George Floyd Riots “Historic Movement For Justice” – Joe Biden

George Floyd Riots “Historic Movement For Justice” – Joe Biden

George Floyd Riots “Historic Movement For Justice” – Joe Biden

Joe Biden was in Charleston at the Emmanuel AME Church to remember the nine parishioners murdered by a mentally-ill White supremacist in 2015. That’s not what he really wanted to talk about. He wanted to talk about himself as a White Savior for the Black folks and the George Floyd riots as a “Historic Movement for Justice”. The Charleston Emmanuel AME speech was Creepy Joe at his creepiest.

In case you don’t know, I think Joe Biden is a lying piece of excrement. He is an unrepentant fabulist who believes his own lies. Worse, no one ever calls him on them. Not one of his lies has been called out. Even worse, his lies are excused as his love for “insert community here”. No, it’s not love when you think of yourself as a necessary Savior of a community who are not self-actualized to do for themselves. That is what the Emmanuel AME Church speech was all about.

In the New York Times summary of Joe’s Charleston speech, this paragraph stands out:

In his speech, Mr. Biden recalled the dark days nearly nine years ago when gunfire erupted just feet away from where he was standing on Monday, a slaughter born, he said, of poison.

“What is that poison?” he asked. “White supremacy. Throughout our history, it’s ripped this nation apart. This has no place in America — not today, tomorrow or ever.”

The video evidence from the Biden visit to Charleston:

Nine parishioners were mowed down by a mentally-ill White Supremacist. What did the people of Charleston do? They mourned, they prayed, they held vigils. You know what they did not do? RIOT!

Joe’s speech in Charleston:

Did Joe Biden mention their peace? Their love? Their vigils? Oh Hale No. Joe rhapsodized about the “Historic Movement for Justice” symbolized by the riots after the death of George Floyd. From the Post Millennial:

During a Monday campaign speech in South Carolina, Joe Biden said that the summer of 2020, which saw riots across the nation in the wake of the death of George Floyd, was a “historic movement for justice.”

“After the historic movement for justice in the summer of 2020, I signed the most significant police reform executive order in history,” he told the crowd.

Biden signed the executive order in May of 2022, two years after the death of George Floyd sparked riots across the US that resulted in billions of dollars in destruction, that created a national database of police misconduct, bans the use of chokeholds unless deadly force is authorized, requires de-escalation policies, restricts the transfer of military equipment, and more.

George Floyd died on May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis. In the days, weeks, and months that followed, protests in the area spread into riots across the nation.

The Insurance Information Institute revealed in the fall of 2020 that property damage claims from the riots had likely surpassed $2 billion, making them the costliest riots in US history.

So Joe praised the George Floyd riots and loss of property. Joe did not praise the tack taken by Charleston of love and peace.

Peace and love don’t need a White Savior. Peace and love come from within the community itself. That’s why he praised riots after the death of George Floyd, but did not praise Charleston. Hmmm. There is one more itty-bitty thing that can out of the riots in beautiful cities like Minneapolis and Portland:

Meanwhile, American cities have been ordered to give more than $68 million to rioters who are said to have suffered injury or infringements on their rights.

Peace and love don’t get rewarded with free money. A message is being sent by Creepy Joe.

Featured Composite: Cocoabiscuit/ Commons/Donkey Hotey/ Commons

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