capitol, set up by Eric Fartwell. After his self-aggrandizing star turn, he jumped into a blacked-out SUV and took a powder (pun intended). We now know that Crooked Joe Biden was aware that his son was going to defy that subpoena:

The day that Hunter Biden did not appear for the deposition, Jean-Pierre in a press briefing dodged questions about whether he should appear for a subpoena but said the president had some insight ahead of his son’s comments.

“The president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say, and I think what you saw was from the heart from his son,” she said.

Because rules and laws do not apply to Democrats in general and Bidens specifically, Hunter Biden flipped the middle finger at the people and The Constitution of the United States. He showed up to the Congressional Hearing called, TODAY, to determine whether Hunter should be held in contempt for defying a lawful Congressional Subpoena. Now, Hunter and his Attorney Abbe Lowell did not apprise the Oversight or Judiciary Committees that he might grace their presence, but the Secret Service presence and documentary cameras should have given them a clue. You mean that you didn’t know Hunter is making a secret documentary to show his true self? Bah.

The clown show started immediately. Republicans said Hunter was afraid and has no balls. Democrats said that Republican’s mothers were hamsters and that their fathers smelt of elderberries. Who knows? The insults were flying too fast to keep up. And then, Chairman Comer called on the flamethrower Marjorie Taylor Green (not a fan). Hunter, Attorney Lowell and the rest of Hunter’s entourage took a powder (again, pun intended). Some random Democrat said that Hunter walked because Taylor Green displayed “dick” pics of Hunter in a hearing. Wait, she didn’t take the pictures. Hunter and his friends did.

The Comer Committee kept the show going while Hunter and Lowell held court in the hallway. Attorney Lowell, I am sure, instructed Hunter to keep his pie hole shut and let Lowell talk. From the Raw Story:

Hunter Biden walked into the Capitol hallway trailed by reporters, and his attorney Abbe Lowell gave a statement outside the hearing room.

“They issued a subpoena for a behind-closed-doors deposition, a tactic that the Republicans have repeatedly misused in their political crusade to selective leak and mischaracterize what witnesses have said,” Lowell said.

“Last fall [Oversight] chairman [James] Comer made an explicit offer that people like Hunter and — give him the option to attend a deposition or a public hearing, whichever they chose. Hunter chose a hearing where Republicans could not distort, manipulate, or misuse that testimony.”

“Honor and then ignoring that invitation and proving once again that they cared little about the truth and wanted only to, quote, ‘move the needle of political support,’ which was a quote chairman Comer confessed was his true purpose,” Lowell added. “The Republican chairs today then are commandeering an unprecedented resolution to hold someone in contempt who has offered to publicly answer all their proper questions. The question there is what are they afraid of?”

The hallway news conference then ended, and reporters shouted questions to Hunter Biden and his attorney as they headed toward the exit.

Abbe Lowell, a longtime Democrat consigliere, made a valiant effort, but Hunter doesn’t roll quietly. Nobody is going to put Hunter in the corner. From Whiskey Riff:

The president’s embattled son is also facing criminal charges on two tax cases.
Of course Hunter has faced very public scrutiny over his past, admitting that he’s struggled with drug addiction and fathered a child with a stripper that he met in Washington, D.C. And he’s also been forced to deal with the fallout of the contents of his laptop, which include both embarrassing pictures and troubling emails.

So when Hunter arrived in Congress today, a reporter got straight to the point while the president’s son was surrounded by press ahead of the hearings:

“What kind of crack do you normally smoke Mr. Biden?”

Naturally, he didn’t answer.

Then Hillary Vaughn got him to talk, which he desperately wanted to do:

Fox News hosts later said that Hunter wasn’t calling Hillary dangerous, someone else almost fell and he was talking to that person. I am not convince.

The Biden Circus continues apace.

Featured Composite: Center for Strategic & International Studies/Wikimedia Commons/cropped/Creative Commons 3.0/Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Wikimedia Commons/cropped/Public Domain

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