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the release of pan am 103 terrorist abdelbaset ali al-megrahi, after only 8 years of a life sentence in prison for compassionate reasons, may have just ruined though i hope not, whatever good feelings that america had for scotland. and because of that, a movement to boycott scotland is underway.
scotland, what the heck is wrong with you? do you know the difference between justice and compassion? they can and should work together. compassion is what you showed him in prison – his life was spared, he had 3 hots and a cot, medical attention, he did not receive an ‘eye for an eye’ (though in hindsight, maybe he should have) justice is that he must pay for his crimes – which by his release – you threw to the wind, ensuring more pain and suffering for the families of those who were shown no compassion.
now because of your ‘compassion’ to a terrorist, some want to boycott scotland. now generally, i don’t think boycotts really work and frankly i doubt if this one will as well but many people in this country are mad. you are our friend, our ally, we are you and you are us in so many ways.
instead of a boycott, i would like the scots themselves to reevaluate the decision here. and if there were backroom deals with the devil (terrorists) made by your gutless leadership, deal with them yourselves and throw the bums out.
and scotland? all i know is that william wallace would have never let the lockerbie bomber out of prison. ever.
william wallace’s freedom speech in braveheart
yes, i know. i use this clip a lot. but i love it and william wallace.
update: terrorist for oil and commerce.
This terrorist served only 2 weeks for each of his murders then was re-united with his loved ones by a cheering crowd then warmly greeted by the leader of his nation. This terrorist even has plans now to write a biography! Compassion is not a word I would use to describe this mockery of justice. Shame on Scotland.
Americans wanting to boycott Scotland is great. Get your warmongering planes and your cheap crap out of my country. Most Scots don’t want you here anyway. You don’t run the world anymore. So get out and the sooner the better.
Hey John.
Face it. You guys are lame
Oh I’ve missed so much while on vacation! Don’t boycott Scotland-I would have to give up my favorite dish of haggis.
British tourists bring a lot of cash to America; considering that the US image all around the world is already in tatters, there’s more to lose than to gain from boycotting anybody. Let us run our country and you can run yours.
Diane, the only problem is that when you let these monsters go they dont just effect your country only.
In the GWOT there was a concerted agreement with the Scots and the UK and you guys just pi$$ed all over it.
You know we are hated around the world when SCOTLAND hates us! We’ll be finding out the depth of the world’s disdain for us for years to come thanks to Shrub.
189 of those victims were our citizens.
Not likely we’ll ever trust you guys again to deal with a responsibility so grave.
Pennie, that so far was the most idiotic attempt at connecting Bush to anything that I’ve ever seen.
Read a book or a newspaper once in a while for crusts sake.
The plane went down in 88, the Scots didnt do this out of any hate for us but rather plain ole ignorance and stupidity
lol you are trying to blame this on W, priceless.
Before long Penni will be blaming him for the civil war.
This man is NOT guilty but you americans seems to think he is without any proof. You are idiots. Oh no you’re not going to buy any british goods? Oh dear time to move on children 🙂
Why is he all of a sudden not guilty. He was tied to the evidence and convicted of the crime.
hey pruda
thanks for visiting the blog and reminding me why we broke away from england in the first place. cheers!
It’s funny how America is at its lowest point in decades – but we’re still the place that the world wants to immigrate to. It’s also sad how Europe forgets how America saved it from disaster. Get over yourselves and do the right thing about terrorism. You guys are becoming the biggest appeasers on the planet!
I guess we’ll see what happens in the UK when it’s the London subway bombers being released for compassionate reasons to die in the comfort of their family’s arms. Nice job Scotland. You suck and football is so much better then rugby.
Yo John
Many of us Americans would be more than happy to pull our miltary and warplanes out of your country as well as those in France, Germany, Italy and the rest of the wounderful EU.
Just make sure you don’t ever need us to come back.
Some of us still consider America our best friend. If it’s made in Scotland it will not go into my shopping trolley. That the only way I can think of making a protest.
I was very surprised that this occurred. Many of Scotland’s people died in this horrific event. So sad.
Hello. I don’t approve of compassionate release of mass murderers – we’re not letting Susan Atkins of the Manson family out of prison and she is dying of cancer and has served 40 years in prison. But there is some question how guilty that particular man was. Also, was it a requirement of Scottish law to release him? I’m unclear on that, too.
What a shameful act by Scotland! And all cloaked in false terms of “compassion” — when everyone knows this is about oil.
189 American lives, many of them college students returning home for the Christmas holiday. So many families devastated; these students should be alive today, raising families and living their lives.
Yeah Pennie – connect the dots from 1988 to 2000 – can I see that game please? You are sick, pure and simple. If anything, by your logic your boy “Barack” is responsible for this monster’s release by doing absolutely nothing to prevent it.
By your logic, not mine.
I won’t boycott anything Scottish or British – it’s not the people of those countries who released this scum, it’s one man in Scotland. Who took the word of Libya that the terrorist would receive a modest homecoming…
He is the idiot in this. May he crumble under the weight of the grief and anger of the loved ones of those 270 victims.
I applaud Kenny McAskill and the SNP for not bowing to the demands of America. The decision was Scotland’s to make and, as difficult as I’m sure it was, the conclusion was one which fitted the rich history of our national laws and approach to humanity. Incidentally, I don’t personally agree with the decision, but it was not America’s to make.
America does not have the right to throw its weight around like a political bully, as much as it would dearly love to and often believes it can. Terrorist atrocities only seem to matter to America when they happen to America. I’m sure there’s very little compassion across the pond for the thousands of families in, say, Iraq and Afghanistan who would dearly love to wage a ‘BoycottAmerica’ campaign… but, ach, who cares, eh?
Boycott until your heart is content and enjoy the moral high ground for as long as it lasts, I’m sure our reputation will survive just fine and yours will be tarnished again with the next military misdemeanour
What a bunch of crap. Weve always come to the rescue of any country that has been victimnized by terrorist. WTF are you talking about ?
“America does not have the right to throw its weight around like a political bully, as much as it would dearly love to and often believes it can.”
Hmm, mind telling me how you came to that when we are justifiably pi$$ed over these idiots letting a convicted murderer of almost 200 Americans run free ?
Or how you managed to get Iraq or anyone lese into the mix ?
“I’m sure our reputation will survive just fine”
Its not a hard act to follow
“I applaud Kenny McAskill and the SNP for not bowing to the demands of America.”
As far as I can tell, B.O. made no statements or communications to Scotland about the pending release so I’m not sure what demands you are referring to.
“America does not have the right to throw its weight around like a political bully, as much as it would dearly love to and often believes it can.”
Again, can you please define this “throwing of its weight around”?
“Terrorist atrocities only seem to matter to America when they happen to America.”
Interesting, you chide America for butting in to other peoples business then complain that we don’t get involved in other peoples business. Priceless, Kenny!!
“I’m sure there’s very little compassion across the pond for the thousands of families in, say, Iraq and Afghanistan who would dearly love to wage a ‘BoycottAmerica’ campaign… but, ach, who cares, eh?”
They are more than welcome to boycott America, are they not? I’m not sure what that statement means.
“I’m sure our reputation will survive just fine and yours will be tarnished again with the next military misdemeanour”
Unless of course the next “military misdemeanor” involves saving YOUR country, then I imagine you would probably feel differently. If it does occur, though, try calling Russia or China and see what happens.
“America does not have the right to throw its weight around like a political bully, as much as it would dearly love to and often believes it can.”
kenny i see you are from the UK. can you be more specific on how America throws its weight around? thanks.
I dont know, seems more like its the Scots throwing their weight around here.
They just told a good part of the international community to go screw themselves with no regards to the repercussions of their actions on anyone else in the future
I was referring to the statements made by the US senators and government, including BO, prior to the release urging the Scottish government not to come to the decision they did. There is nothing wrong with this ‘pressure’, of course, given the depth of feeling in the US over the terrible loss of lives. But it was Scotland’s decision and I applaud McAskill for doing what he felt was right and refusing to be swayed.
Hey, I’ll be as embarrassed as the next Scot if he lives more than three months. Personally I’d have left him to rot.
America has made some pretty bad decisions post 9/11 and we have stood behind them without necessarily being happy about it. We don’t always have to agree, a touch of respect does the job.
And Ken, I like the image of America as a superhero nation, going around ‘saving’ countries. That’s what I call priceless. We’ll be fine, thanks
thanks kenny for explaining your position a bit. actually, we here think we have every right to have a say in what happened to megrahi because of the large # of americans on board the flight. we also played a significant role in the hunt and surrendering of megrahi.
it is many in the world who call to america for help when they need it. we don’t think we are perfect. after 9/11 we did all we could to keep ourselves safe. and i dare say should scotland ever need it, america would be the first in line to help.
who votes for these arse sh*ts anyway? scottish & american & cuban & china & iran & iraq & africa & europe & east europe & asia & new zealand and the f*cking rest you peace of sh*ts you are to blame you greedy f*ck ups. that guy whos got money so must know and pay for your vote must be ? get a life ,vote for you ,your family,your community,and tell the rest go take life test grow up get over it live your life without these false icons. yours the pebble on the beach
Scotland Forever!
For Americans thinking that their “payback” is boycotting Scottish goods, may I remind them that the majority of Scottish nationals were NOT in agreement of the decision to release the Lockerbie bomber? Are those professing this “boycott of Scotland” also forgetting the kind and compassionate acts shown by the people of Scotland and Lockerbie, who also suffered losses in this terrible tragedy?
As a dual national, I am always amazed at the knee-jerk reaction that uneducated Americans (who are sole watchers of Fox News) come out with. If your uneducated view is to boycott “Scotch” (as that is about the only Scottish export most Americans even know about, let alone be able to place our country on a world map), then you might want to do some fact-checking as to the effectiveness of a Scotch-boycott as a large number of our distilleries are operated by the Japanese!
hey mingersinamerica
no one here suggested boycotting ‘scotch’. in fact, if you had taken time to read the post you would have noted i said boycotts don’t work and that scotland is our friend and ally.
your rank condescension stinks and has no place here. take your barely veiled elitist-driven attack on conservatism somewhere else if you are not going to fairly discuss and debate.
Cleary, you are a Fox news devotee, given your “elitist” backfire. I read your blog completely, including the link to the “gutless leadership” and your suggestion to Scots to reevaluate their government.
If you had read my comments, you would note that I do not agree with the decision of the Scottish minister. So, if your goal is to seek “peace” and your position is that “Scotland is our friend and ally,” then please refrain from “bickering,” and strirring up hard feelings about Scotland and its people.
you were the one who made the crack about fox – which around here is usually an incoming missle – but whatever.
i never said my goal was to seek peace — i have nothing to seek peace about. i didn’t let a murderous terrorist go free. i wouldn’t have. i think scotland was wrong in releasing megrahi. but i meant what i said about scotland being our friend and good ally. and if you were a regular on this blog, you would know i do not bicker.
you hardly speak for all of scotland mingers and from what i have heard today, many in scotland and the UK are just as outraged over all of this.
but… i do appreciate your opinion and your comment. really.
I dont know Minger, I think maybe at this point you guys should suffer the repercussions of having this idiot Kenny McAskill call these shots.
Looks like most Americans and pro-Americans have conveniently forgotten about April 15th 1986.
For those who weren’t around, that was the day American planes, without warning, bombed Tripoli, killing about 40 innocent civilians in a failed atempt to assasinate Colonel Gaddafi.
No legal process, no compassion, and no remorse. So who’s the terrorists now?
William Wallace?!!? I’d just like to say, as a Scot, please don’t assume that every Scottish person unanimously agreed to have Megrahi freed. This was a decision made by the SNP Justice Secretary. One man does not equate to an entire population. I’m not begging for people NOT to boycott Scotland, as quite frankly I find the idea childish, idiotic and a complete knee jerk reaction. I’d just like to remind some people that throwing phrases about such as “shame on you Scotland” and “Scotland, what the heck is wrong with you?”, is grouping the people of Scotland in with a political party who, quite frankly, couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.
Please don’t tar us all with the same brush.
Peace out.
