Cheatle Resigns The Day After Her Brutal Committee Testimony

Cheatle Resigns The Day After Her Brutal Committee Testimony

Cheatle Resigns The Day After Her Brutal Committee Testimony

Yesterday, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle sat in front of the House Oversight Committee and provided no answers, no accountability, and no confidence in the organization that she is supposed to be running.

Her performance was, quite frankly, horrific. She would not even say that if Donald Trump had died, she would have resigned.

Cheatle got rightfully roasted by both sides of the aisle. She did such an absymal job of trying to explain what happened – a week and a half after the assassination attempt – that Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) sent a joint letter demanding her resignation.

Today, Cheatle resigned. She should have been fired, but she got the chance to resign.

Fox News reviewed the letter Cheatle sent to the U.S. Secret Service Tuesday morning, just a day after she taking bipartisan heat during testimony before the House Oversight Committee Monday and over a week after a would-be assassin Thomas Crooks attempted to take the life of Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.

“To the Men and Women of the U.S. Secret Service, The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders and financial infrastructure,” Cheatle wrote in a letter to the agency. “On July 13th, we fell short on that mission.”

Cheatle said that the “scrutiny” over the last week “has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases.”

“As your Director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse,” she wrote.

Cheatle said, though, that the “incident does not define us.”

“We remain an organization based on integrity and staffed by individuals of exceptional dedication and talent,” she wrote, adding that the agency “will move forward with our investigatory and protective mission in a steadfast manner.”

“We do not retreat from challenge,” she wrote. “However, I do not want my calls for resignation to be a distraction from the great work each and every one of you do towards our vital mission.”

“I love this agency, our mission, and the great men and woken who sacrifice so much every day,” she wrote. “I have, and will always, put the needs of this agency first.”

“In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that, I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director,” Cheatle wrote.

What convinced Kimberly Cheatle to finally resign? Joe Biden – who has still NOT made a public appearance or been seen by a camera since flying back to Delaware last week – acknowledged her resignation. Or someone using Joe’s name and access did.

President Biden praised Cheatle, who has been with the Secret Service for nearly 30 years, calling her “selflessly dedicated” and noting she “risked her life to protect our nation throughout her career in the United States Secret Service.”

“As a leader, it takes honor, courage, and incredible integrity to take full responsibility for an organization tasked with one of the most challenging jobs in public service.”

Kimberly Cheatle did NOT take full responsibility for what happened on July 13th. In fact, she outright refused to resign yesterday when asked directly.

So, what changed? Surely she realized that her position as director of the Secret Service was untenable after yesterday’s committee hearing, but she seemed to be willing to take the heat and brazen it out. Here’s one theory…

Cheatle staying on the job was like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. She knew her days were numbered. I could see Democrats on the committee telling the White House to have Kamala Harris make a call, and gain the benefits from the optics. However, Rep. Comer is taking credit on behalf of the House Oversight Committee, and saying that the investigation is not over.

The Oversight Committee’s hearing resulted in Director Cheatle’s resignation and there will be more accountability to come. The Secret Service has a no-fail mission yet it failed historically on Director Cheatle’s watch. At yesterday’s Oversight Committee hearing, Director Cheatle instilled no confidence that she has the ability to ensure the Secret Service can meet its protective mission. Egregious security failures leading up to and at the Butler, Pennsylvania campaign rally resulted in the assassination attempt of President Trump, the murder of an innocent victim, and harm to others in the crowd. While Director Cheatle’s resignation is a step toward accountability, we need a full review of how these security failures happened so that we can prevent them going forward. We will continue our oversight of the Secret Service in support of the House Task Force to deliver transparency, accountability, and solutions to ensure this never happens again.

Again, Kimberly Cheatle will get to leave the job on her own terms when she should have been fired. Biden’s comments (does anyone actually believe that Joe wrote that right now? More likely it was Jill at this point) are far too kind to someone whose job it is to make sure that nothing like this happens. But like so many things in the Biden administration, the buck stops somewhere far away from the people actually in charge, so no one will ever be held accountable or fired for anything.

Featured image: United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, official portrait by the Department of Homeland Security in 2018, cropped, public domain

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  • Citizen Tom says:

    Democrats are desperate to get the attention of the news media’s attention back on Trump’s suitability to be president. Cheatle was the worst kind of distraction. Hers was the failure of a Democrat administration to do its basic job of protecting people.

    Unfortunately, these Secret Service failures could get far worse. Can you imagine the problem of protecting Trump if a hundred terrorists armed with automatic weapons suddenly show up at one of his rallies. With our open borders, that is a reasonable possibility. Our foreign adversaries don’t want Trump reelected. With Biden in charge, they are capable of doing something about it.

    • GWB says:

      I wouldn’t expect 100 would show up. That large of a group would trigger the locals.
      But, 3 or 4? Maybe 6 or 7? Secret Service has never been laid out to handle a real attack, just the lone bad guy. They’re worried about Gavrilo Princip, not a Spetsnaz (even an amateur one) action. Our military might has been the defense about that sort of thing. Which is a whole other topic….

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