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I woke up this morning to a note from a friend. That friend happens to be New York Times bestselling science fiction author John Ringo, and while we’ve never met in person, I did provide some insight when he was doing research for one of his novels more than a decade ago, we’ve been friends on social media for a while, and we generally hang in the same circles. I do not write this to brag; I write this to explain why I’m enraged this morning.
I’m not just angry. I’m HULK MAD angry (and not the whining, sniveling, Bernie Bro Mark Ruffalo/Bruce Banner pissed off either). That’s what happens when people mess with my friends – with people whom I admire – with people about whom I care very much – with people whose only “crime” is WrongThink and not toeing the political party line.
This is what happened with John. He was recently uninvited from a convention, because social justice zealots began clutching their pearls and crapping their frilly panties at the thought of having John at a convention because he was supposedly somehow associated with the Sad Puppies (I’ve provided a link to the individual who started the movement, if you’re not familiar with the background – I won’t rehash it here). John, of course, wasn’t associated with the Sad Puppies beyond being friends with a few of them, but that didn’t stop the lying SJZs from branding him as a misogynistic/racist/homophobic/whateveritistheyusetodenigratepeoplewithwhomtheydisagree ogre.
John wasn’t upset. The convention committee made it clear to him that they were rescinding the invite because they could not guarantee his safety, not because he did anything wrong.
And yet, the SJZs rejoiced. It was a win for them – a testament to their power that they could get a powerful, bestselling author and white cishet male removed from a convention because his mere presence threatened their safe spaces!
Please also note that not one of them could provide any evidence of John’s bad behavior at any convention where he was a guest. Not one.
Until this creature entered the arena.
This twisted, sick sack of detritus decided to accuse John of trying to pick up underage girls at a convention! Now, if you know John, or anything about him, you would know how insane this accusation is! In the link I provided in the first paragraph of this post, John explains why this accusation is insane and what he was doing at that particular convention (get your tissues ready).
An accusation of pedophilia – in my view, anyway – is the most vile and heinous one can make against an innocent person – probably even more so than an accusation of murder. To accuse someone of exploiting the most innocent and vulnerable among us, of destroying their childhood, their sense of self, their body, and their very soul is about the most heinous allegation one can make. And yet, this @Jim_Hague creature made it – without proof and with dozens of people who were there coming forward and denying this ever happened.
Frankly, this fat, sweaty shitslurping swine looks more like someone who can’t wait to his clammy, pasty mitts on an underaged partner than John ever could. Maybe this slanderous piece of garbage is projecting?
John is considering whether to file a lawsuit against those involved, including the blog File 770 – an online magazine that has won numerous Hugo awards (which should tell you everything you need to know about the Hugos) and its owner Mike Glyer, who is well known in the sci-fi community as an apologist for leftist Brownshirt tactics and lies, as well as his own dishonesty.
I say go for it. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I say take them for everything they’re worth.
I say make sure the noxious fucks who think it acceptable to destroy others – to decimate their reputations and livelihoods – to spread slanderous lies – and those who cover for them (Glyer, upon realizing just how actionable leaving this fat fuck’s comment up and repeatedly deleting comments defending John was, dishonestly deleted all references to this comment. “MOVE ALONG! NOTHING TO SEE HERE! But the Internet is forever, Mikey!) are held accountable for supporting malicious disinformation.
I say, “This is war!”
We have graduated from what some would call inconsequential science fiction community feuds to outright lies about the beliefs of public figures and authors in order to ruin their reputations and destroy their livelihoods, to thumb-sucking snowflakes destroying the careers of accomplished academics, to entitled, easily-manipulated lying, puerile, temper tantrum-throwing piglets who aim to destroy anyone who hurts their precious little feelings, to apparently jealous prevaricators working to tank the career and reputation of an accomplished White House physician and a desperately frothing politician who helped spread this propaganda, because DEFEAT TRUMP!
They believe they’re untouchable.
They think they can conceal their vile hatred behind the First Amendment.
They have used their victimhood status (I’m a victimized, fat, social justice landwhale, who is multisexual, but can’t get laid if I crawled up a chicken’s ass and waited, and who identifies as a hyena on Mondays and Fridays and a convection oven on Wednesdays) to claim that the evil hetwhiteciswhatevers are victimizing them and as a shield against criticism.
They have hurled baseless, disgusting accusations against some of the nicest, kindest people out there, and despite the overwhelming presence of evidence to the contrary and doubled down when challenged.
They rely on the media to help spread their lies and destroy the reputations of honorable men and women like Ronny Jackson, like John Kelly, like Betsy DeVos, and most recently Sarah Sanders, who was so viciously excoriated by this Michelle Wolf creature, that even the mainstream media cringed.