As a Scot living in Scotland, I am amused at why there has only been this decision now to boycott
scotland. Rightly or wrongly for the Americans reading this blog, the fact is that due to the plane
leaving half an hour late from Heathrow, the fatal crash happened in Scotland and therefore all criminal
investigations relating to it including the prosecution of the case, lies completely with Scotland to
administer, regardless of who else has helped along the way. Americans, please understand, we have
different laws to England in some subtle ways and yourselves majorly. Life impisonment here does not
mean the same as it does in the U.S, No one gets sentenced to 278 years in prison here (nor in the rest
of the UK). There is no death penalty (thank goodness).
You might not agree with it but these are the facts. Compassionate release is part of Scots law, like it
or not.
People cite the fact that Megrahi has only served so many days for each person killed. I don’t see the
relevence of that to his release. My point is, if people are so angry about how little tine he did serve or
what his original sentence was then wouldn’t all those years ago have been the time to boycott scotland?
Megrahi is going to die. And when that happens, Lockerbie will still be very much etched on everyone’s
minds for years to come. I think Kenny Macaskill made the right decision and listening to him yesterday
made me feel very proud.
I have to go to Lockerbie for business today and whilst there I will visit the memorial with the names
of all those who perished. Not just the Scots who dies at Sherbrook Crescent or the petrol station
where the plane came down.
I’m being compassionate.
Can you be?
“I’d just like to say, as a Scot, please don’t assume that every Scottish person unanimously agreed to have Megrahi freed.”
Excellent point, Toerag, and I should have said the same thing in a previous post. This was not the decision of Scotland, it was made by a few people in their government. This decision has stirred up a firestorm and some government officials are scrambling. This has, in no way, changed my opinion of Scotland or her people.
Now, on to macdonald.
“I’m being compassionate.
Can you be?”
If being compasionate is defined as not caring that a murdering aninmal was released to die in comfort surrounded by his family and friends after blowing a plane out of the sky than no, I cannot be compassionate.
His victims were scattered like discarded garbage all over the country side. He did not care about compassion, he did not care about humanity, he did not care about the innocents who had nothing to do with “his fight”. He deserves to die in prison.
Here’s a thought to all you compassion lovers out there. You don’t think that it might be inherently dangerous to release a man with expertise in explosives a few months before he dies? I mean, what has he got to lose now, he’s going to die soon anyway.
Brilliance……absolute brilliance.
I do not think that any American can feel any more outrage that the majority of normal Scottish people over this release. As far as I am concerned the man showed no compassion when he killed all these people and deserves none in return. For all those bleeding hearts who say he is innocent – if that is the case why has the evidence not been heard and the conviction overturned? Sorry he was convicted on the evidence and until otherwise proven that is good enough for me. I am totally ashamed of our Governments, yes both Scottish and UK. Please all you people who are condeming Scotland please remember that the people had no say in the matter, apparently just one man!
“No legal process, no compassion, and no remorse. So who’s the terrorists now?”
Oh gosh, you’re so right Radagast61, the United States just woke up one morning and decided to bomb Libya for no reason whatsoever. Actually, I think Reagan lost a bet the night before and had to pick a random country to bomb.
Perhaps YOU forgot the whole reason for those military strikes. Allow me to educate you.
“After years of occasional skirmishes with Libya over Libyan territorial claims to the Gulf of Sidra, and years of vulnerability to Libyan-supported terrorism, especially the Abu Nidal group behind the Achille Lauro hijacking on December 27, 1985, in the Mediterranean Sea near the Egyptian coast and the Rome and Vienna airport attacks of December 27, 1985, the United States contemplated a military attack to send a message about support for international terrorism.”
Here’s a little something about the Abu Nidal group:
“Has carried out terrorist attacks in 20 countries, killing or injuring almost 900 persons. Targets include the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, moderate Palestinians, the PLO, and various Arab countries. Major attacks included the Rome and Vienna airports in December 1985, the Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul and the Pan Am Flight 73 hijacking in Karachi in September 1986, and the City of Poros day-excursion ship attack in Greece in July 1988. Suspected of assassinating PLO deputy chief Abu Iyad and PLO security chief Abu Hul in Tunis in January 1991. ANO assassinated a Jordanian diplomat in Lebanon in January 1994 and has been linked to the killing of the PLO representative there. Has not staged a major attack against Western targets since the late 1980s.”
Hmmmm, he had not carried out an attack since the late 1980’s. That would be shortly after the U.S. raid on Libya. Gosh, I guess it worked, huh? It’s also interesting to note that Abu Nidal died in his apartment in BAGHDAD.
I also remind you that in 2008 Libya agreed to compensation for the victims of the Lockerbie bombing, sure sounds like an admission to me.
Your welcome, let me know if you need anything else.
firstly america megrahi was probably innocent and was released to save embarresment to the british and american governments as the truth would surely have came out at appeal. secondly the bombing was revenge for the 280 killed on the iranian flight the perpetrators of which were given medals by reagan and treated as heroes on there return to the states. so please america save some of your revulsion for your own country who have sponsored terrorism all over the world when it suits themand finally evolve america
i was disgusted at him being released,but it was a decision out of every ones hands but the justice minister,scotland has a law on which if a person is terminaly ill and in jail he will be released on compasionat grounds. im also disgusted at the american’s who are on alot of websites giving a shitload of crap to them,because believe me our goverment is alot more civilised than the american goverment.
Look at the actions of your own goverment before you criticise mine,
Detention without trial,Torture,Bombing children in pakistan,yugoslavia,vietnam,laos,cambodia and we wont forget the atomb bombs in japan,america is still the only country to drop nukes in anger, Is scotland really that bad? are you really going to boycott us? Sort your own mes out first,your poverty fraud,your lack of basic health care your abondened VICTIMS of katrina on which the whole world watched as your goverment left them to die
Hypocrisy seems to know no bounds. When America stops using extreme rendition, and trying to act like a world police in starting wars with whichever nation has a regime they don’t like (oh, and a bit of oil) – then you can start pointing the finger at other nations, until then you have no right to take a moral high ground when expressing an opinion on other nations conduct.
The My Lai Massacre was the mass murder conducted by a unit of the U.S. Army on March 16, 1968 of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam, all of whom were civilians and a majority of whom were women, children, and elderly people.
Many of the victims were sexually abused, beaten, tortured, and some of the bodies were found mutilated.[2] The massacre took place in the hamlets of Mỹ Lai and My Khe of Sơn Mỹ village during the Vietnam War.[3][4] While 26 US soldiers were initially charged with criminal offenses for their actions at My Lai, only William Calley was convicted. He served only three years of an original life sentence, while on house arrest.
When the incident became public knowledge in 1969, it prompted widespread outrage around the world. The massacre also reduced U.S. support at home for the Vietnam War. Three U.S. servicemen who made an effort to halt the massacre and protect the wounded were denounced by U.S. Congressmen, received hate mail, death threats and mutilated animals on their doorsteps.[5] Only 30 years after the event were their efforts honored.
wheres the compassion for the MILLION +iraqis who lost there lives on a war based on lies?
many oh whome have never been found, mass killings of iraqis with most of them children.
i guess a million iraqis is easier to sweep under the floor than 270 americans?
Wow, we’re getting international trolls now, kate!!! Congratulations!!!!
So much for the world loving us now that Obama is in charge, huh?
oh and the boycott will be good,no longer will americans come up to me and ask when the “ONE o’clock guns” will go off.
As a Scotswoman I have to say I was ashamed of the justice given to al-megrahi, but Scotland is a nation known for its compassion and his time is limited, I truly believe he will be judged at a much higher level when his time comes.
However two points firstly no conclusive evidence was ever given during the trial and although I understand the anguish and anger of families and friends lost in this horrific crime it is a point that must be considered, sometimes the pain lessons when you can hold someone to justice and blame them but remember he didn’t work alone.
Secondly I think people who live in glass houses should not throw stones! I think if you look at America and their human rights record I think you will find you have created more atrocities than most nations considering your brief history starting from the native Americans to the more recent Iraqi torture victims.
Feel free to boycott, the choice is entirely yours I’m not going to beg you to visit our beautiful country, however on the basis that every American I have ever come across has at least one ancestor from Scotland (an amazing fact in itself!) your turning your back on your heritage which I am more than happy to claim for myself!
“A reverse IP lookup and 2 minutes on Google and I can tell you this site was created by one Antonin Alexander. Go on – have a look at the guy who’s ideals you’re following like Lemmings – not quite the Republican pin-up boy you imagine I’m sure! ”
huh?? back away from that crack pipe scot that you’re smoking like a chimney there in new zealand.
i am not antonin alexander and last time i looked, not a pin-up boy. very creative though.
‘Wow, we’re getting international trolls now, kate!!!’
me and trolls — i guess i have the gift! :/
I am not a supporter of the SNP but am a confirmed supporter of the decision to release a dying man to the care of his family. I am also very proud of our Parliament and its laws which afford the notion of compassion in these circumstances.
What is particularly disappointing is the unfortunate use of extreme language by many of the US citizens who post blogs and give the impression that revenge is their mantra. This because the majority of those killed over Lockerbie ( and I worked at the Lockerbie school assisting the many relatives who flew in on Christmas day 1988) were Americans it gives you the right to have a say that is discourteous and disrespectful of our ways. When the decision was made to allow the prosecution of the only accused that decision brought with it a finding of guilt but an opportunity for compassionate release if the circumstances were warranted. They are warranted and the Americans must just accept it unpalateable as it may be.
As far as boycotting Scotland do your best but your unfortunate responses and vitriolic comments have ensured that I will never again travel to the US and I have been not only a student there but also a frequent traveller.
dear friends from scotland and elsewhere in the world
thanks for visiting my blog. before you castigate all things american, please read the post for content. it is very much a pro scotland post but does not run away from the fact that you sadly, released a terrorist!
also, i had no idea that you who seem to ‘speak’ for scotland hated us so much — lots of pent up hostility you have it seems and you should get some help for that.
we aren’t the ones that released megrahi — your government did. there is also a lot more to libyan history and our nation then some of you either know or will recognize. we have every reason to be upset by that and to deny us that right is selfish on your part. the megrahi incident will not leave permanent damage, and as i said there will be no real boycott.
but when your cousins are not standing shoulder to shoulder with you on terrorism, its shockingly painful.
oh and one more interesting thing about all of this is that it seems scotland has lots of liberal moonbats too.
‘William Wallace?!!?’
toerag should i have not used william wallace here as a symbol of unflinching courage in the face of evil? certainly no offense was meant. i am a fan.
plus thats how i see terrorism (evil) and the threat to our country.
That’s what is so amazing kate. Just about all the regular posters here have stated that while they are upset with the decision, they are not blaming the entire population, nor do they plan on boycotting. We consider Scotland a wonderful ally, but instead of actually reading that, they come here and trash America about everything.
Apparently Scottish trolls don’t bother reading the entire post either.
“but your unfortunate responses and vitriolic comments have ensured that I will never again travel to the US and I have been not only a student there but also a frequent traveller.”
Gosh, I hope we can survive without you.
Dear Kate
Please stop patronizing Scottish people. We are proud of the fact that we have plenty of liberal “moonbats” in our country.
I would like to end my comments to your clearly biased blog by giving you two additional points to consider:
If the rest of the world boycotted American goods and services as a result of perceived foreign policy blunders, Americans would be in a difficult position.
Why do people protest about sending a sick man home in accordance with international law and practice? A convicted terrorist no doubt but Americans happily funded a terrorist campaign in Ireland which claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians and troops!
Keep watching Fox news – it’s doing wonders for your understanding of international relations.
May you find peace.
My 2nd husband and I went to the UK for 6 weeks one summer. Part of that time (2 weeks) we traveled in Scotland, staying in a small cottage in a little village. Yes the people were generally nice but that seemed quite jealous of yanks. They also had disgusting food.
Having said that, they should run their country as they see fit. If we have any concerns that this guy is still a threat which I don’t think he is, we have people who can deal with that.
“A convicted terrorist no doubt but Americans happily funded a terrorist campaign in Ireland which claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians and troops! ”
The difference is it wasn’t the American GOVERNMENT that funded that group, it was private citizens. Fudning which was 100% wrong. The Scottish GOVERNMENT released a murderer, get the differnece?
Nice try, though.
