Democrats Have Selective Hissy Fit Over Hunter Biden Pictures

Democrats Have Selective Hissy Fit Over Hunter Biden Pictures

Democrats Have Selective Hissy Fit Over Hunter Biden Pictures

The whistleblower testimony yesterday did some serious damage to the Bidens and the Department of Justice. How do we know that? Because Democrats are whining about naked pictures of Hunter Biden, and not the substance of the testimony.

For those who missed the hearing yesterday, we did learn more than just the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Courtesy of Chuck Ross at the Washington Free Beacon, here are a few new things that we did learn.

Hunter Biden ‘should have been charged’ with tax felonies.”

Ziegler, who opened the Biden probe in 2018, testified that Hunter Biden “should have been charged with a tax felony,” but that federal prosecutors and the Justice Department settled only for misdemeanor charges.”

Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of failure to pay his taxes for 2017 and 2018. Ziegler and Shapley testified that prosecutors initially approved of felony charges for the tax years 2014 to 2019.”


The Hunter Biden tax probe began with payments to prostitutes.”

Ziegler, a registered Democrat, testified that he opened a tax investigation of Hunter Biden in November 2018 after reviewing bank records that “identified Hunter Biden as paying prostitutes related to a potential prostitution ring.” The records also showed Hunter Biden spent “lavishly” from his corporate bank account, a pattern that Ziegler said is a red flag for potential tax fraud.”

According to Ziegler, Hunter Biden filed false tax returns that included improper deductions for “prostitutes, sex clubs, and his adult children’s tuition.”


IRS agents were warned against interviewing Hunter Biden’s adult children.”

Ziegler testified that the IRS investigators were prohibited from interviewing Hunter Biden’s adult children about suspicious payments they received from their father. Ziegler said prosecutors told him the interviews would “get us in hot water.”


Prosecutors blocked agents from investigating Hunter Biden’s infamous WhatsApp messages.”

Ziegler said prosecutors handling the Biden probe blocked him from investigating an infamous Hunter Biden text message in which he invoked his father in a threatening text message to his partners at CEFC China Energy.”

Ziegler said prosecutors declined to approve his request to obtain location data to see if Hunter was with his father when he sent the message. The IRS agent said the line of inquiry “simply wasn’t supported by the prosecutors.”


Foreign entities made seven-figure payments to Biden family.”

Shapley and Ziegler revealed that foreign entities in China, Romania, and Ukraine paid the Biden family $17 million from 2014 to 2019.”

CEFC China Energy, an energy conglomerate linked to the Chinese Communist Party, made a total of $6.7 million in payments to Hunter Biden and his consulting company. Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings paid $6.5 million to Hunter Biden and his associates. A Romanian businessman under investigation for bribery paid another $3.1 million to Hunter Biden and his associates.”

According to Ziegler, Hunter Biden did not report any income from Ukraine’s Burisma in 2014, though he received more than $80,000 a month from the company.”

Now imagine that these were revelations about Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, or Jared Kushner, and instead of being charged with felonies, everything had been reduced to two misdemeanors. Democrats would be calling for tar and feathers, and shoving each other out of the way in order to get in front of a CNN or MSNBC camera. Instead, we got to hear a lot of whining from Democrats that they were having to be in the hearing at all, weirdly defending the double standard for Hunter Biden in their desperate attempt to keep Big Guy Joe out of the story.

But let’s all remember that this investigation started because Hunter Biden decided to deduct payments to hookers off his taxes, and that this was the red flag that started the entire IRS investigation, according to Joseph Ziegler. And as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene reminded everyone in rather graphic fashion, Hunter Biden provided quite a lot of evidence regarding his drug use and sexual proclivities via his abandoned laptop.

Now, while I have not been the biggest MTG fan, she is absolutely correct to bring this evidence forward. After all, Hunter Biden started this whole process by trying to deduct prostitutes and sex clubs off his taxes, and this is the reality of the situation.

However, Democrats don’t like being reminded that they are having to defend an actual pig, and decided to pearl-clutch about how their sensitive little eyeballs were exposed to any of this.
And Representative Donalds is correct – Democrats have no problem with books in school libraries that are this graphic, but Hunter Biden doing the exact same thing with a prostitute? HOW DARE SHE EXPOSE US TO THIS!

During a hearing including whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden investigation, Greene displayed censored images of Biden nude on poster boards, asking the witnesses if they believed he had violated federal laws regarding prostitution. The display led to an outcry from Democrats, who quickly shouted down the display. Ocasio-Cortez later brought the incident up again, citing it as a “new low.”

“Today also marked a new low when pornographic images were paraded in this hearing room,” the New York Democrat said. “Chairman Comer, last October you told Time magazine that you were not interested in the sordid details of Hunter Biden’s life. You were quoted as saying, ‘That’s counter to a credible investigation,’ and I agree.”

“Sadly, that is a reflection of how low some individuals here have been willing to go in their efforts to attack the president and his family, and frankly, I don’t care who you are in this country. No one deserves that. It is abuse. It is abusive,” she added.”

Yeah, well, maybe if the DOJ had allowed for a “credible investigation” and followed it with appropriate charges, I would agree. But in this case, where the double standard of the rule of law is being rubbed in the faces of the American people, I think shoving these Hunter Biden images in front of Democrats and watching them squirm as they are forced to defend him is perfectly acceptable. Democrats know they can’t defend it – and that these images really undercut their message of “poor sad Hunter, whose dad just loves him so much” – so they are simply going to have a hissy fit that they were forced to acknowledge it. One brain trust on Twitter even suggested that Hunter Biden sue Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The discovery phase would be EPIC – which is why this is some dumbass on Twitter making this suggestion, and not an actual lawyer.

So, take note everyone – hiring prostitutes and transporting them across state lines is completely FINE with Democrats, so long as they don’t have to look at the pictures. Because the Democrats certainly don’t care one whit that Hunter Biden actually DID all of this – they just care that they had to see it, and that the American people saw what they are being compelled to defend because Hunter’s last name in Biden.

And now, Republicans of the House – you watched this testimony. You’ve heard the evidence that the DOJ and the IRS protected Hunter Biden from serious felony charges. What are you going to do about it???

Featured image via Antoni Shkraba on Pexels, cropped, Pexels license

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  • iowaan says:

    i don’t think the Democrats have an issue with seeing the photos, i think they have an issue with the public seeing them seeing the photos so now they can’t deny knowing about them.

  • Liz says:

    I’m reminded of a time long ago when a group of teenagers thought it would be fun to knock down mailboxes with a bat (and do donuts in the front yards of people’s lawns, pour gas on their plants and so forth).
    Every night it happened, so Dad watched our mailbox and waited.
    After the offender knocked our mailbox down again he was ready, followed the car and found out where the hoodlum (one of them anyway) lived.
    The next day he paid the parents a visit.
    It went like this:
    Dad: “Your son has been knocking down mailboxes in the neighborhood, with a bat”
    His dad: “What makes you think it was my son?”
    “I followed him home right after I watched him do it”
    “How dare you follow my son home!”
    I am reminded of that conversation during these times.

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