They rely on our generous nature, our good will, and our unwillingness to engage in prolonged legal battles to bully us into silence.
Their lies have gone unanswered long enough. Their attacks have been ignored long enough. Their slander and cyber bullying has been allowed to go on long enough.
It’s time to answer and hit back. Hit back hard.
Sue them. Confront them – both in person and online. Expose them as the liars that they are. Show them they will no longer be unaccountable, anonymous Internet trolls. Show them that you will no longer stand idly by and tolerate their warrantless attacks.
Counterattack. Challenge their every word and demand that they are held accountable for their hate, their lies, and their disgusting allegations. Stop emboldening them by doing nothing.
As Lin Manuel Miranda wrote in the lyrics to the musical Hamilton, “Remain relentless ’til their troops take flight; make it impossible to justify the cost of the fight.”
Squash these vermin like the cockroaches they are and do not allow any vile allegation to go unanswered.
Oprah’s best friend Gayle King recently warned that the #metoo movement must include some kind of due process. That vicious rumors and vile accusations will backfire on the accusers and the movement.
“I worry sometimes that women make an accusation and men instantly get the death penalty,” King said during a panel discussion in Beverly Hills on the topic of corporate culture in the media industry. “I think we have to be very careful; that there has to be a due process for all involved — so I do worry of a backlash to the #MeToo movement.”
Consider this the retaliatory warning shot, you equivocating fucks.
You will be challenged. You will be exposed. You will be sued when appropriate until you stop spreading lies and working to destroy innocent people simply for disagreeing with your politics.
You will be exposed at every convention and every book signing you attend. You will be challenged on every website, every social media post, every comment section.
And while the majority of the scum that engages in this ruinous behavior is on the left, you must not let the rats on our own side engage in this behavior either. Luckily, froth-flecked dolts such as this, who are triggered by differences of opinion and subsequently endeavor to destroy anyone who doesn’t toe their ideological party line or posts something with which they disagree, are rare on the right and are mostly ignored, but they do exist.
Do not let them win, people!
Do not allow evil to triumph!
Do not sit idly by and do nothing as they attack you, libel you, slander you, and work to destroy you. Do not turn the other cheek.
They hate you, and they want to decimate you and leave you bruised and bloodied on the ash heap of society.
It’s time you fought back.
probably even more so than an accusation of murder
In the case of murder, there are situations where you can sort of see where they criminal is coming from, where the killer is at least somewhat sympathetic.
There is no such case when it comes to acting on pedophilia.
And so long as people are able to get away with making such vile accusations unscathed, they will continue to do it and to escalate. They need to be slapped down hard “pour encourager les autres” (“To encourage others” for those unfamiliar with either the quote or the French).
“pour encourager les autres”
If I remember my history a firing squad was part of the encouragement for the ‘other’ from the Royal Navy when Admiral Byng was executed. The Romans, of course, practised decimation “pour encourager les autres”. Modern society uses lawyers and law suits instead. Casual and deliberate character assassination is far too frequent in modern society and it is very hard to defend against such malevolence.
What Convention was it? I am an elderly man who has had one heart attack 3 stints, open heart surgery with a quintuple bypass have a little trouble with a hip and knee and walk with a cane. If there is a Convention that condones the attendance of people so violent that they cannot guarantee the safety of prominent authors, I need to know so I can avoid them, OK OK I am also the guy who walked into the Hugo Award Ceremony in Kansas City wearing a Sad Puppies Tee Shirt,
The convention the A$$HOLE mentioned above supposedly saw John (and presumably his wife Miriam, the “girlfriend (?) in fetishwear”) is FenCon in Dallas.
Con Carolinas.
You should let them know why you wouldn’t attend too.
And YUGE applause for the SP shirt! *MWAH*
So why doesn’t he go anyway? Get bring a bat and a whole lot of friends… up and march into the venue and shut the fucker down. Time to stop whining and start fighting back. I am so tired of the “silent” majority praying to Jesus to change hearts…..Jesus ain’t coming and we are on our own allowing these idiots to steal our culture…..just stop it. These idiots could not kill their way out of a wet paper bag, especially if you and your buddies are armed with baseball bats at the very least. I belong to a group called the #unbearables who support the Comedian Owen Benjamin who has been kicked out of Hollywood for calling out pedophiles and parents who give their kids hormone blockers…..twitter kicked him off. You Tube censors him. Patreon has threatened him. FOR TELLING JOKES. The SJWs call his venues so he cannot perform, and he will not bend. He will not concede until he is dead. Free Speech is not going to be done away with by people who are Cultural Marxists. So thousands of us are forming our own cultural network of Free Thinkers who help each other and back each other. It is time to fight.