‘your clearly biased blog’
well sure it is mingersinamerica! i am a conservative evangelical christian who generally votes (R) but not always and loves our country and the principles of freedom and liberty. i am also staunchly pro-life, pro-military, and anti-terrorism and my blog reflects all those things.
one of the wonderful things about america is that i can have a blog that promotes these principles and also gives you the right to challenge it. i can also watch whatever tv channel i want even that dastardly foxnews!
it’s not my intention to patronize the scottish people but i will speak against idiotic decisions made by their government and if that seems to be offensive to you i can’t be responsible for that.
thanks for stopping by again.
idiotic decisions made by our goverment…maybe you should look closer to home
i feel more angry that your tryin to place william wallaces name in this,what right have you got to do this? scotland will never be americas lapdog, you talk as if you knew william wallace and what he stood for?do you really understand what he stood for? your goverment in the past 10 years has left millions of famlys without sons,fathers daughters etc and i also find it funny when you americans say you saved us..saved us from who? WW1 was already being won by the allies when the US joined, their intervention shortened the war and saved countless lives.
WW2 you didnt come in untill late again but the allies already had the nazis on there knees,its funny how many americans get educated on hollywood movies,because we all know hollywood tries to re-write history in its movies.i think the world has already spoke out about american goverment and its idiotic fools who run there country.Scotland will never be americas lapdog nor will we ever be bullied into making decisions.Scottish soldiers have died in there thousands for american wars and still are to this day and over one thing like that the freindship is over?scotland has and always will survive without america,we did not bad before america was even a country.
i would just like to point out irish whiskey is really quite good
How people can try to justify this mans release is beyond me. All I can say as a Scotman is I am looking forward to the next election when a certain Justice Minister will get his marching orders.
Kate and Ken,
If someone is convicted of murder here. Say a thug stabs someone to death or shoots
Someone who then dies, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment. Generally
That means they will be sentenced to say 20 years in prison. At the time of sentencing,
The judge will recommend a minimum period that the person will serve before
They can apply for early release. Chances are that might happen after only serving 12 years
Of the term. So that victim has died and is not coming back but the murderer will be free
To go about their business after 12 years on the proviso they committ no further
I’m not saying its right, but the reason I highlight this is to give you an example of
Our system. The reason people think you (as in some americans) are patronising in this
Whole business is because you are making no attempt to understand our justice system.
All you can see is that a murderer has been released. It’s really hard to understand because
Of how you think the crime would be dealt with in the US but the fact is that it does happen here.
I hope this helps you to understand.
The memorial was lovely.
hi macdonald
thanks for your post. i do understand that this was based on scottish law and i respect that. but for me, its not simply letting a criminal go free, its letting a TERRORIST go free.
that runs very deep in me. we paid such a terrible price on 9/11 and my life has been forever changed because of it. in my mind, terrorists never should be free. ever.
let me see if i can find common ground here because we are having difficulty communicating.
you said this: “idiotic decisions made by our goverment…maybe you should look closer to home”
oh believe me. i castigate our government, both republicans and democrats (mostly liberals) daily on this blog. i dislike them both.
you said this: “i feel more angry that your tryin to place william wallaces name in this,what right have you got to do this?”
yes william wallace is your national hero who stood with amazing courage for freedom and liberty against tyranny. are those not univeral principles? i used him as an example of what in my head i think scottish people must be like. that incredible love of freedom and liberty against tyranny is in your dna as it is in ours. i see megrahi as a murdering terrorist not just a criminal. i see terrorism as tyranny. i am not apologetic for using him and i will continue to use him as an example.
do you think william wallace would have released megrahi? no. he would have identified him as a terrorist and killed where he stood.
you said: “scotland will never be americas lapdog”
that is just so wrong on so many levels. scotland has been linked to america since our beginning through blood and tears. we don’t need lapdogs so quit believing that junk. and your position on WW1 and WW2 is pretty unbelievable — do you not recognize the contribution our country made in those wars? why would you demean that? our war dead (kids really) are buried all over the world.
as far as boycot’s not working,
how are your sales of salt and cotton going in india these days …
gee, i am thirsty, i think i will go have a cup of COFFEE
im all about facts and heres some facts from your awsome goverment at work.
I shall start with is the case of Agent Orange in Vietnam, Agent Orange is the code name for a powerful herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in an attempt to deny an enemy cover and concealment in dense terrain where they could hide. America dumped more than twenty million gallons of this chemical in the south of Vietnam, no one knows what is the total amount of chemicals dumped in the whole of Vietnam.The chemicals used in agent orange produces dioxins that are harmful to not only the environment, but causes diseases like cancer and genetically transfer from one generation to the next causing massive deformation in babies. In 1984, chemical companies that manufactured the Agent paid $180m to the United States veterans who are suffering due to their contact with Agent Orange. What about the Vietnamese, who have not received any aid, and their lawsuits filed against the companies have been dismissed in US courts. Lets take a look at Vietnam where so much of the defoliant has absorbed into the earth and the water supply that it continues to have an effect on peoples’ lives.
On August 6, 1945, 8.15 am, the uranium atom bomb exploded 580 metres above the city of Hiroshima with a blinding flash, creating a giant fireball and sending surface temperatures to 4,000C. Housewives and children were incinerated instantly, their internal organs boiled and their bones charred into brittle charcoal.
Beneath the center of the explosion, temperatures were hot enough to melt concrete and steel. Within seconds, 75,000 people had been killed or fatally injured with 65% of the casualties nine years of age and younger.
Radiation deaths were still occurring in large numbers in the following days. “For no apparent reason their health began to fail. They lost appetite, their hair fell out, and bluish spots appeared on their bodies. And then bleeding began from the ears, nose and mouth”. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed about 2,53,008 and 1,43,124 humans
Depleted uranium that has been used in the ammunition of modern weaponry by the Americans, during the Gulf War and even the carpet bombing that took place in Iraq and is sill being used has tragic consequences. The amount of radiation now present in Iraq due to the weapons used by Americans is equal to a massive quantity of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) exploding there.
Doctors in Iraq have estimated that birth defects have increased by 2-6 times, and 3-12 times as many children have developed cancer and leukemia since 1991. Moreover, a report published in The Lancet in 1998 said that as many as 500 children a day are dying from these sequels to war and sanctions and that the death rate for Iraqi children under 5 years of age increased from 23 per 1000 in 1989 to 166 per thousand in 1993.
Overall, cases of lymphoblastic leukemia more than quadrupled with other cancers also increasing ‘at an alarming rate’ due to American bombs. Veterans of the Gulf War and of the fighting in the Balkans share common illnesses with children in southern Iraq.
Their own citizens like Doug Rokke, the U.S. Army contractor who headed a clean-up of depleted uranium after the first Gulf War stated, “Depleted uranium is a crime against God and humanity.”
And you accuse my goverment of being idiotic…
irish whiskey is yummy
and of course scotland is not the usa’s lapdog
you are the queen of england’s lapdog
lisab you prove how un-educated you are with such a small sentance.
so you are saying you are not subjects of the queen of england?
sooooooo much for that much vaunted european education
hold on … let me look up your country in wikipedia …. um … um … oh yeah … here it is
under the heading of
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
you don’t even get scotland in the name of your country … even northern ireland has their name in the title of your country.
so doesw queen elizabeth still have jus primae noctis?
that is, does she still get to take your daughters’ virginities before they get married? it would explain a few things about how she dresses.
so you are saying you are not subjects of the queen of england?
sooooooo much for that much vaunted european education
while we may be classed as subjects to the queen,it is only the union of scotland and england that keeps us together.
actually your trying to put words in my mouth on something i didnt say,typical
great britian makes up scotland and england,UNITED kingdome makes up England ,Scotland,Wales and northern ireland
so doesw queen elizabeth still have jus primae noctis?
that is, does she still get to take your daughters’ virginities before they get married? it would explain a few things about how she dresses.
sorry could you rephrase that in proper english { i dont understand idiot language}
Hey ScottishandProud. It’s good to be scottish and proud. We give you that. Lisa is just giving you some grief because of your incredible rudeness to us.
We like you. We really do.
But don’t come in here and lecture about war and death to a country and a people that has sacrificed unbelievable for others. And another thing this post was a pro-Scotland post. Get the chip off your scottish-proud shoulder.
“while we may be classed as subjects to the queen”
so you mean, “yes, you are lapdogs of the queen”
glad we agree
“We like you. We really do.”
actually we don’t. i am from massachusetts of lexington and concord fame
we shoot ladies from hell,
may there always be a strong wind blowing up your kilt
and that is another thing …
why do you scottish men wear skirts like catholic schoolgirls?
“while we may be classed as subjects to the queen”
so you mean, “yes, you are lapdogs of the queen”
glad we agree
sorry i dont agree with it,i dont need to pledge a Allegiance and have never done so,so im am not her subject and millions more,youre idiotic responses are funny,keep replying,
as far as i am concerned America think they are almighty remember Vietnam and what you failed to do and all the murders your troops committed there so don’t go on about Scotland how many guns were sent to N.Ireland by Americans to be used by terrorists ,better if you lot kept your mouths shut and mind your own business
and that is another thing …
why do you scottish men wear skirts like catholic schoolgirls?
youre question shows me how idiotic you really are,
thats like me asking why a re americans fat?
keep em comming,you really are proving what you really are.
“I’m not saying its right, but the reason I highlight this is to give you an example of
Our system.”
Fair enough, and believe me our system is FAR from perfect, we don’t mean to sound judgmental. I’m sure you can understand the emotions that were involved for everyone.
William Wallace would roll over in his grave if he could see what Scotland did with Megrahi. And I have a right to speak my mind because I am a Scot.
“why do you scottish men wear skirts like catholic schoolgirls?
youre question shows me how idiotic you really are,
thats like me asking why a re americans fat?”
well i guess that means you are going for the obvious answer … most americans are too fat because they eat too much and exercise too little …
and the obvious reason why scottish men wear plaid skirts would be because …
ohhhhhhhhhh … it makes sense now
you are not going to complain about us not speaking the queen’s english again are you?
rather sad that you don’t even have your own language
“why do you scottish men wear skirts like catholic schoolgirls?
youre question shows me how idiotic you really are,
thats like me asking why a re americans fat?”
well i guess that means you are going for the obvious answer … most americans are too fat because they eat too much and exercise too little …
and the obvious reason why scottish men wear plaid skirts would be because …
ohhhhhhhhhh … it makes sense now
The kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats at the rear, originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. Since the 19th century it has been associated with the wider culture of Scotland in general, or with Celtic (and more specifically Gaelic) heritage elsewhere. It is most often made of woollen cloth in a tartan pattern.
Though the Scottish kilt is most often worn mainly on formal occasions or at Highland Games and sports events, it has also been adapted as an item of fashionable informal, and formal, male clothing in recent years.
you are not going to complain about us not speaking the queen’s english again are you?
rather sad that you don’t even have your own language
gealic? is spoken by many and i can assure you no one outside of scotland will ever understand glasweigen,
you really should go back to school or read some books and stop watching movies for your education.
“The kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats at the rear”
right … a plaid skirt
Host that second post is not from me. Check the ip and you will see. Could you please remove it? Someone is obviously having fun at my expense and for my opinion.
“The kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats at the rear”
right … a plaid skirt
wow i really cant believe how ignorant you really are,i guess its expected from an american tho
you mean the language you got from ireland?
my apologies … i meant a PLEATED a plaid skirt
you mean the language you got from ireland?
Scottish Gaelic you Imbecile
crannog yes i see that. i will take care of it right away.
