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#DefundPolice is as shallow and ridiculous as any bumper sticker proclamation of Deep Thought™ currently peeling off a Prius or 70s-era VW Wagon. And the politicians who claim to take it seriously aren’t actually stupid, they are dangerous.
It shouldn’t have to be repeated, but here goes. The reaction to the murder of George Floyd crossed all political and racial lines. There was near-universal expressions of grief and outrage, even in government from the White House to local sheriffs to individual officers.
And that lasted about a day until the usual crisis hustlers and chaos agents of the Left jumped in with both feet. As communities and business districts fell to arson and looting, not only were police resources overwhelmed, and officers murdered, but even owners or armed citizens who protected businesses and properties from being destroyed were not just ignored but sneered at.
The government lockdown of businesses due to coronavirus, and the unreasonable extension of the lockdown in Democrat-controlled areas was bad enough for small businesses, but the rioting and looting means many will never reopen.
The Madison Central Business Improvement District recently conducted a survey for the 152 businesses on State Street.
100 business owners responded saying they were vandalized in some ways in the last few days from the unrest, ranging from graffiti to major damage to building structure. […]
42 businesses responded by saying they don’t think they will be reopening at all.
Is there any sympathy from the “protest” organizers towards these businesses? Where are the apologies to Lana Negrete? Will any Hollywood celebs of pallor travel a few miles from Beverly Hills to Santa Monica to take-a-knee in front of these suffering minorities?
No, the message Democrats are sending the people victimized by the criminal element that accompanied the protests is, basically, screw you. We’re going to #DefundPolice and you can take care of yourself. Maybe.
Here’s some addled virtue signaling from the same government officials who ignored the rot within the police department they are responsible for.
Members of the Minneapolis City Council pledged to “dismantle” the city’s police department in the wake of worldwide protests over the killing of George Floyd.
Yes. We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety.
— Lisa Bender (@lisabendermpls) June 4, 2020
Holy Chesterton’s Fence, Batman! Whatever are they talking about?
Bender told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that she envisions replacing a traditional police department with a broader, more holistic public safety department geared toward violence prevention and community services. Social workers or medics could respond to situations once handled by police, she said.
Social Workers? Medics? What? To be dispatched when a 9-1-1 call comes in for “armed robbery in progress”? Medics are to do exactly … what? … if they roll up on a burglary call?
Or are we now just going to decriminalize property crimes? Certainly, the long line of excuses for wanton destruction this past week raises suspicion.
"The myth is that chain stores and franchises are somehow part of Black communities. Target isn’t 'ours' in any substantive way. AutoZone isn’t some cherished neighbor, saving us from bad alternators and racism."
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) May 31, 2020
What MJ doesn’t say is that “Oh, it’s just a big business, they’re insured, they won’t miss it” is such an oft-repeated excuse of every shoplifter, burglar and embezzler everywhere it’s almost as much a cliché as “these aren’t my pants” uttered by a drug addict discovered with a bindle of meth in his pocket. That some nice moral company MJ keeps. Heh.
#DefundPolice isn’t just about about leaving people and businesses unprotected from criminals. Oh no … Listen to Los Angeles Mayor Yoga Pants first defame his own police department then tell you where the money goes …
Speaking at the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Los Angeles on Thursday, Garcetti said that his proposal to reduce LAPD spending and shift the savings to minority communities was getting attention from mayors across the country.
“That’s exactly the point,” he said. “It starts someplace, and we say we are going to be who we want to be, or we’re going to continue being the killers that we are.”
Garcetti’s aide tried to further clarify Yoga Pants’ remarks by saying the “killers” remark wasn’t aimed at LAPD but police agencies across the nation. Like that makes it better or something. Meanwhile, still speaking in Valley Girl, Garcetti claims his proposal is to cut $150,000,000 from the LAPD budget and “put the money toward funding new youth jobs, health initiatives and “peace centers” to heal trauma.”
If you haven’t caught on yet, let me be frank about the #DefundPolice scam. It isn’t about any of the elements that could be immediately addressed to improve law enforcement agencies and their procedures, it’s about making them less effective. It’s about shifting vast amounts of taxpayer money into so-called community services and peace centers. In other words, money that will disappear into the blackhole of new bureaucracies headed up by career politicians with political cronies to “take care” of the spending.
#DefundPolice marks a time where the Democrats want to return to a system of patronage, where cronies will control “their” community with rewards or punishments according to how each individual or business is in the good graces of their unelected community leaders.
Be a shame if anything bad were to happen to your business, home or family, right? Who you gonna call? 9-1-1 now rings into the Peace Center.
featured image, Adobe Stock, standard license
Build a wall around all of these cities that defund / dismantle their police departments. Once the wall is done, no-one gets out.. won’t take long before the cities are empty, and decent people can move back in. They wanna make their beds, let, no FORCE them to lie in them!
