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‘Can He Really Think He’s More Important Than the Tens of Thousands of People Trying to Get Home to Their Families?’

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‘Can He Really Think He’s More Important Than the Tens of Thousands of People Trying to Get Home to Their Families?’

Does the question really even need to be asked? Obama, the hero of the working-class, doesn’t understand anything about how us little people live. Obama’s life revolves around playing golf, rubbing elbows with celebrities, going on lavish vacations (even though the country is suffering), and playing at president without actually ever governing. So really, there shouldn’t be any surprise that he inconvenienced thousands of workers trying to get home to their families so that he could attend a Hollywood fundraiser.

With a quick visit to Los Angeles at rush hour, President Obama raised $1 million Monday for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

He also alienated some Angelenos, at least temporarily, as his motorcade mangled evening traffic en route from the Beverly Hilton to the Hancock Park home of producer John Wells, whose credits include “West Wing,” “ER” and “Southland.”

Onlookers lined Olympic Boulevard, snapping cellphone photos. One person held a small sign declaring, “We need jobs.”

Although it was a friendly crowd, the street closures snared not just vehicles but pedestrians — if calls, e-mails and posts to The Times’ website were any guide.

The LA Times received calls, e-mails and posts complaining, yet it was a friendly crowd? (Jammie Wearing Fool has some of the friendly comments from the happily stranded commuters.) Hmm. Let’s see. Does this sound friendly to you?

“I was an Obama supporter, but … was stopped by police from crossing Olympic to get home … during my daily dog walk,” Amy Christine said on the website. “I’ve lost all belief in his judgment. Can he really think he’s more important than the tens of thousands of people trying to get home to their families?”

The Los Angeles Police Department said that it had received several calls from people about the traffic and that the Secret Service had not shared street-closure information with the department.

Immigration rights supporters demonstrated in Hancock Park dressed in costumes from “The Wizard of Oz.” Their signs asked, “Obama, where is the reform?”

Despite the anger and frustration in the streets, the atmosphere inside the fundraiser was relaxed.

There was anger and frustration in the streets, confusion in the LAPD because the Secret Service did not inform them of the street closures beforehand, and people demonstrating against Obama. Yet this was a friendly crowd? I’m sure they appreciated Obama’s stellar planning while they were stranded for hours. I wonder if Obama ever thought about the fact that he was going to be closing LA streets during rush hour. Heck, I wonder if Obama even knows what rush hour is.

Meanwhile, who was Obama spending time with and what were they doing that was so important? Why did thousands need to be stranded at Rush Hour? Because Obama needed to hang out with celebrities, duh!

The president strode to the microphone in the cool of the setting sun, amid a garden of lemon trees, a manicured lawn and a long aquamarine pool.

“What a spectacular evening,” Obama said. “Let’s just hang out.”

About 200 people attended, including Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- San Francisco), J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, Taye Diggs and his wife, Tony Award winner Idina Menzel.

The entry fee was $2,500, but co-hosts — including Abrams, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg, and Barbra Streisand — paid $30,400 a couple. They didn’t all attend, however.

Wow. What a hard-working president. What great priorities! Hanging out. Hanging out with celebrities, no less. Los Angeles was shut down for five hours so that Obama could hobnob with celebrities. Could this man be any more tone-deaf?

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  • maddmedic says:

    Obama does not care.
    His arrogance is only exceeded in his self importance and his overwhelming desire to screw America.

  • The Watcher says:

    ‘Can He Really Think He’s More Important Than the Tens of Thousands of People Trying to Get Home to Their Families?’ Why, ‘Yes, he can!’

  • DC Resident says:

    Traffic in DC this weekend was stopped for HOURS because of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. Street and bridge closures, motorcades for the two celebrities, tea party tourists standing in the middle of the street trying to figure out how to walk, the metro more crowded than rush hour with people who take 10 minutes figuring out how to get through the turnstile. It was impossible to drive downtown, especially to make right turns, not only because of street closures and backwoods drivers, but also because apparently those who want to restore the honor are too dumb to follow crosswalk signs. Here in DC our crosswalks even count down the seconds you have left to cross the street, yet that was even too hard for them to pay attention too. Seriously, live in DC for one weekend when your sacred conservative celebrities invade our city and then complain about other people. This is something we deal with practically every week, because of people from all across the political spectrum. Maybe people in LA need to relax and stop being such babies, or learn to walk.

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