Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.” ― Mae West

I’ll start with a story …


The last box fit into the backseat.

“That’s it?” He was startled realizing what had been his apartment upstairs had been slowly taken over by his girlfriend so now, at the end, everything that was “his” fit into his sensible Honda Civic.

There had been no drama between them. Nothing more negative than some seasonal words over whether “Die Hard” was a Christmas movie. He had been happy.

He thought.

But then she found the ringbox, hid it behind the dryer and pretended not to know anything.

He slipped behind the wheel, looked up at the breaking dawn, and smiled.


Now, it’s your turn.
. featured image, cropped, Free-Photos, Pixabay license.

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  • Cameron says:

    One bag by the door. It was a simple gesture and my salvation during family gatherings. You see, my grandad is a vicious drunk and he doesn’t like it when his grandkids don’t put up with his crap. Since I nearly put him in the hospital four years ago, I started bringing this bag I found in the Salvation Army.

    One bag by the door with all the items I’d need. He starts something, I leave and go somewhere peaceful. My folks don’t like my tradition but they learned that if they want me there, they have to accept it.

  • “Mister Speaker, the President of the United States!”

    In her most dignified manner, Hillary strode into the chamber to the wild applause of those assembled.

    “My moment!” she thought. “After that bitter defeat, that rejection, I’m finally accepted. My true destiny!”

    Marching to the front, she turned to address them.

    “Thank you. On this historic night, I, your first woman president…”

    Deafening cheers.

    “Thank you. …I, your first woman president, will give your first State of the…”

    “Time out, everyone,” cried the night nurse, orderlies behind her. “You can proceed with your game shortly, but first, time for everyone’s medication.”

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