‘hopenhagen 2009’

‘hopenhagen 2009’

40,000 tons of those dastardly carbon immissions will be spewed forth by the hypocritical blowhards in copenhagen this week — all in an effort to save us from ourselves. that is more CO2 than 60 countries do in an entire year, combined.


and as if on cue, in a delicious moment of irony the usa is experiencing ridiculously cold temperatures across the country including here in the pacific northwest. brrrr!

what a cabal.

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  • David says:

    …and, this just in… the EPA has ruled (like some sort of royal decree, it feels like) that CO2 is a harmful element in need of regulation by the FEDS. Surprise, surprise. Everyone learn how to hold your exhaled breath, now… for the rest of your life! …AND this, under the pall of the recent climate email-gate, even??

    Even if congress doesn’t pass the Tax and Cap legislation, Cass Sunstein – the Obama ‘regulation Czar’ – will now have EPA license to REGULATE the s**t out of nearly EVERYTHING because of this dictate by the EPA, since so much is connected to energy by way of production, shipping, use – you name it.

    It’s even stated in this article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34311724/ns/us_news-environment/ that “the Obama administration is prepared to contain global warming without congressional action if necessary.” Hmmmm, without congressional action, eh? Ya, let’s just jump over the elected representatives… That’s VERY American. NOT.

    How disconnected are these bozos?!

  • Jim says:

    Truth is like cream, it always rises to the top. Thank God the emails were hacked and released to show what a phoney bunch of hypocrital liars the Global Warming, er, Climate Change elites really are. May they all choke on their Coq au Vin.

    Well, I’m off today with little precious time to help my wife decorate our home for Christmas, but tomorrow I go back to work to support the masses (Thanks Obama!). An ungrateful lot, the masses. I’ve yet to get a thank you note from anyone of them that benefit from the fruits of my labor.

  • Marsha says:

    I believe in global warming but only as a cyclical event. I do not buy in to the Al Gore hack-version or the so called experts in Anglia sure do not instill any sort of confidence. How leave climate science articles to scientists who can demonstrate at least a minimal degree of integrity and respect for the process of science?

    Welcome back Kate. Hope you had fun!! Missed ya.

  • David says:

    I agree, Marsha. I am open to the possibility that the earth is ‘warming’ – just like I’m open to the evidence that the earth cooled in the Middle Ages and caused what is known as ‘the little ice age’. I also believe that things were pretty toasty during the time of dinosaurs and all that abundant greenery. i.e. it’s cyclic.

    Given the cloaking of sources of information; given the attempts to hide information; given the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to be earned by individuals & companies and to be spent or taxed by governments, etc., etc., etc. (on and on and on) I do NOT believe that “man made global warming” is real. OR, that we can do anything to change it in ANY significant way.

    I mean, suggestions that even if we basically went back to living like pre-1800’s and confiscated ALL money from ALL Americans to put it toward ‘fixing’ the ‘carbon problem’ it STILL WOULDN’T change the outcome more than, like, a fraction of a single degree?? That’s way too much faith, in way to little fact, for WAY too much money, for WAY too little ‘return’, while affecting WAY too many people’s lives – i.e. everyone on earth.

    It reminds me of a good sentence I saw on a blog recently, and I quote: “leave it to the Democrats to institute a tax to change the weather”.

  • micky says:

    This whole scam is more about power than it is about anything else.
    Sure, its a big cash cow for any corporation jumping on the green wagon but the main threat is the governments use of fake weather that will lead to us being a socialist state.
    David, take Cass Sunstein for example. How convenient that this czar is a big time radical environmentalist in favor of population control, banning hunting which would result in attacks on the 2nd amendment, giving animals the right to an attorney, organ donation would become the default stance, you’d have to specify that you “DONT” want your organs donated.
    Pretty soon were going to be told what to eat, wear, where to live, in what kind of house, what to drive, how many kids/pets you can have, not to breath too hard.

  • Ken says:

    The best part is how the media has spent more time covering Tiger Woods than Climategate. I love how the left’s opinion is that none of this matters. E-mails that show that the “global warming” issue is one of the biggest scams perpetrated against the people of the world, and the left doesn’t care.

    No big surprise there. Gore has made millions of dollars off of the dolts on the left and will probably continue to do so.

    Let the Kool aid flow, democrats!!!