“Scottish Gaelic”
which came over from ireland …
catholic school girl or scottish man … you be the judge
“Scottish Gaelic”
which came over from ireland …
whats the point you tryin to make?
i bet you dont believe all white americans came from europe either?
lisa you might be losing me here… i kind of think a man in a kilt is kind of sexy. it’s that whole highlander/queen thing ya know? 😉
catholic school girl or scottish man … you be the judge
your insults are actualy quite childish and your starting to act like your goverment now,pure cowerds.:)
well you complained about us not speaking the queen’s english …
well, that is because we are not the queen’s lapdogs …
and then you said that actually you don’t speak just the queen’s english, but that you had your own language …
which actually is irish
“lisa you might be losing me here… i kind of think a man in a kilt is kind of sexy. ”
you make your husband dress up in skirts? you protestants are kinkier than i thought
and then you said that actually you don’t speak just the queen’s english, but that you had your own language …
which actually is irish
i take it you hear alot of irish talking glasweigen?
you are such an idiotic fool.
heh lisa. i’ll tell my hubs you said that. 😉
lisa if you hate the scottish so much and want to boycutt us,are you going to stop using our inventions? TV? bikes ,golf,Penicillin,telephone,radar this is only a few from alot
“your insults are actualy quite childish”
right … like that is not a skirt … another scottish “kilt”
Penicillin? you are claiming you invented bacteria?
ok, yeah sure.
you know kate, i hear scottish men don’t wear panties under their skirts …
like britney spears
Penicillin? you are claiming you invented bacteria?
ok, yeah sure.
Penicillin is a group of antibiotics AND NOT BACTERIA ffs
The discovery of penicillin is attributed to Scottish scientist and Nobel laureate Alexander Fleming in 1928
how old are you lisa? i say you hjave to be about 8 or 9?
right, sorry, you invented fungi
actually it is almost believable that the scots invented fungus … almost
you know even trinidad has achieved independence from england …
it might be safe for you now
this is the last post i will make to lisa,if you read the above posts you will realise lisab is really an ill-informed child who knows nothing about anything,i cant go on making a fool of you any more,because us scottish are a freindly people but when pissed are the worst of the worst
maybe i will start my own blog and see if i get sent in donations to help lisa get an education
well it is not my fault if you are a irish gaelic speaking english lapdog wearing catholic schoolgirl’s skirts
i think he has run to get help from the english … so sad
im only angry because of the niggers that gangbanged me and gave me aids
i have every sexual disease that is nown to man and im proud of it because i poke my vagina with the crack pipe i smoke.
well said lisa
actually scottishandproud lisab didn’t say that. a spammer from your side of the pond using her name did. i have been trying to catch them but that one got in.
well at least we know that you are really scottish with that racist diatribe
sometimes it takes a few posts before they show their true colors
which as i recall, are the colors of the queen of england … the scots being english lapdogs and all
Author : Crannog (IP: ,
Author : lisab (IP: ,
Author : scottishandproud (IP: ,
interesting scottishandproud. i guess you aren’t too proud to spam my blog with racist, homophobic, and misogynist comments using real posters are you? all for the sake of scotland! and william wallace would be so proud of you.
scat creep.
sorry kate.
i have that effect on trolls 🙂
You seem to feel that we, in Scotland had a hand to play in this? Do you not think we ourselves are outraged that a man who served 11 days (not two weeks) for each murder is back in the arms of his family?
However much I disagree with the decision however, I cannot help but be annoyed at the amount of pressure America has piled on Scotland over this, ill informed people who know nothing but swallow the garbage of a “war on terror’ which we followed you into, your government all trying to bully us out of a decision that was out of our hands when Tony Blair signed a prisoner transfer agreement in the 90s.
The vast majority of people who have commented on this are ignorant hicks who haven’t bothered to even check who made the decision.
Not the people of Scotland, not the ministers of Scotland
Just one man.
And saying that William Wallace would never have released Megrahi is practically libel, and posting a youtube video of a tarted up Mel Gibson trivializing history and posing as a legend only undermines your flawed point. I hope none of his descendants read your half arsed musings on international affairs.
comment deleted
“Do you not think we ourselves are outraged that a man who served 11 days (not two weeks) for each murder is back in the arms of his family?”
yeah … your outrage is palpable
hey kayleigh
appreciate the outrage but frankly you are about 100 comments too late and some have said it so much better then you.
and you are outraged? coolio. prove it by dealing with your leadership.
and finally kayleigh. last time i checked, i pay the bills for my blog not you or and scot. if i want to talk about william wallace or put up a you tube with a ‘tarted up’ mel gibson i will.
it’s amazing how some of you are so offended at we americans for taking offense that you let a stinkin terrorist out of prison to die in the comfort of his family. what were we thinking???
“go fight of obesity lisa”
i would, but i don’t know where your mother lives
it’s amazing how some of you are so offended at we americans for taking offense that you let a stinkin terrorist out of prison to die in the comfort of his family. what were we thinking???
yea its alright for americans to let terrorists walk free but get on there moral high ground when some 1 else tries it,,yea right
“that were killing innocent british civilians”
so now you admit you are an english lapdog … being all british and all
“Westminster would later tell Edinburgh …”
we handled that problem in 1776
hey scottishandproud
i would have loved to have you be reasonable here (for the sake of william wallace and all) but it seems you can’t be. i’ve deleted your posts and will continue to do so if i need to. byeeee
awww come on kate…ill be reasonable
“ill be reasonable”
you wear pleated girls’ skirts
history is not on your side
then beg like the lapdog you are!!!! kidding, kidding. 😛
ok, but be right please ok?
1776 is when america became englands lapdog lisa.
history is not on your side
can you explain?
you cant can you? hehehe i understand your not the smartest so should i leave it at that?
“englands”? is there more than one?
you don’t even make your own foreign policy …
even your best soccer team is called the “celtics”.
let me put it this way, if the queen told you to realease a terrorist prisoner who had murdered dozens upon dozens of innocent people, men, women and children, would you let him go?
oh wait …
I, as an individual can’t deal with my country’s leadership, it’s not like the government held a referendum and asked each Scot their opinions.
Oh, I know I wont vote SNP next time. Except I didn’t vote for them the first time either, did you do anything about 8 years of Bush? I bloody doubt it.
And William Wallace really has nothing to do with this, it’s just you juxtaposing this scottish administration for a rebel that lived in a completely different and irrelevant time. William Wallace is completely irrelevant, it’s like f*cking propaganda using a heroic image to reinforce your criticisms of something that you barely understand.
Understandably a video of Braveheart will distract the twats that read your blog (their usernames are like perusing a porn mailing list) from the bullsh*t that you’ve assembled into a rambling barely there point.
And maybe they put it better because a poorly educated cretin like you understood their posts, since you barely touched on any of the points I tried to raise.
Also, since you deemed it appropriate to respond on the defensive. i.e. sound like a total bitch, i’ll talk to you like one.
You are an ignorant c*nt who knows nothing of the circumstances, events or people that come into play in this decision, this has been 20 years in the making and you who pays a pittance a month for the privilege of writing this trashy blog for anyone who stumbles onto it (and the majority won’t come back because you’re a venomous bitch who oppresses debate rather than encourages it).
God bless the f*cking internet, gives people like you a chance to constantly preach, and never be wrong.
“englands”? is there more than one?
you don’t even make your own foreign policy
even your best soccer team is called the “celtics”.
let me put it this way, if the queen told you to realease a terrorist prisoner who had murdered dozens upon dozens of innocent people, men, women and children, would you let him go?
oh wait …
englands = england’s
scotland doesnt have a foreign policy,westminister do tho
soccer team is called Celtic,not the basketball thing u think of the celtics
its funny becasue this guy got released and in 2 weeks time Colonel Gaddafi
will be in the united states to talk about oil. Colonel Gaddafi is the leader of libya.
“doesnt” is that the famed scottish gaelic i’ve heard so much about
“scotland doesnt have a foreign policy,westminister do tho”
“do it”?
westminister … that would be the westminister in england … where your english queen lives and tells you what to do … “sit scottish boy sit … that’s a good laddie”
“Colonel Gaddafi will be in the united states to talk about oil.”
what can i say, we have a muslim president now …
i never said we did not have issues …
but at least our president made his own mind up to welcome a viscious murderer into the country as opposed to having the queen tell him to welcome muaamar.
The Queen is practically f*cking decoration, she has no bearing on any decisions EVER she is only still our monarch because she lures you stupid b*stards in to spend your dollars on tacky towels and visiting that claptrap palace.
sooooooo … would you happen to have altered images greatest hits? i used to have hair like clair grogan
“ok im fed u with your ignorance”
i don’t think you quite have the hang of the queen’s english … your english masters will get upset with you if you don’t get on the ball.
i think you mean …
itsit’s/b> funny bercause because you can never have an intelectual intellectual conversation with americans; and lisaslisa’s posts prove it.... Ihope you and youyour famly die a slow and painful death from cancer.
whoopsie … i forgot to change “famly” … i assume … and i am only guessing … that you meant:
“I hope you and your famly family die a slow and painful death from cancer.”
good to see intellectuals still exist in the northern part of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
sorry, html is not my thing
whoopsie … i forgot to change “famly” … i assume … and i am only guessing … that you meant:
“I hope you and your famly family die a slow and painful death from cancer.”
good to see intellectuals still exist in the northern part of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
really, was it shocking, does that mean you are shocked?
my point is, it is really so much more effective when you do not misspell “intellectual” when calling someone names.
I’m a Scot and have to say your confusing Hollywood over realism in putting your William Wallace case. Don’t you American people understand that William Wallace killed thousands of innocent lives in his raids into England? He is what you Americans in modern day call “a terrorist”. You can’t pick and choose who to call a terrorist now.
“Is there any merit to arguing the pedantics of language and grammar on the internet?”
not sure, but he got upset at me earlier for not using the queen’s english, of course not being a subject of the queen … i really don’t care.
that was why we shot at you english lapdogs in 1776 … so we did not have to be subjects of the queen.
Time to bomb Libya again!
“I’m a Scot and have to say your confusing Hollywood over realism in putting your William Wallace case.”
i think you are confusing “you’re” with “your” in that sentence.
You’ve said the lapdog thing a few times now and it’s losing it’s impact.
We don’t have to swear an oath or pledge allegiance to the Queen, but you have to pledge to a fictional God.
We have to pay taxes, oh wait so do you.
Now tell me how exactly we are suffering as a result of still having a monarch? Are you under the impression that she runs some kind of regime?
Lisa, seriously go and get your hackles up about something else. Nobody really cares when to use your or you’re right now, their they’re there. Are you grading our comments?
if you are going to post on my blog you will do so with respect. i gave you a pass on your foul mouth diatribe once by correcting some of the crap you wanted to post. the others were and will be deleted.
if you don’t like my rules dltdhyotwo
“but you have to pledge to a fictional God.”
not true
actually scottishandproud was the one who brought up lapdogs, not me.
I’m being hounded by the spelling police…Good stuff…I must have touched a raw nerve.
“Are you grading our comments?”
well, if you edukated skotz are goin to komplain abowt how ignrant amerikans r, it wud help if u wrot n inglish
if you are going to post on my blog you will do so with respect. i gave you a pass on your foul mouth diatribe once by correcting some of the crap you wanted to post. the others were and will be deleted.
i guess you have double standards here kate,shocking,maybe you should go about deleting lisa’s posts also? they show total disrespect to us scots
Boycott Scotland!
hey mark
my point on the william wallace vid was that he fought for freedom and liberty against tyranny. i equate tyranny with terrorism.
actually, you did not misspell a word, you simply used the wrong word.
you confused “you’re” with “your”.
of course, given your superior education, u probly new that
tyranny with terrorism = goerge bush.
“they show total disrespect to us scots”
i was simply responding to you.
i think you mean
“tyranny with terrorism = goerge george bush.”
Very commendable. Did Hollywood’s Braveheart tell you that? Glad tyou watched their version of it all. He still killed thousands of innocent civillians across his borders. It’s what modern day America calls “terrorism.”
How about Noraid giving the American dollars when the IRA were bombing and killing civillians in the UK. Freedom and Liberty too I take it?
Nice of you to give me free lessons in diction and spelling. Much appreciated. Always nice to have an American Republican lecture the world on a multitude of rights and wrongs. I’ll take the advice though and watch for any future mistakes in spelling and diction.
“Always nice to have an American Republican lecture the world on a multitude of rights and wrongs. ”
well … technically i am not an american republican. i am an american liberal. not that i expect you to grasp the usa’s political scene, but i am on the far left. kate, would be more of a republican than i ever would be.
“these people wouldn’t last in scotland”
you mean in the northern section of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
gregory’s girl is a good movie though … i will give you that.
Aren’t you really all the same in political circles over there though?
Anyway, I find it pretty cool that you seem to be having a conversation with yourself. All these postings from “different people” all with the same small letters instead of capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. I know how your really keen on spelling and dictation. I just thought I’d alert you to it.
