Good Question – Why Is Joe Biden Running?

Good Question – Why Is Joe Biden Running?

Good Question – Why Is Joe Biden Running?

The Wall Street Journal queries “Why is Joe Biden running?” Victory Girls thinks that’s a darn good question. Like most of the legacy media the Journal nibbles around the edges but never gets down to the real nitty gritty. There is a truth that even Democrats know, but won’t acknowledge. Joe is a puppet for the Deep State/Leviathan and he is convenient. Even the Dems know. Why not say it aloud?

The title and subtitle of the article, “Why Is Biden Running? Too late, the media begins asking whether Joe is throwing the country under a bus,” treats us all as if we sprouted fully grown out of the pumpkin patch with no experience of the last three years or, for some of us, hadn’t been around for Joe as Senator or Veep. Joe has been throwing the country under the bus his entire career.

Remember when Barack Obama was talking about his wish for a third term?

Why not Joe for a fourth term? Barack can’t run again, as himself. Michelle O. likes her life too much. She tolerated Barack and White people for decades. She has earned this pay off.

Kamala is unlikeable. Gavin Newsom is oily. Kathy Hochul is stupid. The rest of the Democrats in any elected position couldn’t win if they were the only one running. Joe Biden is the only choice and DOCTOR Jill is a very willing accomplice.

The Democrats dragged Sleepy Joe’s carcass over the finish line once. No election safeguards have been put in place so why couldn’t they drag him again. The Wall Street Journal wrote:

This doesn’t mean Mr. Biden isn’t still a decent bet to win. That’s how unpopular and untrusted his opponent is. So, here we are, Democrats, if you like living dangerously; if you like making sport of the election; if you seek a possible cliff-hanger in the Electoral College or even a hung election in the House if enough disgruntled voters opt for a third party.

Almost any outcome is likely to be contested; norm violations will be rampant on both sides—Mr. Biden skipping the debates, his prosecutors trying to put Mr. Trump in jail, Mr. Trump using the courtroom as his campaign stump to delegitimize the legal system.

Donald Trump takes incoming every day from the legacy media. Is it any wonder he is “unpopular and untrusted”? The Democrats violated State Constitutions and changed election protocols, scared people with the plandemic and as admitted in Time Magazine “fortified the election”.

And, don’t get me started on that last line in the paragraph: Almost any outcome is likely to be contested; norm violations will be rampant on both sides—Mr. Biden skipping the debates, his prosecutors trying to put Mr. Trump in jail, Mr. Trump using the courtroom as his campaign stump to delegitimize the legal system.

Are you effing kidding me with this “both sides”. No. Mr. Trump uses the courtroom as his campaign stump not to delegitimize the legal system, dolt. He didn’t put himself in the courtroom. Gah, these people are limited in their intellectual capacity.

Apparently 70% of Democrat voters didn’t want Biden to run again, so the Journal wrote this:

If Mr. Biden heeded the wishes of apparently 70% of voters, not only would he be freer now to take some steps vis-à-vis Iran and others that might be good for the country.

Oh puh-leeze. When offered choices, Joe only takes the wrong ones.

Joe gets out and flaps his gums. He doesn’t make decisions. His keepers make the decisions. Barack Obama and the Marxists he installed have not finished taking a sledgehammer to The Constitution. They are going to get Joe a fourth term. That is, unless something extraordinary happens. They are saving muh democracy. Pffft.

There’s your answers. You are welcome.

Featured Image: Original Artwork by Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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  • Cameron says:

    Gah, these people are limited in their intellectual capacity.

    I think it’s more accurate to say that their feelings are far more important than intellect.

  • draigh says:

    To answer the question, “Who else do they have?” Newsome? His record kills that. Kamala? Don’t make me laugh! Michelle? Where’s the beef? Mayor Pete? He can’t make the trains run on time. Maybe Joe Manchin, but that makes too much sense.

  • Doug Kelley says:

    Because he’s too much of an egomaniacal psychopath to not run. Then again, your question can be asked of anyone running for president.

  • Lloyd says:

    Puppets with many strings are easily controlled by those who are out of sight!

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