Harley-Davidson Desirable Again After Ditching DEI Practices

Harley-Davidson Desirable Again After Ditching DEI Practices

Harley-Davidson Desirable Again After Ditching DEI Practices

Another corporation has ditched its forced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive (DEI) policies. This time, the corporation we speak of is the world’s most desirable motorcycle brand: Harley-Davidson.

Harley-Davidson isn’t the first corporation dismissing its DEI policies due to customer pressure. And they won’t be the last if we want to take America back from the clutches of Obama’s social justice recruits.

Harley-Davidson released a statement Monday renouncing DEI and other controversial company initiatives in the wake of social media outrage and withering pressure from longtime loyal bikers.

“It is critical to our business that we hire and retain the best talent and that all employees feel welcome,” the statement reads. “That said, we have not operated a DEI function since April 2024, and we do not have a DEI function today. We do not have hiring quotas and we no longer have supplier diversity spend goals.”

The statement also said Harley-Davidson was reassessing employee training initiatives and sponsorships while refocusing on its most loyal customers. – New York Post

So why are American companies going woke anyway?

ESG credit ratings. Now, ESG didn’t start off all that bad 20 years ago, and its original intent was to track the performance of companies in the stock market. If you want to invest money in companies, you might want to know more about them?

Now, in the present day, social activists have entered. They have their hands on everything. Thanks, Obama. He did say he wanted to fundamentally transform America, and he told that to our face. And since an angry old man couldn’t complete the job, the Democrats have installed one who might be able to finish off America. Her name is Kamala.

The video I am providing is 2 years old, but James Lindsay breaks it down in layman’s terms.

Once again, we should thank Elon Musk for first shining the light on this ESG scam in 2022.

But Carol, ESG isn’t very sexy regarding conservative activism. Conservatives may not have an activism game like the liberals do, but we have Robby Starbuck. He’s been all over social media exposing the DEI policies of some high-profile American corporations.

Mr. Starbuck successfully exposed Tractor Supply and John Deere’s DEI practices. Through his research and activism, he activated customer pressure to stop the madness.

Robby believes the majority of people do not want this DEI crap woven into businesses. Still, we remain quiet and allow a small percentage to get their way to push their particular agenda.

Mr. Starbuck also claims he is simply a megaphone for the people, amplifying the voices of honest, hardworking Americans who want good products without group identity politics.

He wants corporations to stop playing identity politics with their products. Corporations shouldn’t be liberal or conservative. They should do the right thing and be neutral, focusing on making a good product.

Who is Robby Starbuck?

If you don’t know who Robby Starbuck is, allow me to introduce you to him really quickly.

Robby Starbuck is an American conservative activist and former music video director. He ran in the 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in Tennessee as a write-in candidate and was defeated. As an activist, he campaigned against companies popular with conservatives, such as Tractor Supply, John Deere, and Harley-Davidson, because of their DEI initiatives. – Wikipedia

I’ve followed him for a while and watched him grow into this activist role. I admit I was astonished that he was going after seemingly conservative corporations. But it needs to be done. It is part of taking America back.

Some corporations, like Disney (ESPN), are probably lost forever, which may be why Robby Starbuck has focused on rural American businesses like Tractor Supply and John Deere. Hopefully, this will cause other companies to sit up and take notice. Will it cause other corporations to ditch their DEI policies? And how long will it be before we see the left going after Mr. Starbuck?

Perhaps the Bud Light debacle inspired Mr. Starbuck to pick up and run with the ball. I am only speculating. Whatever the reason he started, it gives me hope that we can take doable action like this to save America. I wonder what corporation is next.

Feature Image: Pexels/Man Sitting on a Haley-Davidson/Free To Use

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1 Comment
  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:

    Nope. Not desirable. They haven’t fired the people who implemented DEI, and they haven’t fired the people who hired the people who did that. Therefore, the disease that means quality means nothing to HD still is alive and well.

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