So the IRA that NORAID in America funded using your tax dollars. Were the IRA the same as William Wallace. Bombing and killing innocent civillians in the name of Freedom and Liberty and all that?
“Aren’t you really all the same in political circles over there though?”
“So the IRA that NORAID in America funded using your tax dollars. Were the IRA the same as William Wallace.”
these two sentences do not make sense. try again, and i may respond.
“we aren’t the ones that released megrahi — your government did”
That’s a fair statement bur you see you can’t have a go at the Scottish Government for releasing a terrorist when your own Government in America has recently released Mohammed Jawad from Guantanamo Prison. A terrorist incarcerated there for the past three years. He confessed to tossing a grenade into a vehicle containing two US troops and an Afghan interpreter yet your Government has just released him.
I suggest you read up on this case to familiarise yourself with the facts that your own Government are releasing terrorists.
“you can’t have a go at the Scottish Government for releasing a terrorist when your own Government in America has recently released Mohammed Jawad from Guantanamo Prison.”
yes we can … we do not like obama either.
Try the sentences again? Why’s that? Can’t you bring yourself to admit that your American tax dollars went to fund IRA terrorism and bombing campaigns in the UK?
I realise that you amongst others can do without me and any modest financial contribution or indeed any other contribution I can make to the USA but if you would only realise that your response confirms the perception widely held in Scotland and I suspect elsewhere in the world that you and other Americans don’t care about what others think ( in response to your country”s and individuals deeds and words) about you and your country providing you can have your say. Consequently despite the many good things that the US does actually do your are remembered and known for your constant complaining and lack of respect and discourtesy to anyone or anything that doesn’t suit you. You confirm that in the USA there are always two ways yours and the wrong and it just isn’t good enough.
A little more understanding humility and you might just receive the responses to your concerns that you believe warranted in other words taken seriously.
“Try the sentences again? Why’s that?”
because the sentences as written do not make sense. if you clearly state what you mean, i may be able to agree or disagree with you.
Well it’s bed time here, have to get up early to keep the produce in the country up and running since all this Scotch and a weekend’s golf’s going to be getting boycotted!
About talking to yourself in your blog. I suggest you keep taking the tablets hen.
“You confirm that in the USA there are always two ways yours and the wrong and it just isn’t good enough.”
well, if the other way involves releasing a terrorist who killed a bunch of american children … yeah, we might take exception to that.
imagine if he had been in prison in the usa and we released him because the uk told us too, even though he murdered a bunch of scots. you would probably be a little upset.
why does your blog see so much more action than rp?
you have a better class of trolls than rp.
I sense frustration. Any you folk tried wankin?
“why does your blog see so much more action than rp?”
“you have a better class of trolls than rp.”
oh i guess i’m lucky that way. :/
Lockerbie – First Tragedy, Now Shame!….
The release of the Lockerbie bomber was very enlightening, I now understand why the Scottish people remember William Wallace so very fondly. People remember, by their nature, things that are no more. Gone is William Wallace. Gone is Scottish honor. Gone is Scottish bravery. Gone is the idea justice and punishment for the acts of evil men. Yes the sword once wielded for these ideals has become embarrassingly dull. Abdel Baset al-Megrahi served a mere 11 days for each life taken, ouch! I’m quite sure Mr. Wallace would have made this same decision, to send this killer of innocence back to his homeland to live out his days in peace as a returning hero, and possibly a cup of tea and shortbread, in a display of Scottish compassion. After all, it was mostly Yanks that died that day, not so many Scots eh. So on the day your countrymen set aside to remember William Wallace and the honor and bravery that is no more, also take time, time to remember this fact. The only “stones” left in Scotland are the ones used to keep the sheep from blowing into the sea.
Well, at Blatherings Blog you learn something new everyday! Reading this thread a load of bollocks that’s for sure!
I had no idea the Scottish people were so foul mouthed, thin-skinned, bampots especially unable to admit their faults. I am disappointed in you Scots. We’ll have to remember that the next time you need something like tourists and people to buy your products.
And to think so many of us came from you. Staggering.
“I had no idea the Scottish people were so foul mouthed, thin-skinned, bampots especially unable to admit their faults”
you should have seen the deleted comments … i do not think i have seen the “n” word used by an american since … oh … never.
Guys Read this article.
It shines a whole new perspective on the matter. “There were also British victims of the attack, and almost none of their relatives think that al-Megrahi should have been in jail at all. As their spokesman, Jim Swire, put it: “I don’t believe for a moment that this man was involved [in the bombing].”
Very Very Interesting….
“For the first time in history the Scots, whose cultivation of grievance has sustained them for centuries, are disturbed to find themselves on the receiving end of embittered reproaches from across the world.”…-now-theyre-all-angry-with-us-Scots.html
LMAO. If the UK’s healthcare wasn’t such a mess, they could maybe issue everyone in the country Zoloft. Some of them need it more then others. Talk about freaks.
Nice Link. and I also love this comment on it
“Should we really base our justice system on the thought that right and wrong depend on American public opinionor mighty dollar. No!
Whether you believe the decision was right or wrong, no one can deny MacAskill stood up for what he believed was right under Scots law. It was a courageous decision.
To those who question the Scots fight against terrorism. Dozens have died fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan againts the Taliban and Al Quieda. This from a population of under 5 million.
Scotland has nothing to be ashamed of!! “
hi there murray — thanks for the thoughtful link.
but i want to ask you…courage doesn’t always equal doing what’s right does it?
it is clear many of us here will never agree with the scottish law that provided megrahi his freedom. but you are right in that it was scottish law and macaskill followed law — but was he courageous? i think not.
the beauty of freedom of speech is that we have it. i used mine in my post – like it or not. others today vigorously practiced theirs here on the blog.
sadly though we were not able to hear the opinions of the 243 passengers, 16 crew members and 11 people on the ground in Lockerbie that day when megrahi blew them into oblivion.
Hey murray, here’s a better quote. From the Libyan leader himself:
“It is a policy “that generates the terrorism which they now suffer (referring to those countries protesting over al Megrahìs reception). Terrorism is a phenomenon with a double cause and it finds its justification in these policies”.”
Wow, the Libyan leader saying terrorism is justified the day after al Medrahis, a Libyan agent, returns home after being convicted of a terrorist act. Yeah, no coincidence there. Strangely enough dear leader of Libya never said he was innocent. Hmmmmmmmm.
I’ve read many of the links claiming al Megrahis innocence. They didn’t amount to much. Unfortunately the real world is much different than television. You don’t always have a video tape of the bad guy committing the crime. In the real world things aren’t always open and shut.
I absolutely agree Ken, nothing is open and shut. But many people who are angry at this are coming from an ‘open and shut’ ‘black and white’ simple perspective.
I think more is going on than we think. I always thought that the conviction like many others around the world might have been dubious, but at the time I was glad they caught ‘someone’.
I have not corroborated the evidence myself since I do not have it. but this following paragraph from the link I sent gave me pause.
‘Soon new evidence began to appear. It pointed to al-Megrahi, who had been working as a security officer for Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta in 1988. A Maltese shopkeeper identified him as the man who bought children’s clothing like that found in the suitcase that contained the bomb that brought down Pan Am 103.
It was pretty flimsy evidence, but Colonel Gaddafi, Libya’s ruler, was desperate to end the Western trade embargo against his country. He never admitted blame in the Pan Am affair, but he handed al-Megrahi and a colleague over for trial in a Western court.
Al-Megrahi’s trial took place in 2001. His colleague was freed, but he was jailed for 27 years (in Scotland, because Pan Am 103 came down in Lockerbie). As time passed, however, the case began to unravel.
The Maltese shopkeeper who had identified al-Megrahi, Tony Gauci, turned out to be living in Australia, supported by several million dollars the Americans had paid him for his evidence.’
I do hear you Murray, however, I do wonder about Dyers claim about the Maltese shopkeeper being paid by the Americans. He offers no evidence of this.
Also, its hard to take a proven Israel hater and a man who admires Yasser Arafat at his word when talking about the innocence of an Arab terrorist:
“So what did Arafat do right? Just two things, but they were big
ones. First, he broke the hold of Arab governments who tried to control
the Palestinian resistance movements for their own purposes. Then, even
more importantly, he made the whole world acknowledge the existence of the
Palestinian nation. He did that, for the most part, by successful acts of
So Arafat was right in killing innocents to bring attention to his cause? I just don’t think this guy is credible.
hey,i agree with alot of people that the terrorist should have died in jail
he should have died in jail.
and im scottish,there was nothing we could do
all this arguing between our 2 great nations is foolish if you ask me,my heart goes out to the loved ones who died and they will never be forgotten.
what really turns my stomoch,people like him is driving the hatred between our great nations.
hi realscot
thanks for your comments. we haven’t had many folks from Scotland today that share your opinion.
i want to know why gordon brown kept so quiet about it,he has the authority to stand in if he thinks a decision is wrong {which it was} im no conspiracy theorist but in 2010 scotland are getting a referendum on our independance,i wonder if gordon brown sat back and he knew what was going to happen in all the media and the backlash of things to come to drive the publics choice of snp back to snp,i dunno.
erhm,publics choice of snp back to labour , 😀
probaly 99% of scottish share the same opinion as me its only a small minority that say otherwise,let us not forget tho,our 2 great nations are still fighting like hell in afghnistan,and many scots like americans have givin there lives in iraq and now its happening in afghanistan,dont let the foolishness of 1 man condem a whole nation as we both need each other 🙂
i agree realscot especially about the iraq and afghanistan part.
if only 1% support the decision to release megrahi, they must have all visited my blog today. :cough:
americans do not hate the british.
actually, if anything we appreciate that you stood by us the way our grandparents stood by you.
now the french on the other hand …
actually i thought my post indicated my love for the scottish people. clearly some skipped over that part. i may need to revise the ‘love’ part to ‘like a lot’ though after this post. 😀
i did say i like altered images and gregory’s girl … they are so touchy … you simply ask why their men wear plaid skirts and they get all upset
ya but lisa i’ve been to a wedding where the men wore kilts. very beautiful and very sexy. i loved the experience. my husband was watching me take it all in while we sitting in the pew and i looked over at him and he just shook his head ‘no way’. he’s not a kilt guy i guess.
the problem is that you should not be admiring how sexy a man’s skirt is
it was the whole look. kind of romantic actually. and i must admit, i do love black watch plaid.
oh and lisa… someday i am gonna write a post on the french. imagine the possibilities!!!
have you ever been to france? it is actually pretty nice …
except the men now wear skinny women’s style jeans …
i of course took the opportunity to order “french fries” from mcdonald’s
they hate that …
i went to france when i was in college. i loved the museums. and the fashion houses. and the outdoor cafes
i thought the men’s hygiene was a bit wanting…. and it seemed everyone had bad breath. i hate that.
the black watch plaid is similar to my catholic school’s uniform
“i loved the museums.”
me too … i went to the louvre. we saw the staues with no heads, and the staues with no arms, and then we saw the statues of naked men who were not Jewish. oh yeah, and then we saw the paintings of women with big breasts … we are art lovers 🙂
“i thought the men’s hygiene was a bit wanting…. and it seemed everyone had bad breath.”
they do not smoke that much anymore, at least not in public. so that may have changed.
HI Kate,
Thanks for your reply to my last post many hours ago. Your blog kept me amused last
Night what with Lisa B telling everyone how to spell.
Kate, please tell me that you don’t really believe that all Scots go around idolising
William Wallace, wearing kilts and doing all that Braveheart stuff. I am Scotland born and
Bred but I didn’t do Scots history at school and couldn’t tell you very much about
William Wallace or any historical battles (apologies to fellow scots reading this blog who
Might be outraged). I live 30 minutes away from Stirling where the Wallace monument is.
I’ve never been. I’ve never watched Braveheart because that’s 3 hours of my life I
Won’t get back. I’ve never, nor intend to ever wear a kilt because I don’t have the legs for
It and on the rare occassions I do eat haggis, it’s vegetarian. I’m not fussed about the
Queen and I don’t really care whether we are independent from England or not. That’s
Not to say I am not aware of the issues. I certainly am but its not something that
Has an impact on my day to day life.
