Greg Gutfeld “King of Late Night” And Certain Deplorable Type People

Greg Gutfeld “King of Late Night” And Certain Deplorable Type People

Greg Gutfeld “King of Late Night” And Certain Deplorable Type People

Greg Gutfeld has found success with his late night show Gutfeld! and is getting two Super Bowl ads tonight. Lizz Winstead, a Daily Show co-creator says Gutfeld viewers are a certain type of Deplorable. Mayhap Miss Winstead is a little jelly that Mr. Gutfeld and his show are actually funny. Let’s talk about this.

The Williams’ Family have been big fans of Greg Gutfeld since the Red Eye days. His wit is dry cynical and pulls no punches. He is definitely more Libertarian than Conservative. Plus, he loves and remembers the late Andrew Breitbart and we are forever grateful. The Gutfeld! cast members are hysterically funny: Kat Timpf, Tyrus, Tom Shillue, and Julie Banderas, among others. They will gore anyone’s ox for a laugh and there is no comparison to the legacy media’s politically correct late night shows.

Fox News Channel has declared Greg Gutfeld the new “King of Late Night” and has two ad buys (:10 and :15 second ads) in Super Bowl LVII tonight, which means the marketing people at Fox believe that some of the approximately 100 million viewers are potential Gutfeld! viewers. Depends on the ads. Although we don’t have a clean ad yet, we do have this from The Hollywood Reporter:

A Youtube content creator, Kat Abu, thinks Greg Gutfeld is all cringe and not the King of Late Night. She also thinks Johnny Joey Jones, Hero of the Republic, got his name from an AI name generator. She is a laugh riot and not cringe at all. Even more cringe is Lizz Winstead, a co-creator of the Late Night Show. According to Mediaite:

Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead doesn’t think Greg Gutfeld is the “new king of late night comedy” as an upcoming Super Bowl ad suggests, but instead crowned the Fox News host as the king of the “shitty fucking people” watching his show.
Gutfeld! has been a ratings winner for Fox News, the ratings often outpacing traditional late night shows from the likes of Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and Jimmy Fallon.


Winstead acknowledged Gutfeld’s success too, although she came down much harder on the comedian, as well as podcaster Joe Rogan.
“He ain’t funny to me, but we see that there’s an audience out there for shit like that, there’s an audience out there for shit like Joe Rogan, there’s an audience out there of fucking shitty people. 70 million people voted for Trump,” she said. “Like Fox News, those people are going to laugh at shit we think is fucked up. The bottom line is do I want them as my audience? No. I would never want to go on that show. It would never benefit me in any way.”
Winstead even blasted Gutfeld’s act as “gross.”
“He makes jokes about shit that I care about, which is gross. I think that whole situation’s gross,” she said.

Those of us who collect insults can add “fucking shitty people” to our bitter, clinging, deplorable smelly, Walmart shoppers list. Some of us wear these appellations as a badge of honor. We are over here living our lives not hurting anyone and faux elitist types feel the need to insult us. Kewl. Lizz Winstead’s Twitter handle is “Insufferable Wench. So brave. So stunning. She is definitely insufferably banal. Usually, though, when I think of “wenches”, the picture in my head is under, say, 40.

Sarah Silverman is on the left, Lizz Winstead is on the right. Here is Lizz Winstead’s take on Roseanne Barr:

Lizz Winstead is pure jelly. That’s all it could possibly be. I think Roseanne Barr is funny and I love Greg Gutfeld! Can’t wait to see the Super Bowl commercials tonight for the new King of Late Night. I am especially looking forward to Tyrus is chainmail.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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  • Ampleforth says:

    Love that Jimmy Gutfeld guy. Him and Cyrus and Cat Temp.

  • Robin H says:

    I love Greg! I wore the deplorable label proudly. It’s funny that Greg can be so good without using any cursing. If you took that away from the left they wouldn’t be able to talk at all.

  • Kevin says:

    I’m going to reference Gutfeld and then move on to a broader issue that relates back to Gutfeld and then come back to Gutfeld.

    Not surprisingly to Victory Girls, I don’t care for Gutfeld. I watch the first 30 minutes of Bret Baier’s newscast and then move over to ABC with David Muir. (I always laugh how the first two stories are always … A L W A Y S … Hunter Biden and Biden’s removal of top secret documents.) Occasionally, I turn it over to Fox for the last few minutes of “The Five” so that’s my limited experience with Gutfeld. I find his communication style flippant and sarcastic but more caustic (sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way). I say flippant more because of his irreverent, dismissive and uninterested body language; kind of like Vladimir Putin. Ever notice how Putin sits when in the presence of a US President (open legs, slouched, gaze wandering about; never on the President). That’s how I perceive Gutfeld. And caustic, because his sarcasm is biting to the point of being cruel. There’s a fine line between sarcastic humor and just being cruel. Gutfeld crosses that line often.

    Now, on to my main point. I understand that my viewpoint taints my perspective and that’s the lens I view the world. I get it. I’ve worked in social services for a thousand years and have learned everyone has a perspective that can be 180 degrees different than mine even though we see the same thing, read the same information, or hear the exact same exchange. I get it. Victory Girls doesn’t. Their view is so one-sided, myopic, and biased that they couldn’t write a blog to save their life providing a balanced, introspective approach. The blog posts are filled with one-sided perspectives, falsehoods and outright lies in an attempt to make their point.

    Case in point … Donald Trump. After everything he’s done and the people close to him who have been complicit in his behavior, have been held accountable yet he slithers away and Victory Girls and their readers swoons over the slime trail he leaves behind. January 6th … how many people have now been convicted and sentenced because of him? Employees … how many “right hand employees” (chief financial officer Weisselberg, former personal attorney Cohen, former attorney Bobb who signed affidavit all confidential records were returned … and the list goes on and on)? The big lie … TFG’s (the F*%king Genius’s) own research arm found no election malfeasants. Zero. Zilch.

    TFG’s (the F*%king Genius’s) supporters, including VG’s, are blinded by their myopic perspective even though the well documented lies (on top of lies, on top of lies, on top of lies) spewed by him. VG’s are unable to see the abuse he has inflicted on them; like an abusive spouse. They still shower money on him, give him credit (for God only knows what), and support his lies (silence is support whether you like it or not). The Big Lie keeps on living because of him and the good thing about “the Big Lie” … most people know it’s fake so when a candidate espouses “election fraud”, they have an uphill battle to win the general election. The Big Lie also suppresses the vote … not necessary for democrats but for the imbeciles that support TFG because they think the ballot boxes are stuffed so why bother voting. Thank you to the TFG for that one.

    So there’s my broader comment about Gutfeld … How one person can see him as hilarious and spot on and how someone else can see him as a vile, revolting troll whose every breath is too high a cost for his presence on this planet.

    NOTE FOR THE CONSERVATIVE TROLLS: I don’t have “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Every day TFG (the F&%king Genius) wants, desires, fights to be in the top three stories of the news. He puts himself out there daily spewing shit. Here’s when “Derangement Syndrome” comes in … when VG’s writes a scathing blog about Barrack or Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, et. al. when they make news once every few months about some venture they’re undertaking and then the VG trolls come out in force. The day TFG (the F&%king Genius) takes his last breath and is no longer a daily/minute-by-minute news story (which is what he craves) will be the day his name will forever leave my vocabulary.

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