Gender Affirming Care For Trans Kids Is Appalling

Gender Affirming Care For Trans Kids Is Appalling

Gender Affirming Care For Trans Kids Is Appalling

In news that makes you slap your forehead and yell “No way” in the most sarcastic tone possible, a case manager is alerting the world that “gender affirming” care is “morally and medically appalling. Anybody with the brains of a pound of hamburger could have told you that feeding cross hormones and lopping the healthy body parts off of pre-pubescent children was a sign of mental illness on the part of the adults. But, here we are.

I cannot believe that I have been writing about this subject for seven years, at least. I find this subject, along with abortion, to be morally repugnant in every possible way. That medical professionals believe and participate in this atrocity shows how far our Republic has fallen for the sake of woke and diversity.

In the past, Deanna has written about Vanderbilt and I have written about Boston Hospital and their gender affirming care clinics. The clinics that are cash cows for the hospitals. Washington University’s St. Louis Children’s Hospital is the latest to be exposed. From Townhall:

Jamie Reed, a 42-year-old queer woman who is “politically to the left of Bernie Sanders”, according to her own words, is blowing the top of off gender-clinics for kids, which she says is “morally and medically appalling.”
In a tell-all piece published by The Free Press, Reed said that she worked at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital as a case manager for four years, brainwashed into thinking she was helping minors.
However, by the time she left her job, she learned that she was taking part in destroying their lives.
“By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to “do no harm.” Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care,” Reed wrote.
Among other problems, Reed said that the clinic didn’t have “formal protocols” for how to treat children with gender dysphoria.

Welcome to the “Anti-Science Party”, according to the left. More from our friend, Jamie:

“There was a team of about eight of us, and only one other person brought up the kinds of questions I had. Anyone who raised doubts ran the risk of being called a transphobe,” she continued.
Reed said that getting hormone treatment was easy. All a doctor would have to do was refer patients to therapists who would then approve to begin treatment after only one or two visits.
“Clinics like the one where I worked are creating a whole cohort of kids with atypical genitals — and most of these teens haven’t even had sex yet. They had no idea who they were going to be as adults. Yet all it took for them to permanently transform themselves was one or two short conversations with a therapist,” she wrote.

64 to 95% of kids outgrow their Gender Dysphoria or Desist. I get it with the hospitals. They have permanent customers. Activists, I get. More power for them.

I have a heart for Matt Walsh. He is behind “What is a woman“. Matt exposed the cash cow Vanderbilt Gender Affirming Care Clinic Two days ago, he testified before the Tennessee State Legislature. Again from Townhall:

While Republicans asked Walsh about some of his findings, Democrat state Rep. John Ray Clemmons instead sought to discredit him, asking what credentials he has to make him qualified to speak on the subject.
“The background that qualifies me to speak to this is I’m a human being with a brain and common sense and I have a soul,” Walsh responded. “So, therefore, I think it’s a really bad idea to chemically castrate children. That is my experience. Now, it’s true I didn’t go to college, but I did go to school long enough to learn how to read. So, I can read the data for myself and that’s exactly what I’ve done.”
“And for what purpose do you conduct your research and use this brain of yours?” Clemmons shot back.

“I do this to protect children and keep them from being castrated and mutilated,” Walsh answered. “That’s one of the things I try to do.”

Amazing these people accuse Matt Walsh of trying to get clicks.

Then, there is this Dumbocrat:

Just to bring this gender affirming care garbage into clear focus for you, there is this:

And keep your kids off of TikTok. Don’t let any of these sicko pervs near your family. By the way, the name Gender Affirming Care is Orwellian.

Featured Image: Tim Evanson/ Commons

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  • Citizen Tom says:

    Gender affirming care.

    Why are Liberal Democrat activists always coming up with these Orwellian phrases? Perhaps they think that if they can control the words they can control the reality.

    Genesis 1:3 English Standard Version

    And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

    Are we dealing with people who are so arrogant they would replace God? I don’t know. I doubt they would admit to believing in God.

    How can the doctors do what they are doing to children and sleep at night? Why would they want to get into the “business” of peddling sex change drugs and sex change surgery? It is not as if such skilled people cannot make a living doing something more useful.

  • Cameron says:

    The only thing that is going to stop this trend is when the children become adults and start suing every doctor and therapist that contributed to their ruin.

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