That said, just because I don’t do the above doesn’t mean I am any less proud to be
Scottish and it has nothing to do with the debate which still stands that I think the
Right decision was made to release Megrahi. That is my opinion but many americans
And scots are divided on the issue and I respect that.
Ken, also thanks for your earlier reply.
Not just did us scots bring many of the great things you stupid americans use we also helped make america you our children not the other way around. you are no longer even in the top 3 super powers so piss off.
at least we are an independent country … unlike scotland may be from an independent country but you obviously do not have an independent mind. I believe that the justice minister made his decision based on scottish law and I would much rather a politiican made his decision on law rather than for political reason which happens all too often in most countries and for your information we will be an independent country soon and you can be assured our politicians will continue to act within the law and will not be able to act outside the law.
in other words you did what england told you.
To those advocating a boycott of Scottish goods, I joined the boycot of South African goods and that appeared to work.. I doubt very much that the USA doing a boycot of Scotland would make Scotland change its law all it would do would invite us not to buy american goods (I know we are only a small country and that wouldnt affect the USA).
“I believe that the justice minister made his decision based on scottish law”
Bill, let me ask you this. Does Scottish law REQUIRE that everyone who is suffering from a life threatening disease be released on compassionate grounds or is it left up to the authorites to decide??
No Lisa you are obviously on this board to try to get some harsh response….It was Scottish law which incidentally is very very very similar to English law…but the home secretary in Westminster can and does make decisions based on politics rather than law..maybe you should read some of the articles on this case which might give you a better understanding of what actually occured instead of treating us all to your little jibes.
unemployment in scotland is about at 8%. a boycott of scottish goods might hurt, but frankly as far as a boycott is concerned, it is not even on the radar in the usa.
it has probably been mentioned on fox news or some other such places, but as far as the majority of people are concerned, no one is talking about it at all.
And here is something interesting for all you “conspiracy theorists”:
“JUSTICE secretary Kenny MacAskill was last night under pressure to reveal more details of the medical evidence that led to the release of the Lockerbie bomber, after it emerged that only one doctor was willing to say Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi had less than three months to live.
It turns out that other doctors had been consulted in the case, none of whom were willing to say that Megrahi was even dying from the disease. In fact, one said he seemed suspiciously asymptomatic for a patient with the kind of diagnosis that Scotland asserted:”
It’s an interesting article that people should check out.
It is based on the condition and medical reports from the correct authorities.
No-one who has asked for compassionate release due to imminent death has been refused.
“which incidentally is very very very similar to English law”
you did what england told you.
“No-one who has asked for compassionate release due to imminent death has been refused.”
So they CAN be refused, though, correct?
I agree that the boycott scotland campaign isnt on the radar from most..but this blog is headlined boycott scotland which is why I brought it up.
NO wrong.
lisa your childish comments are a bore if you don’t have anything to say please don’t say are a troll
it is simply the truth. you are not an independent country.
we do not allow california to have its own foreign policy either.
Ken it is an interesting article which you will find out over the next day or so is incorrect…. I don’t know if the scottish parliament website allows people from outside the UK to view the online connent but if you can try and watch the debate live next week on the release you might get some more information.
lisa it is simply true that we are not an independent country but what you don’t know the law is… by the treaty of union 1707 Scottish law is independent.
further Lisa… I said earlier that the minister made his judgement on the law not politics which foreign policy is…
uh huh … i hear your monarch is queen elizabeth II …
soooooo you being so independent and all … who was queen elizabeth I of scotland?
oh that’s right … you just did exactly what england told you to do even on such a small thing as that.
what a surprise.
Hey I love scotland, they did give us Glenlivet after all.
I’m just curious and Bill maybe you can answer this for I know nothing about the laws or the inner workings of the government there. I think its terrible this man was released, sick or not. When considering compassionate release are the families of the victims consulted? From my reading I’m getting one person makes this decision. In this case did he consult with the county the flight originated in or the country of the victims? Or is it as simple as, if you are sick you get released no matter what the crime.
My point, bill, was that they didn’t HAVE to let him go, they could have kept him locked up. It’s not that we are cursing Scotland or even Scottish law, it’s one man’s judgement that we have a problem with, that’s all.
more drivel from lisa….in Scotland the queen is Queen of Scots in the UK she is queen elizabeth the II we haven’t had a first and we would never have a Queen of Scotland the first as its not constitutionally correct so yet again you art incorrect.
rope…he consulted widely with all interested parties the american families by video conference the only people who refused to give an opinion was Westminster, and basically you are correct if you are due to die due to illness you get released if he had refused to release him he would have been taken to court and if politics were involved in his decision he would be overruled…
personally I think he should have died in jail but not if that decision had been taken on political grounds..I don’t trust politicians enough to allow them to make decisions.
sorry…to make this type of decision not decisions.
ken it was his decision in a quasi legal way…he had to take recommendations from the authorities that were in control of him.. the prison authorities based on the law.
Ken..your law is basically the same as scotlands which allows release on compassionate grounds but your country’s policiticians do appear to exert political power over what happens..
actually if you knew your own history you had a court case on the numbering system of your monarch … and you followed england’s decision.
what a surprise.
Actually I do…the courts said that it was the peroragative of the queen what she called herself…in scotland that judgement has not been accepted and she is not referred to by that title..she is constitutionally titled Elizabeth queen of Scots.
Just because a larger country doesnt accept your law doesnt make that law any less valid.
in other words, scotland lost, and being english she can call herself elizabeth ii even in scotland.
btw, can you recommend any good places to stay in scotland?
lisa .. In 1952 when she was crowned they changed all the post boxes (which are red in colour) to include the cypher E11R in Scotland they were bombed and defaced and quickly replaced with new ones with the cypher ER thus she isnt referred to Elizabeth II so she can call herself II but she doesnt.
We now have a parliament that ensures Scots law is followed illustrated quite well in the opening of the first parliament by the queen when she was welcomed into the parliament by the first minister who said “In the constituitionally correct manner welcome Elizabeth queen of Scots” note the queen of Scots not Scotland which is a really important difference. She also flys the Lyon Rampant banner in Scotland which is the flag of the Queen/King of Scots. Also all the newspapers including scots newspapers refer to Charles Prince of Wales…When infact the title of Prince of Wales has no relevance in Scotland as he is the Duke of Rothesay.
Depending on what you are after…Edinburgh/Glasgow are really kicking the rest is really about scenery and outdoor activities.
lisa sorry she wasnt crowned in 52 she became queen in 52 and was crowned in 53
of course they call him the prince of wales … that is his english title. england rules scotland.
someday you’ll be free. hang in there. 🙂
Maybe the rest of the world should follow Scotland’s example and stop pandering to the US. Its not as if Americans have the least idea of justice, humanity. or even begin to take a moral stand.
Scotland released convicted killer on humanitarian grounds GET OVER IT.
The US have committed more atrocities supported more terrorists more dictators than you could shake a stick at. When your USS Vincennes shot down the Iranian jet also in 1988 killing 290 men women and children not so much as an oops sorry, no instead you treated the crew as heroes. So if you want to boycott Scotland go ahead we don’t need friends like you anyway. You just ain’t gonna bully us. As for justice at least Mary Jo can ask Ted the rat personally why he ran off.
“You just ain’t gonna bully us.”
I love reading about how the U.S. is such a bully. Being upset because a convicted murderer is set free is bullying? What ignorance.
It would seem that your own government has a problem with what happened, not just Americans:
“Opposition parties north of the Border are preparing to hold a confidence vote over the decision by Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, to free Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi. Alex Salmond, the First Minister, has confirmed that he would resign if the Holyrood vote went against him.”
Keep blaming America, though, its very entertaining.
No problem with you being upset, the problem is the over reaction from your politicians and these fools that want to boycott Scottish products and set up blogs to generate support. The rights or wrongs of MacAskill’s decision is something for the Scottish parliament and voters with no interference from anyone else. America had its chance but chose to launch an attack on Libya and failed. Oh and getting excited about people calling you a bully just about makes my point.
“As for justice at least Mary Jo can ask Ted the rat personally why he ran off.”
You actually believe that Teds going to end up anywhere near Mary Jo ?
“. America had its chance but chose to launch an attack on Libya and failed. Oh and getting excited about people calling you a bully just about makes my point.”
And you had your chance to exercise real justice and failed. Last time we trust you schmucks to get anything right. Is the rumor that you did it for oil true ? Boy, for your sake after that long dribbling lambasting you gave us I certainly hope not.
If it were almost 300 of your people you’d probably get more upset at some freeking soccer game
I agree with you about the boycott, and I seriously doubt its going to go anywhere.
“The rights or wrongs of MacAskill’s decision is something for the Scottish parliament and voters with no interference from anyone else.”
Wrong. When Americans were killed we have every right to voice our opinion, whether you like it or not.
“America had its chance but chose to launch an attack on Libya and failed.”
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. The attack was in direct response to Libyan sponsored terrorism and I’m not sure how it was considered a failure. It was meant to be retaliation for Libya’s actions.
“Oh and getting excited about people calling you a bully just about makes my point.”
Oh James, you didn’t get me excited, on the contrary I find you quite amusing.
The knee-jerk reaction to the release of Al-Megrahi is expected but everyone should not be so naive to think that there is a huge political influence on this decision (including American influence). I was interested to read Christine Grahame’s article in the Independent regarding his release, the history of the Lockerbie bombing, and the evidence withheld from the tirla leading to his conviction. See link attached. Also read the 2nd comment after the article for further clarification. This may give American’s a different persepctive on the decision.
So basically, the US goverment agree with this decision even though they must be seen to be outraged by it. The decision to release on compassionate grounds rather than face the embarrasing consequences of the appeal verdict has saved US face.
You know you love Walker’s shortbread anyway – why give it up.
“The attack was in direct response to Libyan sponsored terrorism and I’m not sure how it was considered a failure. It was meant to be retaliation for Libya’s actions.”
The Libyans armed the IRA (a terrorist organisation) paid for by money raised in America. Talk about kettles and pots. We let that one go because we thought (mistakenly) that the majority of Americans where friends.
As for being amused rather than excited, well, you still wet your pants.
uh huh … i hear your monarch is queen elizabeth II …
soooooo you being so independent and all … who was queen elizabeth I of scotland?
what a surprise.
The real suprise is how stupid you are, Queen Elizabeth is Queen Elizabeth 1st of Scotland and Queen Elizabeth 2nd of England, in the same way as James the 6th of Scotland was James the 1st of England
and anyway if it was not for us Brits you lot would be speaking Spanish.
“The Libyans armed the IRA (a terrorist organisation) paid for by money raised in America.”
So we should ignore the fact that Libyans killed Americans? Sounds like you might be one of Obamas foreign polilcy advisers, James!!
“As for being amused rather than excited, well, you still wet your pants.”
Very mature, James. You’re exactly what I though you were. Be proud.
Here’s some more news, James:
“The British government decided it was “in the overwhelming interests of the United Kingdom” to make Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, eligible for return to Libya, leaked ministerial letters reveal.
Gordon Brown’s government made the decision after discussions between Libya and BP over a multi-million-pound oil exploration deal had hit difficulties. These were resolved soon afterwards.”
So James, shouldn’t you be out screaming “NO blood for oil!” or do you only care when its the evil Americans?
So when did the Americans become so moral, you lot would flog your mother for oil,
start wars to get your grubby hands on it or make deals with some of the worse dictators on the planet. (Just like our politicians). What I said was, let us deal with these politicians through the ballot box. However if you really feel that bad about it bomb holyrood you would be doing us a favour as it is an absolute eyesore. As for Brown and co what a bunch of lying twats.
Just don’t stop buying Scotch (someone has to drink the shit)
Oh and you are right I should be upset if Scots were killed, as they were by the murderous IRA that your country supported.
And no Americans are not evil just bad ass hypocrites.
Be educated, you foolish, foolish people.
watch this if your attention spans can handle it – 6 parts 10mins each
Oh and if you do decide to take economic sanctions or worse military action against Scotland make sure you don’t kill a child as you did with the Libyan attack because you won’t find the Scots so forgiving.
and are you really positive that your very own CIA are not up to their old tricks flogging drugs to American kids (and killing lots of them) to arm a terrorist organisation.
“Oh and you are right I should be upset if Scots were killed, as they were by the murderous IRA that your country supported.”