  • Scarlett says:

    Just for the record, Tiger Woods is a cheating snake just like most men. They can’t keep their pants on for anything.

    As far as climate change issues, the President knows how important this is to his base and those of us who worked tirelessly for his election. This is why he changed his plans to show up for the more important parts of the summit. For those of you who are skeptics, you really should expand your educations and try to catch up – it’s the 21st century after all. Just because a few stupids got caught trying to further the need by embellishing work that didn’t need it, doesn’t discredit it all. You guys are full of lies and misinformation on this as in everything else.

  • Ginny's_Mom says:

    Everyone wants to take care of the planet Scarlett. But man-made Global Warming, oh excuse me, Climate Change is just an Al Gore machination that has made him very, very rich.

    Maybe since you feel you have all the answers though, you can explain to me why Al Gore, who was a bloated, sanctimonious blowhard politician (who couldn’t even win his home state in a presidential election) is an expert on ANYTHING..much less a complex scientific topic like er, Climate Change?

  • Pop says:

    Let’s see now…1,200 limousines, 140 private jets, free sex from the Denmark working class, caviar wedges, untold expense account binges and 41,000 tons of CO2, all compliments of the selflessly environmentally-conscious, taxpayer-funded keepers of our beloved planet, Mother Earth.

    Is there a global crisis on climate change? Maybe those who doubt it, like me, would be more inclined to agree if all the so-called alarmists like ALBORE and his ilk began acting like there’s one looming instead of like crazed sailors on shore leave after months at sea.

  • Guam says:

    When Global Warming experts get caught manipulating data and lying to the worldwide public to further their position, their thinking, their “cause”, you have to ask your self the inevitable question… If they are lying about this and keeping the real truth from the public, then just what else are they lying to us about? There is always “more”. And this is not a small thing. The ramifications made by the countries at the Climate Change summit, both politically and economically, are huge and will affect us all.

    Al Gore has a long history of being a hack global warming aficionado. He aligned himself with them globally decades ago. But it was not until after he was skunked in the election that he used that quack science to re-invent himself and the left who so hated GWB, fell for hook line and sinker.

    The Global Warming community has been full of inconsistencies and hypocrisies from Day 1. None of their top-tier “Scientists” will ever debate the issue with top-tier “Skeptics”. They also use strong arm techniques to silence those in the field who refute their findings. It is not unheard of for Climatologists and others at that level to be removed from their positions because they “refuse to believe the science”.

  • Guam says:

    By the way, on the whole issue of Climate Change.. never have so many been fooled by so few.

  • Ken says:

    “By the way, on the whole issue of Climate Change.. never have so many been fooled by so few.”

    Well said! I think that should be the motto for the fear mongering, global warming mongrels.

    “You guys are full of lies and misinformation on this as in everything else.”

    That’s it Scarlett, deny, deny, deny!!!! Just because the scientists involved were caught lying and destroying data, doesn’t mean anything, right?

    It is mind boggling how increcible ignorant and flat out stupid the left is when it comes to this subject.

  • Gina says:

    More people in America believe in Angels then in Global Warming. Just an interesting stat to throw into the mix…

  • David says:

    “You guys are full of lies and misinformation on this as in everything else.”

    That’s it Scarlett, deny, deny, deny!!!! Just because the scientists involved were caught lying and destroying data, doesn’t mean anything, right?

    It is mind boggling how increcible ignorant and flat out stupid the left is when it comes to this subject.


    Absolutely, ken. I mean, this is the DEFINITION of the ol’ saying, “swim up and bite you on the ass”. This FACT of LYING became known by revealing these emails by a whistle-blower and they STILL put their heads in the sand; and their faith in nothingness. Apparently NOTHING will change the minds of the Left. NO MATTER WHAT gets revealed about this “science”.

  • micky says:

    “Just for the record, Tiger Woods is a cheating snake just like most men. They can’t keep their pants on for anything.”

    I’d take my pants and run if you were anywhere around.

    “More people in America believe in Angels then in Global Warming. Just an interesting stat to throw into the mix…”

    Believing in angels got me a lot further than global warming did.
    Angels are presented as being a spiritual entity, it does not hide behind the premise that its of any physical threat.

  • David says:

    Here’s the latest “leadership” faux pas by our “leader”:



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