David Axelrod Drops A Hint For Joe Biden – Drop Out

David Axelrod Drops A Hint For Joe Biden – Drop Out

David Axelrod Drops A Hint For Joe Biden – Drop Out

David Axelrod, the former Barack Obama Presidential advisor/strategist/brain, has a long thread on X discussing the problems surrounding Joe Biden winning a second term. It’s way past time. If you remember Axelrod as a rather oleaginous operator, you remember correctly. His podcast, everyone has one, is called Hacks on Tap. I admire someone who owns their reputation.

David Axelrod was in politics for several decades working for a Chicago Mayor Daley and John Edward Presidential run. He chose to work for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton and has done well since. You must remember that this is all about the acquisition and retention of power. Everybody and their sisters knew that Joe Biden’s brain was fried in 2019. Did Axelrod or any of his colleagues say anything? Hale no. Axelrod is only speaking up now because he sees that power might slip away.

The time is ticking away to get names on state ballots, so those who know must speak now or risk the power loss. Someone has to be the first rat off of the ship and Axelrat chose X as his life raft.

david axelrod

“Legitimate concern” or “bedwetting”, we are one year out from election day for the 2024 Presidential Election. What else? David Axelrod doesn’t care how the American people are suffering, we don’t matter.

david axelrod

AND, the Axelrat believes the Democrats have a deep bench. Don’t make me laugh. Their bench consists of Cankles (Hillary), Cackles (Kamala) and Crazy Eyes (Whitmer or Hochul). Axelrat takes this opportunity to cast aspersions upon President Donald Trump.

Trump is a dangerous, unhinged demagogue whose brazen disdain for the rules, norms, laws and institutions or democracy should be disqualifying. But the stakes of miscalculation here are too dramatic to ignore.

Trump is so unhinged and dangerous that he understands the reality of economics and the nature of power. Axelrat, Biden, Clinton and Obama are the ones brazen disdain for the Constitution and our Republic.

Axelrat says only Joe can make the decision. Who are we kidding? DOCTOR Jill is the decider. Joe doesn’t know if he is on a horse or afoot.

Former Governor Ed Rendell is a true Biden Believer. From the New York Post:

“There is nervousness among the donors and some of the elected officials that Joe Biden won’t be a strong candidate because of doubts Americans have about his health. And those doubts have been expressed in the polls,” former Democratic National Committee Chairman Ed Rendell acknowledged in a WABC 770 interview with John Catsimatidis.

Still, Rendell was optimistic about Biden’s prospects over Trump’s.

“If you ask them … ‘If it’s Joe Biden running against Donald Trump, who would you vote for?,’ they are almost unanimous that they vote for Joe Biden,” he said on “Cats Roundtable.”

“I think Joe Biden will run, can win, and will win — especially if the candidate is Donald Trump.”

Especially if they add another 100 charges against Donald Trump, right? Bubble Girl for Biden/Harris agrees with Ed Rendell with this incoming to David Axelrod:

But, what if Democrats were given a truly palatable alternative to Joe Biden? Back in 2015, Obama thought he could win if he ran again:

Then, five years later, Obama said this:

Asked if he missed his old job when he looked at the headlines from the Trump administration, Obama mentioned that there were plenty of people who wanted him to have a third term. Alas, there was that pesky 22nd Amendment in the way, limiting him to two terms.

But wait! There’s a catch.

“If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a frontman or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats, looking through the stuff, then deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking — I’d be fine with that,” Obama said.

“Because I found the work fascinating. Even on my worst days, I found puzzling out these big, complicated, difficult issues — especially if you’re working with some great people — to be professionally, really satisfying. But I do not miss having to wear a tie every day.”

That could lead to a Michelle Obama candidacy. I heard the same interview Patty Jo did this morning:

Michelle O hates the White House, America and us. But, what if she could do the job the way Biden does. More travel, but still heading to the beach. Our Carol wrote about this in July and it’s looking more likely now. Solves the Biden issue without running a bus over Kamala. They would have to make her California Governor or something as a parting gift, but stranger things have happened.

One year to go folks. It’s gonna get epic.

Featured Composite: Gage Skidmore/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons/Edward Kimmel/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Three observations:

    1) You forgot Hair-Gel Boy.
    2) “Doctor” Jill (“I will NOT give up this cushy job!”) is one of the people in my occasional prayers for continued good health.
    3) I want to know what Josh Power is drinking, smoking, snorting, or mainlining.

    • Toni Williams says:

      I think Hair Gel will be Michelle’s vp. They will give Kamala the CA governorship as a parting gift.

      • Scott says:

        If Mooch gets installed as pResident, this country is doomed.. or things will get very…. hot…. because there’s no way she wouldn’t ignore and destroy the Constitution. She has clearly stated she’s a racist moron with no interest in America. That’s why she married bath-house Barry Hussein, our first muslim president

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    Why would anyone vote for someone as fake and nasty as Michelle Obama?

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