Seems less of this would happen if tv hosts wud sue instead of just telling us a lawsuit is possible…the attacks continue because ppl w/ large platforms don’t follow thru w/ lawsuits. Doesn’t help our side that the right wants to b mad at Repubs and refuse 2 vote in November.
John, if you decide to sue, I’ll contribute to that cause.
I concur with SDN. I would happily contribute to the cause of setting up your legal team. I already buy your books, but I suspect you’ll need more to pursue this. If this sort of thing is not made painful to them, they will continue.
Maybe tell your lawyers they can keep 95% of whatever settlement they can get. The volume of the wolves slavering with settlement blood lust will be deafening.
Let slip the dogs of war.
Set up a GoFundMe. This really must stop and you’re prominent enough to attract donations. (I’ve been reading you long enough that I have some, gasp, physical books you’ve written; thanks for the great stories!)
John, words fail me, be strong and carry on.
I fight back in the only way I can – I buy his books. And books of others in similar situations. Here’s praying too.
[…] There comes a time when one runs out of cheeks to turn […]
I ran a World Science Fiction Convention once. The one in 1978, the 36th annual one. It was in Phoenix. IguanaCon II. You can, as they say, look it up.
And I continue to be utterly appalled by what has happened to “fandom.” I was 22 then and I’m 62 now, and I left fandom shortly after IguanaCon II and went out into “the real world” to do real things. I worked in Congress for many years as a space expert. If you’re familiar with the DC-X, well, she’s my baby. I got her funded and kept her funded. I’ve been a lobbyist, hired by Pete Conrad (!). I’ve worked in the Pentagon. I guess I was just more interested in Doing Actual Things In The World than in the world of SF fandom.
And so, when the Sad Puppies bit came around….I was utterly gobsmacked at where fandom had gotten to. And I am continuing to be appalled (there’s that word again) at what they continue to do.
Mr. Ringo isn’t gonna have to worry about book sales because of the clique at, say, Tor Books. And I, too, have had my run-ins with Mike Glyer (1977; I learned fast, then, about him). If you are gonna sue, Mr. Ringo, I’ll contribute gladly.
‘If you’re familiar with the DC-X, well, she’s my baby. ”
I am – compliments of an article in Analog (by G. Harry Stein iirc) and having the privilege of listening to Mr. Niven at Millenicon and reading Mr. Stein’s ‘Halfway to Anywhere”. Y’all did some great work.
The convention committee made it clear to him that they were rescinding the invite because they could not guarantee his safety, not because he did anything wrong.
Well, that’s the standard trope. If they were really concerned about his safety, and wanted him there, they could make arrangements to ensure it went smoothly (like calling the police over actual threats and having them properly investigated, etc.). Ringo was being diplomatic (imo) in going along with that.
Now, if you know John, or anything about him, you would know how insane this accusation is!
Ummmm, maybe, maybe not. I do NOT know him personally, and his actual personality might preclude this (you are not the only person whose opinion I respect who has stated so). But, based just on reading his books, he IS involved in fetish stuff, and does seem to believe that current age of consent laws are not appropriate. Given only that information, the idea he might step beyond those legal boundaries is not “insane”, though very unlikely.
Doing what he was accused of at a con? He would have to be insane to do that, since it would seem likely to be exposed in short order. (There would definitely be video of at least some of the behavior, if it were true. Notably, none has come to light.)
And, yes, I have enjoyed a great number of Ringo’s books. I do not think he is a pedophile, and it’s a vile accusation. He and I might disagree on some things, but I think we could have an interesting discussion on those topics.
BTW, Mr Ringo, if this kerfuffle gets you commenting places like Sarah Hoyt’s blog and here, then it achieved some good.
“But, based just on reading his books, he IS involved in fetish stuff, and does seem to believe that current age of consent laws are not appropriate.” — Dude, it’s called “research.” It certainly doesn’t mean he sits around fapping to that stuff or has underage girls shackled in his basement. That’s like saying people who write realistically about crime are criminals because they’re “involved” in that stuff. Now, I suppose it’s possible that they could be, but their writing about it realistically shouldn’t be evidence to that end.
They maybe also think Frederick Forsyth worked as a contract killer?
Have you read his books? I’m not one to casually psychoanalyze an author, but I have read a good selection of his books. And these things are not peripheral to his stories – they are often main characters, and in some books occupy a significant portion of the text – sometimes opining on their acceptability, sometimes depicting the activities themselves.
Again, based just on his books, I would think he holds some positive regard for these things.
Having said all that, if Mr Ringo desires to set me straight, he can do so. I’m more than happy to be corrected.
Also note that I have not stood in judgment on it. There is a great deal of “ick factor” involved in many people’s response to these sorts of things, and a great deal of misunderstanding of some of them.
Sorry, I responded to the wrong comment below. Not used to this comment interface.
