As Trump 2.0 takes aim at the Department of Education, parents are becoming increasingly bold School Board Meetings and it’s high time.
Parents in Upstate New York gathered at a school board meeting to question the content in the “children’s book” entitled, The Rainbow Parade: A Celebration of LGBTQIA+ Identities and Allies by Emily Neilson. To give you a taste of the story’s content, here is a description:
One day in June, Mommy, Mama, and Emily take the train into the city to watch the Rainbow Parade. The three of them love how all the people in the street are so loud, proud, and colorful, but when Mama suggests they join the parade, Emily feels nervous. Standing on the sidewalkis one thing, but walking in the parade? Surely that takes something special.
This “joyful and affirming picture book” about a family’s first Pride parade, reminds all readers that sometimes pride takes practice and there’s no “one way” to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community.”
“Emily” has a “Mama” and a “Mommy”. “Emily” (whose dead name may be Eddie) is also questioning her/his(?) gender identity with two “Mommies” in the picture. What to do on a Saturday afternoon? Drag Queen/DJ brunch is so passe. Mama and Mommy decide to take Emily to the local pride parade. (How fun!)
And, what does Emily see there? Well, according to this heartwarming (read:sarcasm) story, all kinds of shiny, happy people holding hands and walking around in various stages of undress. Like the two gay dudes in BDSM get-ups and the fat—oops-I mean-a body positive-lady strolling down the street. Leather chokers are “joyful and affirming”. So is strolling around in your birthday suit, apparently.
The reminder in this little story? Pride takes practice. You know, so does honing your ability to read, write and math but for some ungodly reason, “educators” consider story time with “important” books like this part of their (I freaking hate this word) pedagogy.
Now, wait for it…the Rainbow Mafia book on indoctrination into alternate lifestyles-complete with hand-drawn pictures of half-naked men in bondage gear and an obese lady’s ass hanging out was read and consumed by kiddos between grades 1 and 5. This from a parent who attended the School Board Meeting:
If you think that that’s appropriate for children to see, then there’s something wrong with you. You need to have a mental evaluation. There’s no reason that should be in the schools whatsoever at all.
You can see the guy’s butt is clearly out. And then if you go over on this side of the picture, there’s two guys standing in bondage right there.”
When parents demanded answers, a School Board member said, “This is our meeting and we’re trying to conduct business”. After outrage, the School Board walks out.
Our meeting? Clearly this school board member does not know how any of this works.
We travel a little further south to Staten Island where one teacher goes off on Trump…and then another student for snickering at his mentally-unstable, unhinged rant. Take a listen:
Someone check on his wife and dog.
— HorseNAround
(@horsenaroundd) February 12, 2025
He sounds nice….
Dear God. Don’t worry. This “educator” has been placed on (paid) administrative leave. Yep, I am sure he is still collecting a paycheck on our dime. Paid vacation as if they haven’t had enough during COVID (snicker).
Look at the Department of Education. It’s a big con job. They ranked the top countries in the world. We’re ranked No. 40, but we’re ranked No. 1 in one department: cost per pupil. So, we spend more per pupil than any other country in the world, but we’re ranked No. 40.”-Donald Trump
All of this brings to light this DEI business so many liberals with children they want to also be, ideally liberal, are losing their minds over. This idea and variants of this concept has been pushed around social media for a few weeks now:
If you oppose DEI, you should have to use the full phrase, instead of the letters. Be brave, & say ‘I oppose diversity, equity, & inclusion’. Bonus points if you admit which part of that you don’t like. Making it into an acronym (look it up, MAGA) transforms it into a thought terminating cliche’ (again, look it up, MAGA). From now on, be proud of your opinions, but be specific. Let everyone know if it’s diversity you don’t like, or if it’s equity, or if it’s being inclusive.”
The problem with the ideologues of the progressive left is that DEI is an all-or-nothing proposition when it comes to education in this country and the “educators” who embrace it. They are clumping Black History Month in with freaking drag queens, naked fat white ladies with blue hair, and gay dudes in bondage gear. This, is an insult, (I think) to the Black community. Does this make me opposed to diversity? Seeing depictions of people of different races and colors in a children’s book is not “triggering” to me or most of MAGA, as they like to point out…but why do we have to depict them in bondage gear? Why do we have to open the door to a young mind about something as damaging as a Kink-BDSM lifestyle? I’m a bigot because I’m opposed to a child knowing about that type of “diversity”? Does a Kindergartener really need to be asking these questions this soon?
We know, Pride takes practice. And these goons want them to start “practicing” early.
As far as “equity” goes, I think the rankings of our nation with regard to education speak for themselves. As Americans, we are all from different places, we all tell different stories. This is what makes us great. Not tripping over ourselves to “acknowledge our privilege on stolen land” and tell (those who should be equal because they are humans just like us) that we are sorry they are “less than”. These elitist snobs who thought this up want to victimize people they deem as “less fortunate” or “inferior” to them. So, they nixed “equality” for “equity” and here we are.
And, the harsh reality of this world is inclusion. Someone at some point, at some time, is going to feel left out. This is a fact of life and it is inevitable. Some want to be included in Rainbow Parade Story Hour and some, quite frankly, DO NOT. I would be bold enough to suggest that most parents would much rather their kid learns how to write his or her first and last name and memorizes their multiplication tables. But the left’s idea of “inclusion” in “education” is FORCED “inclusion” and participation. Let’s ram it down the kids’ throats. Let’s keep them captive so they don’t have a free choice but to see two guys holding hands in leather hot pants. What say you about that ball-gag, Little Johnny? Isn’t it cool? I just put some tampons in your bathroom…
These “educators” claim to embrace individuality, but only if the person’s individuality aligns with the ideology of their choosing. This is why we are ranked number 40 in the world.
There is nothing inherently wrong with diverse groups of people having equal opportunities at living their best lives and loving everybody they come into contact with, or whomever they choose, in America. But to throw child grooming under the umbrella of “DEI” and calling the parents who oppose said grooming (it is grooming) the problem is also why we are ranked number 40 in the world.
Our kids need an education, not DEI-thought-control. Parents are speaking out on the con-job and sitting out the Rainbow Parade. After all, there are also other ways of “being loud, proud and colorful”, right Americans? Take Election Night for starters. Time to make school board meetings great again.
Featured Image: Melanie Heywood/ Commons
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DEI is akin to The Inflation Reduction Act. Joe Biden even admitted it was a lie. So, we don’t need to say every DEI word (creating a “poor puppy” for the left) because we know what the truth is.