Conservatives Aren’t Smart Enough To Grasp Campus Protests

Conservatives Aren’t Smart Enough To Grasp Campus Protests

Conservatives Aren’t Smart Enough To Grasp Campus Protests

Well, garsh darnit. Too bad that we are so unedumacated. Apparently, Conservatives are just not quite smart enough to grasp the subtle nuances of the campus protests. Fortunately, for us yokels out here, CNN has posted an article by Jeremi Suri, a Professor at the University of Texas at Austin to help us oafs. Professor Suri elite-splains “What conservatives don’t get about the protests roiling college campuses”. I bet he really had to work to dumb it down for us troglodytes out here in the parts of the country not contiguous to a college campus.

As I wrote about in this morning’s Victory Girls Blog post, things got hairy overnight when the little cherubs took over Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. I thought that the protests at campuses were about Hamas and the ZIONISTS. But, nopers, they are about the Conservative War Against Colleges per Mr. Suri:

This Republican war on universities is the essential history behind the current conflicts on campuses. The student protests and police crackdowns are a result of the attacks on universities since Bush’s presidency. These attacks have over the years undermined university leadership and provoked students, staff and faculty. External pressure has brought excessive police presence on to campuses, as witnessed across the country last week.

It’s your fault, you bumpkins. You probably went to a non-Woke school where you studied and then played Frisbee on the Quad. YOU probably never protested anything because you were working to pay for school.

Here’s more from our Yale-educated Professor Suri but now at UT-Austin:

On my campus this has meant the abrupt shuttering of offices that helped minority students, faculty and staff adjust to university life. Military veterans and first-generation students can still get targeted support, but not African-American students from Houston or Latinx students from the Rio Grande Valley or transgender students from Dallas. In early April, more than 40 staff members who had worked on diversity, mostly from minority backgrounds, were fired.

At the same time, new staff were hired by the conservative centers. They continue to provide comfortable and highly-valued spaces for their students. This dynamic has clearly whitened the University of Texas at Austin, as evidenced by immediate difficulties recruiting and retaining faculty and students of color.

This context is crucial for understanding recent protests on my campus, and others around the country. Many students, staff and faculty, especially those from minority backgrounds, feel that they have suffered setback after setback at the hands of hostile politicians and deferential administrators. They feel that they have less influence over their universities than at any time in recent decades, and they are largely correct.

Oof, LatinX, really. Professor Suri should really read “Stop using ‘Latinx’ if you really want to be inclusive”. He could edumacate himself. Latinos are not really fond of LatinX.

Professor Suri finally gets around to the Hamas Campus protests:

The demonstrations on behalf of Palestinians have roots in concerns about campus governance. After all, no one really believes that universities can somehow end this war.

There are, of course, good reasons why university leaders should not give in to protesters on these and other points. Many of the demands are naïve and one-sided. Some of the protests have devolved into antisemitic and other hateful behaviors that should be punished under campus behavior codes, when the evidence is clear and the perpetrators have been given due process.

That first paragraph is a hoot! These protesting students are really concerned about “campus governance” The little money-spending cherubs don’t really believe they can end the war. Stop, it’s too funny. Maybe that’s why they are all dancing now.

Yale finally sent out an ultimatum and the protest encampment ended:

From the New York Post:

Yale University officials said all protesters at an anti-Israel encampment on Cross Campus chose to leave the area after facing potential suspension and arrest.

On Tuesday morning, Yale issued a final warning to protesters that those participating in the encampment must disperse or “face discipline, including suspension for violating university rules and arrest for trespassing.”

Campus government, my Aunt Fanny. Those kids want that Yale diploma. More:

“All the protesters chose to leave the encampment, and the university is in the process of clearing tents and other items from the area,” officials said in an update.

The threat of arrest came after university administration repeatedly informed protesters that the encampment violated school policies and disrupted academic and university operations.
“As President Salovey outlined in his message to the Yale community on Monday, Yale fully supports peaceful protests and freedom of speech; however, claiming control of our shared space is inconsistent with our principles and values,” Yale said.

“The university does not tolerate the violation of its longstanding policies on using on-campus outdoor spaces, postering and chalking, or the use of amplified sound. Yale’s rules on free expression and peaceable assembly exist to ensure that all members of the community have equitable access to the campus and can engage in the full functions of the university.”

Us yokels are out here laughing. These kids accomplished nada and made us idjits hate them and their cause. Doesn’t matter whether the cause is campus governance or Hamas.

Featured Image: Steve McNicolas/ Commons

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  • draigh says:

    The Elite Bubble strikes again! There is no accounting for Mr. Suri’s stupidity. Would I want my kids to have him as a teacher? HELL NO!

  • Cameron says:

    Some of the protests have devolved into antisemitic and other hateful behaviors

    You dumb bint. They started out as antisemitic and hateful. I guess Obamacare didn’t help with your ideological blindness.

    • GWB says:

      Oh, c’mon, Cameron, I know you can use bigger words than “dumb.” “Malevolent”, “nefarious”, etc. 😉

  • Just how many of the alphabet soup students did the DIE offices help and guide into successful careers (other than as DIE staff at other universities)?

    No, their “guidance” was to teach their “students” how to illegally camp on a lawn, whine about their own “victimhood,” and chant “Death to Jews, death to Israel, death to America, death to whites, death to normies!”

  • GWB says:

    This Republican war on universities
    Hmmmm, let me find the quote…
    Ah, here it is:
    Glenn Reynolds

  • GWB says:

    YOU probably never protested anything because you were working to pay for school.
    All the way down to grade school, they are working so hard to change that. The most recent has been getting class credit for walking out of school, as long as the reason is approved by the Progressive Church priests and prophets (teachers and media).

    The demonstrations on behalf of Palestinians
    The demonstrations on behalf of terrorists, you mean. Right?

    no one really believes that universities can somehow end this war
    IOW, you’re just doing this because you love to pitch a fit and throw things. As we all already knew. Because we are parents who actually know how to raise children. We remember seeing you in the checkout lane pitching a fit.

    the encampment … disrupted … university operations
    Well, that was the whole point. These people want to be disruptors. Heck, it’s their raison d’etre*. They don’t actually want to solve anything, they just want to pitch a fit so they can be seen pitching a fit by their priests and prophets and earn indulgences for the coming Progressive utopia. You won’t get into the good part of the 15-minute city without them.

    (* Oh no! Did I upset someone’s worldview of us rubes by using a French term? And I actually know what it means, too! [One of my heroes in high school could pronounce French perfectly correctly, but also with a heavy, slow, Texas drawl. Or loads of other adaptations. He had a gift for languages.])

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