Hamas Terrorists Rewarded With “Pay For Slay” Funds From Palestine

Hamas Terrorists Rewarded With “Pay For Slay” Funds From Palestine

Hamas Terrorists Rewarded With “Pay For Slay” Funds From Palestine

Hamas terrorists and/or their families are getting paid handsomely for their actions. Palestine’s “pay for slay” reward system is in full effect.

Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a “Martyr” whose family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life.

This means each family of the 1,500 dead Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel will receive 7,400 shekels for this first month. Families of those terrorists who were married and had children will receive even more. The PA will pay at least 11,100,000 shekels ($2,789,430) this month as a reward for participating in last week’s murders and atrocities against Israeli civilians.

In addition, the 50 captured Hamas terrorist murderers will receive monthly salaries in prison starting at 1,400 shekels/month which will eventually rise to 12,000 shekels/month. Terrorists who are married and have children will receive even higher salaries. This month these newly arrested terrorists will receive at least 70,000 shekels ($17,590).

Therefore, everyone who went into Israel on October 7 and slaughtered men, women, and children gets a handsome payout. Not only that, but they or their families will get monthly payments for the rest of their lives. Terrorism does indeed pay!

One has to wonder where all this lovely money is coming from. Hellooooo… Iran! 

Oh, and let’s not forget that the Biden Administration turned the spigot back on to the tune of $300 million + in the last two years. 

The $316 million in support the White House announced Thursday night is an effort to do both of those things.

A $201 million chunk is for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, known as UNRWA, which provides refugee services in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan and more. Trump ended the decades-long assistance in 2018, which critics at the time argued was decided to place pressure on Palestinians to reach a peace deal with Israelis. The move blew a budgetary hole in the agency as the U.S. accounts for about 30 percent of its funding. But with this new aid, the Biden administration ups its total provided to $618 million since the start of 2021.

Oh, it all went to “humanitarian aid.” REALLY? Are we sure about that given the “pay for slay” program in place? And yes, it’s a very valid program, and part of Palestinian law. 

The PA payment of salaries to the imprisoned terrorists and to the families of the dead terrorists is anchored in a series of Palestinian laws and government decrees, chiefly Laws No. 14 and No. 19 of 2004, and Law No. 1 of 2013 (see Appendix 5). These laws describe the prisoners as “a fighting sector and an integral part of the weave of Arab Palestinian society” and proclaim that “the financial rights of the prisoner and his family” must be assured. They also state that the PA will provide the allowance to “every prisoner, without discrimination.” According to the laws, the PA must provide prisoners with a monthly allowance during their incarceration and salaries or jobs upon their release. They are also entitled to exemptions from payments for education, health care, and professional training.

Wow. “Pay for Slay” is extremely lucrative!

Biden is in Israel right now, stumbling all over himself. 

Oh goody. Open the gates as it were and start sending supplies and people into Gaza. That’s ok, Hamas has been warned. 

“Israel agreed the humanitarian assistance can begin to move from Egypt to Gaza. Let me be clear: if Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, it will have demonstrated once again it has no regard for the welfare of the Palestinian people and it will end.”

Given how financially beneficial it is for Hamas terrorists to go after Israeli citizens, what is to stop them from taking the opportunity to run an attack on the humanitarian aid convoys??


Not one damned thing. Especially when they are financially rewarded for their actions. 

The media and Democrat politicians went absolutely nuts when Hamas spread the news that a hospital was  supposedly hit by an Israeli rocket yesterday, except…

It was an errant Hamas rocket from one of their barrages launched into Israel that landed in the parking lot. If anyone was killed there …do THEIR families get a payout as well?

Quite frankly, the money spigots needs to be shut off to Palestine, permanently. That is one of the only ways this abhorrent “Pay For Slay” scheme can be stopped. 

Feature Photo Credit: Cash money via Flickr, cropped and modified

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1 Comment
  • therealguyfaux says:

    Hopefully readers won’t consider this to be in too bad taste, but I’m reminded of a Tammany Hall politician of the beginning of the 20th C. named George W. Plunkitt. He basically defined “honest graft” as, voting for what you’d vote for anyway, but looking to make a few simoleons on the deal, and that he was all in favor of that sort of thing.

    So the question is, are Hamas simply doing what they would do anyway and just looking to make a little cash doing it?

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