Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Versus Antony Blinken

Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Versus Antony Blinken

Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Versus Antony Blinken

Hezbollah has officially entered the Chat. In a speech lasting close to 90 minutes, the Secretary General of the Lebanese Shia Islamist party didn’t get as fiery as he could have, but he still made little Antony Blinken, Biden’s Secretary of State look like the feckless loafer wearer that he is. And, Nasrallah put the whole blame for the current situation on America, not on Hamas butchering innocents. Neville Chamberlain would be proud of Feckless Blinken.

Hezbollah first started unloading munitions into Northern Israel on October 8, the morning after the Hamas attack. Being as how they are Hezbollah, it doesn’t meaning anything unless they say it does and they can change their minds on what it means, especially if they are talking to infidels. That’s you and me, Boo Boo.

Feckless Blinken covered all of his bases. We almost kind, sorta, stand four-square mostly behind Israel. He’s having it all ways. From the Daily News:

“We stand strongly for the proposition that Israel has not only the right but the obligation to defend itself and to do everything possible to make sure that this, October 7, can never happen again,” he said.

“How Israel does this matters. And it is very important that when it comes to the protection of civilians who are caught in the crossfire of Hamas’ making, that everything be done to protect them and to bring assistance to those who so desperately need it, and were not in any way responsible for what happened on October 7. So we’re working on all of that together.”

We are totally for Israel as long as everyone has full bellies and no one gets on owie. The Feckless Blinken corollary to that is that Hamas is free to hold on to all of the guests hostages ripped from their homes on the morning of October 7. The United States will still keep sending aid and pallets of cash to Gaza, Lebanon, Qatar, Iran, Syria and Turkey.

With the fear that I will be called a Hezbollah-lover, at least Hasan Nasrallah sounds like he has the courage of his convictions. Nasrallah admitted that Hezbollah and Lebanon did not have any say in the timing of the Hamas attack, but they are fully in it since October 8. Their short term goal is to keep the Israeli Defense Force busy on two fronts. Nasrallah’s speech has been eagerly awaited by many people in the region as you can see in the video below:

France is reporting this better than the legacy media here. Unbelievable.

Operation Al Aqsa Flood is the name of the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023.

It’s kind of like “Depends upon what the meaning of “is” is, right. From the Wall Street Journal, here are some key takeaways from Nasrallah’s speech:

-It isn’t yet time for a wider, regional war: “For those who say that Hezbollah should start a war in the entire region, I say wait. These are the beginnings.”

-Hezbollah had no advance knowledge of Oct. 7 attacks: The decision “was 100% Palestinian and it was this specific utmost secrecy which made it so successful.”

-Arab and Muslim states must enforce the diplomatic and economic isolation of Israel: ““It is not enough to just issue statements.”

-Israel can’t eliminate Hamas: “One of the biggest mistakes that Israel is making right now is setting goals that it cannot achieve, such as eliminating Hamas and the power of Hezbollah.”

-There should be a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip: “The Arab and Islamic nations must at the very least make an effort to achieve a cease-fire, even if some of them do not want to fight or sacrifice anything.”

Cease-fire or pause, Nasrallah isn’t anymore worried about returning the hostages than Joe Biden or the State Department. It is conflicting and complicated.

Finally, the IntelDrop has a warning for us and we should harden everything we can, especially our border:

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah delivered his first speech since the start of the Gaza-Israel war, in which he blamed the US government for the conflict in the occupied Palestinian territories.

“Washington is entirely responsible for the war in Gaza, while Israel is merely a tool. The US is preventing the condemnation of Israel at the UN Security Council and a ceasefire in Gaza,” Nasrallah said on 3 November.

The Lebanese resistance leader declared “Hezbollah is not intimidated” by the deployment of nearly a dozen US warships to the Eastern Mediterranean. “Your fleets do not scare us, nor have they ever, and we are all set for them,” Nasrallah stressed.

We must wake up.

Featured Composite: Zeinab Mohamed/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons/Department of State/Wikimedia.org/cropped/Public Domain

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