This is from Mr. Ringo’s note cited above:
Yes, vanilla. That’s the fun part about all this. MIRIAM AND I DO NOT PRACTICE A BDSM LIFESTYLE. Furthermore, I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A BDSM RELATIONSHIP. Nor do I go to BDSM parties. Nor do I ‘master’. Thus there would have been no reason to ‘entice underage girls’ back to my room for ‘Ghost LAARP’ since I don’t wield a whip nor take one.
‘But what about Ghooooost?!’ both my fans and detractors wail. IT’S CALLED RESEARCH. The character that wanted to be written was BDSM borderline necro (inside term in scene.) I had to find out WHAT THAT MEANT. So I did RESEARCH. One of my main sources was a former Harvard professor of abnormal psychology who has written books and professional papers on the subject. Thus all the stuff (both praised and derided) about safety. Because it MATTERS when you’re doing BDSM and it was something my ‘source’ hammered in every call we had.
I don’t practice a BDSM lifestyle. I NEVER HAVE. Here’s something I’ve repeated often in person and online: I’m LAZY. Whipping a woman who likes it is just another form of aerobic exercise. I DON’T DO EXERCISE. I’m waaay too lazy to want to be a ‘master’. Too much responsibility. Too much effort. Trying to come up with scenarios? The SAFETY issues? Forget that, man. Too much work.
And as to ‘Ghost LAARP’, Ghost is the one book of mine Miriam WILL NOT READ. She dislikes it intensely. And anyone who even vaguely knows Miriam, even if you think the absolute WORST of me, would know she would never participate in anything like that. Heebeejeebees is the least of it.
So, yeah. The secret’s out. Far from having some wild BDSM sex parties with a gorgeous Goth chick… I’m vanilla. And so is Miriam. (Who is, still, a gorgeous Goth chick.) Sorry to burst your bubble, my gentle readers. I know you wanted me to be so much cooler than I actually am. Please keep buying my books. Miriam needs shoes. Sexy, sexy shoes.
I did not go deeper than what I could read in the posted image.
So, yes, he has answered that.
Thank you for pointing that out to me.
It most be horrid to have a life where this is what you feel you should do (make up false accusations of others.) Karma is going to be so busy righting the wheel.
This is from Mr. Ringo’s note cited above:
Yes, vanilla. That’s the fun part about all this. MIRIAM AND I DO NOT PRACTICE A BDSM LIFESTYLE. Furthermore, I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A BDSM RELATIONSHIP. Nor do I go to BDSM parties. Nor do I ‘master’. Thus there would have been no reason to ‘entice underage girls’ back to my room for ‘Ghost LAARP’ since I don’t wield a whip nor take one.
‘But what about Ghooooost?!’ both my fans and detractors wail. IT’S CALLED RESEARCH. The character that wanted to be written was BDSM borderline necro (inside term in scene.) I had to find out WHAT THAT MEANT. So I did RESEARCH. One of my main sources was a former Harvard professor of abnormal psychology who has written books and professional papers on the subject. Thus all the stuff (both praised and derided) about safety. Because it MATTERS when you’re doing BDSM and it was something my ‘source’ hammered in every call we had.
I don’t practice a BDSM lifestyle. I NEVER HAVE. Here’s something I’ve repeated often in person and online: I’m LAZY. Whipping a woman who likes it is just another form of aerobic exercise. I DON’T DO EXERCISE. I’m waaay too lazy to want to be a ‘master’. Too much responsibility. Too much effort. Trying to come up with scenarios? The SAFETY issues? Forget that, man. Too much work.
And as to ‘Ghost LAARP’, Ghost is the one book of mine Miriam WILL NOT READ. She dislikes it intensely. And anyone who even vaguely knows Miriam, even if you think the absolute WORST of me, would know she would never participate in anything like that. Heebeejeebees is the least of it.
So, yeah. The secret’s out. Far from having some wild BDSM sex parties with a gorgeous Goth chick… I’m vanilla. And so is Miriam. (Who is, still, a gorgeous Goth chick.) Sorry to burst your bubble, my gentle readers. I know you wanted me to be so much cooler than I actually am. Please keep buying my books. Miriam needs shoes. Sexy, sexy shoes.
? I was unclear. I expect Karma to come for Ringo’s accuser, not for John.
I hope to Hell John Ringo pushes back. This shit has to be stopped. This is one of the weapons of war the tyrannical left uses to deprive people of their means. In this civil war, all the AR-15s in your safe and cases of ammo under the bed aren’t going to defend you against the weapons they use. Their MO is to deprive us of livelihood and community, make us outcasts and social targets. Fight it. Tooth and nail. I’ve got some birthday money lying around to contribute to the legal fund, just say the word.
Is Kratman available to handle the lawsuit?