The difference is that it was sponsored by private citizens, NOT the government, see the difference? Try and keep up. Anyone who gave money to the IRA should be in prison, but that’s not really the point of this thread, is it? If you are whining about the boycott, if you actually take the time to READ the threads, you will see that most people do not think its a good idea and will not do any good.
“And no Americans are not evil just bad ass hypocrites.”
Gosh, I forgot that the British NEVER did anything bad throughout their entire history, thanks for reminding us of that, James. Please explain to me how Americans who are upset that a man CONVICTED for this crime and was set free after only 8 years and then returns to a hero’s welcome are hypocrites? I’d love to hear this.
Rich, the only thing that your garbage proves is that the British have just as many wacko morons on your side of the Atlantic as we do. Are you really using a show titled “The Conspiracy Files” as evidence of something? Priceless!!! Whether its Pearl Harbor, 9/11, 7/7, the Titanic, Area 51, or Lockerbie there are always a certain number of people who have nothing better to do than try and find something that doesn’t fit “their” views and suddenly its a conspiracy.
“I think Aliens knocked down Pan Am flight 103!!! Since you can’t prove that it WASN’T Aliens then it must be true. Conspiracy!! Conspiracy!!”
“Oh and if you do decide to take economic sanctions or worse military action against Scotland make sure you don’t kill a child as you did with the Libyan attack because you won’t find the Scots so forgiving.”
Sure they will. We’ll just tell them that the pilot who dropped the bomb is sick and needs to go home. See how simple that is!
military action against scotland??? heh.
well mccann you’ve become unhinged.
Sure we would let a sick pilot go after all he was only carrying out orders a mere patsy, but the arse that sent him that’s a different ball game but we wouldn’t go after his kids..
Yes, James, because that is exactly what we decided. “Let’s kill his son!” You figured it out. We tried to keep it a secret, but you’re just too smart.
Could it have anything to do with the fact that they were trying to get Qadaffi himself at his HOUSE and that, unfortunately, one of his family members were killed? We had the technology to wipe out thousands of Libyans, but we didn’t. The strike went after terrorist training sites and military installations as well as Qadaffis house.
I find it ironic that you decry the U.S. military action in Iraq as it killed so many Iraqi civilians, then cry foul at a military strike in Libya designed to spare the people and go after the leader. Make up your mind, please.
Oh and James, perhaps you should look up all the innocent victims that Libyan sponsored terrorism has killed……or do those not matter to you?
So to the supporters of a boycott I ask how long is it to last or what should we do to make amends. Presumably if sanctions don’t work then pressure will mount for an escalation (maybe a CIA sponsored coup) The Scots will deal with MacAskill at the ballot box we know you are upset as are allot of people including Scots but this Blog has settled on throwing abuse at each other and neither side likes it, and are prepared to defend our respective countries (not the politicians or the stupid decisions they make) . all I am saying is, if you continue to take revenge on the Scottish people for the insane decision of one of its politicians then you must expect some form of retaliation at the moment confined to pointing out we are not the only ones that have put idiots or fools into power and end up having to live with their bad decisions (your history and ours are full of examples)
On a lighter note you are still a bunch of fat arrogant loudmouthed rednecks and if you don’t shut up we will send a bagpipe of mass destruction to sort you out.
Of course you are right to be angry but the real enemy is having a laugh at both of us. I like many Scot am ashamed that BP have done a deal with the Gaddafi regime if Gaddafi was truly trying to rehabilitate then the contract should have gone to one of GWBs oil companies.
Oh and I happen to like Jim Beam (Better than the crap we produce) but won’t be buying any until you lot behave.
it’s not true that the US government did not give support to the IRA.
The judiciary failed to extradite a single IRA suspect to the UK during The Troubles.
One could also argue that failure to make collecting of money to facilitate the IRAs activities illegal was de facto support, especially after 2001 when it was prohibited for other terrorist groups.
First my appologies to all decent Americans my comments are directed to this piece of sh*t Ken.
You are obviously following the 3 basic rules of blogging.
1 Ignore any arguement that does not conform to your’s. or that you don’t understand. just be more abusive.
2 Never admit you are wrong, even when you know you are. Just increase the abuse.
3 Never respond to reasoned arguement. just say you don’t care and increase the abuse.
So f*ck off you stupid bastard, who gives a f*ck about Megrahi, or 9/11 I hope the rag heads butt f*ck your stupid arse we don’t give a toss.
Go on boycott everything Scottish, French or any one else that you don’t like (which seems to be everyone)
If you hate Muslims so much why the f*ck are you in Afghanistan or Iraq. Why the hell did you help Kuwait. and soooo freindly with the Saudis. and no we don’t hate Americans just you and your f*cking kind. You are just upset that the Brits done a deal before you could you retarded hypocritical sh*t head.
Hey Ken,
You are almost not worth replying to but I thought I should tell you that we do have ‘nukes’ – perhaps you can call on your puppet government to include us in the axis of evil and try to have us disarmed. I think the more likely scenario would be that they would ask us to get rid of at least one of them right on top of your house. Where do you live again??
with all due respect, some of you are becoming quite unhinged. you are scotland and we are america for gosh sakes. why are we even talking about nukes and axis of evil? get a grip. sheeeeeeesh.
Yeah ! Go suck on all that oil you traded for some scumbag
“that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law;”
And we will do the same for our Laws and our Country.
We have gotten the message we know you are pissed off with our politicians, likewise we were not too happy when you gave us GWB as leader of the ‘free world’
Alas it seems that the price of that freedom is only if we obey and bow to the will of America.
Not going to happen.
I can only repeat, let us deal with these “scumbags” by use of the democractic process.
You are not going to win a war on terrorism if you heap abuse and economic sanctions on your allies even if they deserve it.
As Kate said this is all becoming quite unhinged.
“Alas it seems that the price of that freedom is only if we obey and bow to the will of America.”
yeah, you bow to the will of england.
let me attempt to put it in perspective for you.
we expect the germans to work against us, we have fought them and defeated them in two world wars.
we expect the french to work against us, they work only in their own self interest.
we certainly expect china, india, brazil, russia, yada yada yada to work against us, because tehy are not our friends.
but we thought we could at least trust you.
Firstly there have been a few comments on here that are insulting and offensive to thos on both sides of the argument and do nothing to enhance the understanding of the issues here.
Whether I agree or not with the decision to release Megrahi is not an issue.
I believe the issue is about the rule of law taking place and sometimes the law can be an ass.
If Kenny McAskill did not release Megrahi on Compassionate grounds I think he would have been in breach the laws of our country. The law which allows compassionate release on the grounds of terminal illness was passed by a previous administration. Under Scots Law, Where it is known that a prisoner is so ill that he (she) will die in custody it has been our practice to release the prisoner, when appropriate, so that he may die in the comfort of his family. This used to be done under the Royal Prerogative. More recently an Act of the Scottish Parliament, passed unanimously, has enshrined this ancient practice in statute law and imposed the duty of deciding the issue on the Minister for Justice. In the last ten years twenty seven prisoners have been released on compassionate grounds to die at home. This is what happened to Megrahi. I also believe there have been two refusals to grant compassionate release and these have been because they did not meet the criteria.
If Mr McAskill did not grant the release he would have been in breach of the law by turning this into a political decision or do we really think that he did not understand the furore that would erupt.
another 2 scottish dead soldiers in afghanistan
when will all the crap between our 2 countrys on forums and blogs end? stop acting like little girls theres far worse happening in this world than to bitch about a man who is dying when both our countrys soldiers are not proud of my goverment but guess what,it was the goverment who made the decision and i know for a fact that we all can agree that our goverments f*ck sh*t up alot more than the great people who populate these fine countrys.
good day.
Seems we are wasting our time apologising or appealing to reason with these people.
We can now see why so much of the world hates the US of Arseholes
Ok bye. have a nice day.
Maybe Osama bin Laden was right after all.
lisa…you say that you hoped you could trust us….well yes you can we like the usa believe in the law..Scotland’s justice minister followed the law.. are you really trying to say that we the usa will tell you what to do and we hope and trust that is what you will do or god help you.
BTW…why did the authorities in the US refuse to allow the correspondence re the release to be published (open government).
never mind replying you can go back to the silly issue of the queen to cheer u up.
the problem with all of this is that its begginig to look like it was all done out of compassion for libyan oil. we shall see.
i got news for all you scot scmucks like FU2 usa, we wont ever need your ass for anything, you’r just to puny to matter in thegrand sceme of things. but you’ve needed us before, and you probably will again.
let me ask you something billy.
do your applications of these laws not have a level of discretion they are allowed ?
is every sick prisoner guaranteed one of these releases ?
for some reason… i doubt it.
“As-Salam Alaikum”
Good to see you fighting amoungst yourselves, now Scotland knows the truth about the Great Satan.
Allāhu Akbar
hey mccann your fake names are getting old. use your real nick or you’re gone.
“are you really trying to say that we the usa will tell you what to do”
no, i am saying we were obviously wrong to trust that you would enact laws that keep mass murderers in prison.
“Seems we are wasting our time apologising”
you never apologized.
you started with FU2USA … not only letting out a mass murderer but doing it intentionally to hurt the usa.
I remember all the Brit peace activists hounding Bush on that trumped up “blood for oil” BS. be intersting to see if they come after their own with the same charge and sentiment.
I wouldnt bother anymore Lisab. These schmucks know what was done sucks the big one and their only defense is to act all indignated by us being upset that the guy who killed close to 300 of us gets way better last days than they did.
Screw em, they know its wrong and their stupid ignorant pride wont allow them to stand with us and at least ackonowledge the injustice.
This sh*t smells bad all the way from from Blair to McAskill to BP oil to freeking Khadafi and they know it.
Its embarassing as hell for them so the only thing they can try to do is try candy coat with this crap that it was all done for compassionate reasons
the truth envails
goto 1st september on the channel 4 player
shame on gordon brown.
Tried reason, humour, abuse, and satire to get the message across, F*CKING SORRY FOR WHAT OUR ARSEHOLE POLITICIANS HAVE DONE as you are probably aware the ruling party in Scotland have been censured over the handling of the Megrahi affair and will probably be booted out of office at the next election.
If you want Megrahi you know where he is, go get him kid,
nothing left for us Scots to do but the same as Cuba and ignore you.
Straub wrote a letter in 08 expressing the importance of relations between the UK and Libya, wonder why.
Ya know James, you’re just not that bright.
I’d like to know why you find it necessary to be so abusive to people who genuinley feel like they got screwed out of deserved justice.
Where do you get off being so f*ckin pissed at us for whats just a normal reaction to a really f*cked up situation ? I’m curious as hell.
Are that f*ckin stupid that you actually think someone is not supposed to bitch in this situation ?
Are you telling the same things to your fellow Scots who also lost loved ones ?
You really are one of the biggest assholes I’ve ever seen in all my years blogging.
Cubans ignore us ? Yup, you are an idiot. I got news for ya buddy.
There are no Americans risking there lives by paddling all the way there in a dinghy but quite opposite in the Cubans case. Doesnt seem like those who know what we are about are ignoring us.
I seriously doubt you speak for the majority of your people when you say “us Scots”.
Sorry, in my second to last post I mentioned Blair, it should be Brown
Ok Micky you brain dead retard, for arguements sake if this had been one of your politicians that made such a horendous f*ck up and some foreigners were so pissed off and threatened and abused the good ole USA Now even though you personally didn’t agree with the decision would you not defend YOUR country and retaliate.
As for Cuba read your own f*cked up history of intervention, you would have thought Cuba would be empty by now but it’s not. You still don’t want them to run their own affairs.
So I’ll say it again you are RIGHT to be pissed off, so am I, you can boycott if you want. we can’t stop you. But we will not sit back and allow you tossers to abuse us, or inrervene in what is an internal affair.
If you really want Megrahi go get him you know where he is, and you are big enough to do it but I doubt if you Micky would be up for it.
Oh and I know you don’t speak for the American people.
Yeah Unlike you I can think or myself and am not some lockstep lemming. I would come out and ask my leaders what the f*ck they thought they were doing which as a matter of fact I have done concernng Gitmo whos detainees did in fact probably kill a few Scots on 911 as well.
