History Lesson: Jill Biden Goes Full Edith Wilson Plus

History Lesson: Jill Biden Goes Full Edith Wilson Plus

History Lesson: Jill Biden Goes Full Edith Wilson Plus

Not only do we as humans not learn from history, we don’t process what is right in front of our eyes. Remember this?

Unlike President Woodrow Wilson (the worst) and his First Lady Edith Wilson, Joe Biden and DOCTOR Jill Biden have been right out front with Jill running the day-to-day operations of the White House, including a cabinet meeting, and foreign policy. Well foreign policy that involves travel. When the foreign Heads of State come here, and DOCTOR Jill has an event at the White House, Joe has to get gone. From our Deanna’s piece:

Later in the day, Joe got shuffled off to his happy place – Delaware, where he’s supposed to be meeting with the leaders of Australia, Japan, and India for a “weekend summit” – which meant he was conveniently out of the way so Jill could party with Hollywood actors.

The Heads of States of Japan, India and Australia met with the ostensible President of the United States at his Delaware high school:

The president, who has admitted to an uneven track record as a scholar, also seemed tickled to get to host a gathering with three world leaders at the school he attended more than 60 years ago. He welcomed each of the leaders individually for one-on-one talks at his nearby home before they gathered at the school for talks and a formal dinner.

AT JOE’S HIGH SCHOOL???!!! How mid-pedestrian. The ever-insightful Miranda Devine wrote:

It’s easy to forget because he’s usually invisible, but we still have Joe Biden as president for four months.

That’s a scary prospect considering his obvious cognitive decline. He’s spent almost half his presidency goofing off and being shielded from scrutiny, but the situation is rapidly getting worse.

The fate of the free world should not be left in the hands of a man who can’t remember where he is or what he’s meant to be doing at any given moment.

On Saturday, for instance, he made the prime ministers of India, Japan and Australia shlep to Wilmington, Del., for the annual meeting of the Quad, a partnership designed to keep an increasingly aggressive China in check.

In public remarks livestreamed by the White House, the president forgot that he was supposed to introduce Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Who am I introducing next?” Biden asked the crowd.

First, DOCTOR Jill made the politicians schlep to Delaware, while the television actors got the White House.

Secondly, who could miss the old man yelling:

Fortunately for Edith Wilson, Woodrow Wilson was bedridden. Unfortunately for DOCTOR Jill, Joe is not. The palace scribes have been loyal and dutiful. They have kept their mouths closed and their quills silent.

Edith Wilson didn’t have to deal with Deep Fake Social Media, but neither did she get to have her TV heroes over. Watch this:

Does Jill know that The West Wing was a fictional show with a huge writing staff? The West Wing is not a historical record. Jill made me think of the movie Galaxy Quest where the Thermians think that actor “Jason Nesmith” is imbued with the heroic characteristics of Commander Peter Quincy Taggart. The Thermians were sort of the White House staff:

As to Jill modeling Edith Wilson, the Deep State is far more dug in now. They run the government according to their own agenda and DOCTOR Jill just has to be camera ready and know her lines. American Greatness reinforces this point:

Biden’s unusually intense reliance on his wife as a cognitive enhancement and an image protector is as inarguable as it is provocative. According to an NBC News profile, she is known in the White House as “the Decider,” and she wields “unparalleled influence.” “She is,” the profile continues, “her husband’s foremost defender. She guards his interests and dignity….Her input is essential in some of the weightiest political and personnel decisions the 46th president confronts.” She is to Biden what the left used to claim Dick Cheney was to George W. Bush, i.e., the power behind the throne.

All of this has drawn comparisons between Jill Biden and another uniquely powerful First Lady, Edith Wilson.

Some historians consider Edith Wilson the nation’s “first woman president”—and not without cause. When her husband, the execrable Woodrow Wilson, suffered a debilitating stroke on October 2, 1919, Mrs. Wilson essentially took over running the White House and, by extension, the entire executive branch. She screened all government business brought to the Oval Office. She handled all serious matters. Because he was left unable to write his name, she forged his signature on official documents. Most notably, Edith Wilson guarded her husband’s “interests and dignity” by keeping his infirmity secret from the public. As William Hazelgrove noted in his 2016 biography of her, Madam President: The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson, “her Oval Office authority was acknowledged in Washington circles at the time—one senator called her “the presidentress who had fulfilled the dream of suffragettes by changing her title from First Lady to Acting First Man.”

We are so modern and we have come so far. Not. Over 100 years later and nothing has changed…because we didn’t learn history.

Original Artwork: Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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