Anyone who believes that the lefts intent is NOT to destroy the US is either delusional or a liar.
Sounds like they want to return to mafia control
The same politicians who want to abolish the police also want to abolish the 2nd Amendment. They don’t want to leave the public to defend themselves they want a helpless public who can then be controlled by the New People’s Police that they will install to enforce their political views on everyone. Kneeling to BLM will just be the beginning, and anyone who resists will be sent to re-education camp.
This is very true.
Anyone who wants you both disarmed and unprotected obviously has plans for you. Consider what kind of plans they must be, if your ownership of a firearm, or the existence of a local police department that would respond to your requests for help, is an intolerable obstacle to them.
Defund the police? I’m reminded of a strike by police in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in 1923:
From Wiki: “On Friday and Saturday nights riots and looting occurred in the city, resulting in three deaths, trams being turned over, plate glass windows being smashed and merchandise looted from stores. Constables on point duty were jeered at and harassed by people until they retreated to the Town Hall, where the crowd taunted them to come out. Tramways staff and uniformed sailors helped to direct traffic in the absence of police.”
Now here’s the interesting part: “The rioting and looting was quickly attributed to Melbourne’s criminal element by all of Melbourne’s newspapers, but subsequent court records show that most of the offenders who were apprehended were young men and boys without criminal histories.”
This reminds me of the current problems with middle class Caucasian thugs from Antifa. No society can survive without some form of policing, but I’ll be damned if I will tolerate thugs such as the members of the extreme socialist left from street gangs like Antifa policing society.
“Social workers or medics could respond to situations once handled by police, …”
This would mean that simple bad or criminal behaviour would be seen, even more, as a form of medical pathology needing treatment by a burgeoning host of [parasitic] therapists rather than the honest admission that some people are simply crooks. [To quote a famous man [Biden]: “There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people, …”] To pathologise all such behaviour effectively excuses the perpetrators from any personal responsibility for their own criminal, even evil actions as clearly ‘the devil made them do it’ meaning that it’s a medical issue over which they have no control!
As for the social work mob with whom I worked for decades in the welfare sector, they were generally nice people, but prone to forming committees as they seemed unable to take independent action in crises. When dealing with violent clients they were the last people I would choose to assist in action. As the old joke goes ‘How many social workers does it take to change a light bulb?’ Answer: ‘One, but the light bulb has to want to change.’
There are some acts that are not negotiable in any civil society, e.g. rape, murder arson, paedophilia, and so on and they should be met with the most severe criminal, not para medical or therapeutic, sanctions as some ‘not very good people’ don’t want to change.
“Social workers or medics could respond to situations once handled by police, …”
This would mean that simple bad or criminal behaviour would be seen, even more, as a form of medical [psycho-social] pathology needing treatment by a burgeoning host of [parasitic] social therapists rather than the honest admission that some people are simply crooks. [To quote a famous man [Biden]: “There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people, …”] To pathologise all such behaviour effectively excuses the perpetrators from any personal responsibility for their own criminal, even evil actions as clearly ‘the devil made them do it’ meaning that it’s a medical issue over which they have no control!
As for the social work mob with whom I worked for decades in the welfare sector, they were generally nice people, but prone to forming committees as they seemed unable to take independent action in crises. When dealing with violent clients they were the last people I would choose to assist in action. As the old joke goes ‘How many social workers does it take to change a light bulb?’ Answer: ‘One, but the light bulb has to want to change.’
There are some acts that are not negotiable in any civil society, e.g. rape, murder arson, paedophilia, and so on and they should be met with the most severe criminal, not para-medical or therapeutic, sanctions as some ‘not very good people’ don’t want to change no matter how many social workers give them ‘therapeutic’ treatment and attention.
Please excuse my multiple posts. I don’t know how I managed that. The last post is the edited one I meant to post.
The chain stores may not be “theirs,” in the sense that a mom&pop store would be, but where exactly do they think the employees come from? As for the stores being insured, many, if not most, were NOT insured against losses due to civil unrest (the insurance for that is expensive), and even if they did have coverage for the recent losses, their insurance rates may well go up enough that they are driven out of business by the insurance costs. Finally, many of the twits say the things that were destroyed were not worth a person’s life, and in the abstract they are right, but establishing a business takes a lot of man-years, to gather the money and resources to start the business, and to get it up and running and maybe eventually profitable. People have lost everything they had worked for their entire lives, and many will never get it back.
I wouldn’t rebuild/restart a business after that contempt. Let those who destroyed, form a collective and build their own. But beware, what goes around comes around.
[…] Victory Girls Blog: #DefundPolice: The Not-So-Hidden Agenda. […]
[…] spent the entire year of 2020, amid COVID lockdowns, being told by the far-left, that policemen and law enforcement agents are systemically racist and need to be […]