What the f*ck does our history of intervention with Cuba have to do with whether or not they ignore us enough to try and crash our border, huh ?
“Oh and I know you don’t speak for the American people.”
you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground or anything about me other than the few words you’ve read here, ya delusional freak, and yes, there is a large majority here that feel exactly the way I do. 80% on a fox poll think it was wrong and 60% in a times poll think you idiots did it for oil
We can intervine all we want without havin to be apart of your f*cked up system, and just WTF are you going to do about it ? Try to hurt my feelings on a blog ?unfortunately weve got a leader right now who probably agrees with half the sh*t you’ve done already, we shall see, if it turns out true that you schmucks went and traded that punks ass for oil you can bet your f*cking ass there will be some intervention on the part of more than just the USA.
So sit down and have a warm beer bro, I dont think the party is over yet
“You are almost not worth replying to”
Well Rich, next time try and sound like a person who makes an ounce of sense. I have no idea what your rambling post was all about.
the fact that mickey gets his polls from fox is no real surprise,i mean i always check fox news for when i need the real news LOL NOT! lololol fox news lmao man that is funny.
LOL i cant stop laughing Faux news lmao ahahahahah i never knew there was still morons watching that channel i mean come on theve been proved to tell lies more than the american goverment hahahah lmfao oh dear i should stop laughing at you but i cant help it.
Laugh all you want, you still look likethe scmuck expecting anyone to take your word for it. Thats was just the top of the list moron.
Typical scmuck, has nothingbad so he ridicules and mocks while contributing nothing of substance.
Werent you asked to stop changing your name ? Or did that go right over your head with everything elese ?
here ya go bub, just let me know if you want more
Poll – Scots Believe Lockerbie Bomber Release Wrong – NYTimes.comAug 28, 2009 … LONDON (AP) — A majority of Scots believe their government’s decision to release Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi last week was ……/AP-EU-Britain-Lockerbie.html – Similar
Scots divided on Lockerbie release – poll – The Irish Times – Fri …Aug 28, 2009 … Scots divided on Lockerbie release – poll. Scots are divided over the decision to free the Lockerbie bomber on humanitarian grounds, …
PoliticsHome | Poll | Public disapprove of Lockerbie decisionAug 24, 2009 … A new UK-wide PoliticsHome poll suggests 53% of the public disapprove of the decision to release the only man convicted of the Lockerbie ……/public_disapprove_of_lockerbie_decision.html –
82% Oppose Decision To Release Lockerbie Terrorist – Rasmussen …Rasmussen Reports – The best place to look for polls that are spot on. … 82% Oppose Decision To Release Lockerbie Terrorist. Monday, August 24, 2009 ……/82_oppose_decision_to_release_lockerbie_terrorist
How should the US respond to the Lockerbie bomber’s release …Aug 20, 2009 … The Obama administration has condemned Abdelbaset al-Megrahi’s release. Is there anything more it should do?…/poll/…/lockerbie-bomber-us-policy-libya
Yahoo! NewsMany Britons suspect the release of the Lockerbie bomber last week was connected to Britain’s oil interests in Libya, an opinion poll released Friday said.…/wl…/britainlibyausattackslockerbie – Cached – Similar
Lockerbie bomber’s release challenges UK PM Brown’s leadership …Sep 2, 2009
August 28th, 2009 Poll: Scots believe Lockerbie bomber release wrongLONDON — A majority of Scots believe their government’s decision to ……/lockerbie-bombers-release-challenges-uk-pm-browns-leadership-britains-role-questioned-157769/
none of those links work page not found,cant say im surprised really since your a fox news goon
oh and none of these polls were actually done in scotland lol but hey if fox news said it then it must be true? haha just so you know,im not james you idiot LOL
lol man fox news thats a good 1.
So fricken what ? Huh ?
Not my fault you cant read a heading and research it.
If you honestly think that majority of this country doesnt stand with me in that what you guys did was fricken lame and stupid then your an idiot.
Show me i’m wrong, its really incumbent on your part since you made the claim.
Oh wait, thats right, the basic concepts of justice dont apply in that hole you live in so i guess that wouldnt register, would it.
When you’ve got something of substance or something that explains what the jack off reasoning was behind your systems decision i’ll be here waiting. Until them, go on looking like the uninformed pedantic scmuck you are.
National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted August 22-23, 2009
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed news reports about the terrorist convicted of killing 270 people by blowing up a Pan Am jet over Lockerbie, Scotland?
31% Very closely
32% Somewhat closely
23% Not very closely
12% Not at all
3% Not sure
2* A judge in Scotland released the terminally ill terrorist so he could return home to die in his native Libya. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to release the convicted terrorist so he could die at home?
10% Agree
82% Disagree
8% Not sure
3* Is Libya and ally of the United States, an enemy of the United States or somewhere in between?
2% Ally
31% Enemy
52% Somewhere in between
15% Not sure
Good thing they didnt mention the oil.
By the way, your chicks are ugly.
America !! we will have no friends left soon if we keep on like this !!
Remember some of these guys fought and died to help our nation be created!!,
fought with us in 2 world wars & Iraq, provided sites for our bases during the cold war (site one Holy Loch polaris base) and these guys are still fighting and dying with us in the Afgan war.
Think before you right red neck style crap
For all those contributing to this a question … just what is your agenda ? is your mother country fighting in the field along side Uncle Sam ??
We dont always know all the facts on international affairs, can we always trust the NSA, CIA & FBI to tell the truth ??
Lets move on
I really wish you guyswould knock off this crap that we have no friends.
The people we are not friendly with, we are not friendly with for good reason.
As far as Scotland goes, it shows a serious lack on their part if they’re looking for friends when they trade the justice deserved for their frends for either stupid laws, or oil
deary me how long is this going to go on hope somebody upsets america fairly soon so Scotland will be forgot about thats 1 thing about all you right wing american sheep you cant multi-task you can only seem to hate one country at a time . i was watching a show on telly last night about comedy films and they showed a clip of south park the movie where america was boycotting Canada whats that they say about art imatating life . Perhaps it would be an idea to show this film on fox it will show you how stupid and childish you are making yourselfs look .
As or mickys comment on Scotlands “stupid laws” this coming from a citizen of a country who have laws to protect the rights of children to bare arms and slaughter each other in classrooms and still have the death penalty when the 99% of the civilised world got rid 50 years ago and whos people sue each other at a drop of a hat thanks for the input mate but i think we will stick with ours
oh and your country invaded iraq twice in the name of oil killing thousands of innocents where is you sense of justice for those people you havent got any why because your american and you dont care about anybody but yourselves WAR ON TERRORISM DONT MAKE ME LAUGH
got news for all you scot scmucks like FU2 usa, we wont ever need your ass for anything, you’r just to puny to matter in thegrand sceme of things. but you’ve needed us before, and you probably will again.
yes your right we needed you too stick your great big nuclear warheads on the holyloch for all those years and make us a major target for missile strikes all through the cold war we needed you to bring down an iranian airliner and the plaudit the captain of the ship that did it and give him a medal that led to the scum who retaliated to bring down the lockerbie plane bringing the worst act of terrorism ever seen in our small insignificant country we needed your pilots to kill our ground troops in so called friendly fire incidents in both gulf wars we needed you banking system to go belly up causing a world wide depression
you must stop doing us so many favours
the latest poll shows that opinion on the release in Scotland is about 50/50. The people who say the release was wrong and he should die in prison do know that he would be out in about 20 years anyway so he was never going to die in prison.
“As or mickys comment on Scotlands “stupid laws” this coming from a citizen of a country who have laws to protect the rights of children to bare arms and slaughter each other in classrooms and still have the death penalty when the 99% of the civilised world got rid 50 years ago and whos people sue each other at a drop of a hat thanks for the input mate but i think we will stick with ours”
Gee, do you know what constitutes an adult here in the states ?
Yeah, we dont legally allow children to own guns and as far as the death penalty goes you guys sure could of used it right after Lockerbie then we wouldnt be here, now would we ?
“oh and your country invaded iraq twice in the name of oil killing thousands of innocents where is you sense of justice for those people you havent got any why because your american and you dont care about anybody but yourselves WAR ON TERRORISM DONT MAKE ME LAUGH”
No , we invaded Iraq in the name of preventing the slaughter of 3000 more innocents in maybe a similar setting. Those people died at the hands of their own, wise up.
“you dont care about anybody but yourselves WAR ON TERRORISM DONT MAKE ME LAUGH”
“the lockerbie plane bringing the worst act of terrorism ever seen in our small insignificant country ”
And so, since the members of that war by your admission killed your people what did you do ?
You set them free. DUH
When you can come back and have an intelligent fact based conversation with me I’ll stop laughing, fair enough ?
Billy, had he stayed in prison he be dying there in less than a year. Right now hes not projected to live more than a couple more months.
That bastard should die looking at the ceiling in his 6×8 cell
oh and your country invaded iraq twice in the name of oil killing thousands of innocents where is you sense of justice for those people you havent got any why because your american and you dont care about anybody but yourselves WAR ON TERRORISM DONT MAKE ME LAUGH”
No , we invaded Iraq in the name of preventing the slaughter of 3000 more innocents in maybe a similar setting. Those people died at the hands of their own, wise up
the sad thing micky you believe the drivel you type we carpert bombed iraq and slaughtered untold innocents just because their not americans dont make them any less innocent you are a typical paranoid yank F*** everybody else as long as we are ok well my friend F*** you magrahni was a patsy your goverment and mine are thankfull hes in libya it saves them from acute embarresment when his appeal was heard a judicial enquiry 3 years ago said evidence was withheld and supressed by the USA and British goverments and his conviction was extremely unsafe are these facts good enmough for you or will you just ignore them because your heads u[p your right wing redneck arse
oh and your country invaded iraq twice in the name of oil killing thousands of innocents where is you sense of justice for those people you havent got any why because your american and you dont care about anybody but yourselves WAR ON TERRORISM DONT MAKE ME LAUGH”
No , we invaded Iraq in the name of preventing the slaughter of 3000 more innocents in maybe a similar setting. Those people died at the hands of their own, wise up
the sad thing micky you believe the drivel you type we carpet bombed iraq and slaughtered untold innocents just because their not americans dont make them any less innocent you are a typical paranoid yank F*** everybody else as long as we are ok well my friend F*** you magrahni was a patsy your goverment and mine are thankfull hes in libya it saves them from acute embarresment when his appeal was heard a judicial enquiry 3 years ago said evidence was withheld and supressed by the USA and British goverments and his conviction was extremely unsafe are these facts good enmough for you or will you just ignore them because your heads u[p your right wing redneck arse
No , we invaded Iraq in the name of preventing the slaughter of 3000 more innocents in maybe a similar setting. Those people died at the hands of their own, wise up
the sad thing micky you believe the drivel you type we carpet bombed iraq and slaughtered untold innocents just because their not americans dont make them any less innocent you are a typical paranoid yank F*** everybody else as long as we are ok well my friend F*** you magrahni was a patsy your goverment and mine are thankfull hes in libya it saves them from acute embarresment when his appeal was heard a judicial enquiry 3 years ago said evidence was withheld and supressed by the USA and British goverments and his conviction was extremely unsafe are these facts good enmough for you or will you just ignore them because your heads u[p your right wing redneck arse
Hey och,
There are a lot of decaffinated coffee brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.
You got anything to back that up besides your looney left koolaide drinking scitzoid head ?
The only real bombing that took place was in the first 3 das after Bush gave a clear warning to Saddam and the whole country what was coming.
It was common knowledge broabdast across the entire planet. This planet buddy.
Schmucks did it for oil, hows that fact ?
Now, I never let a kind gesture go unreturned soooo…
if you get lucky… go f*ck yourself.
Ha ha, you yanks wanting to boycott Scotland is great. I wonder how many of you could find it on a map.
Really I love the hypocrisy. Please explain to me how the US didn’t hand over one IRA terrorist who fled to the US. The same IRA funded by many US citizens who have killed far more people than Al Megrahi did. I know a lot of Americans who I like, but those of you wha are bleeting and whining because a small country has put two fingers up to you and just go and shove it.
My dad is bigger than your dad. I don’t like you, you’re not my friend now.
All grow up. It has happened – Live with it.