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Brad Pitt was interviewed by Ann Curry on the Today show, where a rather interesting subject came up: Brad Pitt for mayor??
First, let me just start by saying that I think that what Brad Pitt is doing in New Orleans with the Make It Right Foundation is wonderful. The foundation is helping to rebuild the Lower 9th Ward, one of the areas of New Orleans most severely devastated by Hurricane Katrina. So while I honestly don’t think much of Brad Pitt himself, I do admire the work he’s doing. Rather than yelp for the federal government to step in and help these people who lost everything they owned, he stepped in himself as a private citizen who had the funds to make a difference. That’s commendable.
But as for Brad Pitt for mayor? Look, I realize in the video he said he didn’t have a chance. But he never came out and said he didn’t want to, did he? Like most egotistical Hollywood types, I can guarantee you that if he were given the right persuasion, he’d do it in a second. He certainly wouldn’t be the first to do it — Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura, Al Franken, anyone? I assume he didn’t give a direct no in case the circumstances came about where he might just have a chance. He certainly lit up when he was talking about it. And while it’s easy to say that anyone would be a better mayor of New Orleans than Ray Nagin, would Brad Pitt really be much better? He’s a college drop-out who became an actor, and is mostly famous for being one of the world’s sexiest men, as well as being in a relationship with Angelina Jolie. Before he hooked up with Jolie, though, he was married to Jennifer Aniston. He met Jolie on the set of the film Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and both Pitt and Jolie admitted that they began their relationship while Brad Pitt was still married, something Aniston has said was extremely heartbreaking to her when she found out (how could it not be??). And while Pitt and Jolie have six children together — three adopted, three biological — they refuse to get married until “everybody” can, as they are strong supporters of gay marriage. There is absolutely nothing in Pitt’s background to suggest he’d be a good mayor, and he would also certainly be one of the most liberal mayors in the country. He said his would be the “gay marriage, no religion, legalization and taxation of marijuana” platform. And while that platform would, indeed, scare off some voters, others would undoubtedly vote for him regardless of his platform. All they would care about is that he’s super-duper famous, and he’s done some really good charity work in New Orleans. That would be enough to win him the job.
So while he’s denying that he would run for mayor right now, I’m skeptical. I think it might not be a bad idea to keep your eyes on him, because all that has to happen is for a few political advisors to come knocking on his door and telling him that it would be a great idea to get him to warm up to the idea. After all, he is a celebrity, and celebrities are narcissists by their very nature. And while Angelina Jolie has this great reputation as a goodwill ambassador for the UN, Brad Pitt has nothing that could really measure up to that. It would be a way for him to be an equal to her, in a sense. No, I don’t think it would take much of a push to get him warmed up to the idea at all. Which is bad news, because we really don’t need anymore empty-headed, narcissistic, holier-than-thou celebrity liberals in public office.
Pitt’s got name recognition. Huge name recognition. That’s a big first step in politics. People in New Orleans are very discouraged about their local politicians (even though they re-elected Nagin). It is entirely possible that he could sneak in a victory (especially of there are several candidates). Like you said, all he needs are a couple of decent political managers. If that’s what New Orleans really wants…
This reminds me of similar talk about Val Kilmer running for governor of New Mexico. (Governor Iceman – heh…) So far, it’s just been idle talk – and, since Kilmer is selling his NM ranch, he’d lose his residency; that still doesn’t stop the papers and TV stations from trying to sell it, though.
Of your examples above (Schwarzenegger, Ventura, Franken), none have done it as well as the master – Ronald Reagan. 🙂
Brad Pitt >>> Ray Nagin
Wasn’t there a rumor that people wanted Matt Damon to run for Congress in Massachusetts (?), while we’re on the celebrities for office gig…
There’s one rather large glitch here that is being completely overlooked: Brad Pitt is ineligible to run for mayor of New Orleans. He does not meet the residency requirement. The New Orleans City Charter requires that a candidate be a legal resident of the City for at least 5 years before the date of the election, and Brad Pitt can only claim to be a resident for just a bit over two years now. The election is in less than a year. So all this talk is for naught. When Brad Pitt said he doesn’t have a chance, he was actually 100% correct.
Since when did inconvenient laws and requirements stop the Democrats? If they really want to change it they could do so in an instant (Louisiana isn’t one of the most corrupt states in the country for nothing).