BLM Chicago Doubles Down On Supporting Hamas Terrorists

BLM Chicago Doubles Down On Supporting Hamas Terrorists

BLM Chicago Doubles Down On Supporting Hamas Terrorists

Yesterday, the BLM Chicago chapter sent out an atrocious message on X supporting Hamas and Palestine overall.

And the backlash was swift and came from everyone, including significant supporters of BLM. Which led to BLM Chicago deleting that tweet and others. Except screen shots, as you can see above, are forever. Oh, but there was more.

BLM Chicago also posted a number of cartoons depicting somebody expressing outrage over the attacks on Israel, while another calmly lists off talking points blaming Israel for the situation.

“This isn’t about Hamas — this is about Palestinians right to resist 75 years of Israeli settlers colonizing their native land,” one of the cartoons read.

Right now, Israel is going after all the Hamas terrorists who brutally attacked and killed over 1,000 Israelis. Among them at least 14 Americans. There are also now verified reports of Hamas brutality against children. As in, those babies weren’t just shot. No. Hamas beheaded some or all of them. Hamas committed actual war crimes. 

Hamas terrorists massacred at least 40 babies and young children before beheading some of them and gunning down their families in a small kibbutz in Israel, horrified Israeli soldiers have claimed.

Some 70 Hamas terrorists wielding guns and grenades stormed the usually quiet Kfar Aza kibbutz in southern Israel, killing anyone – men, women and children – they saw.

The bullet-riddled bodies of Israeli residents now lay in the grounds of the kibbutz among burned out houses, strewn furniture and torched cars. Solemn Israeli soldiers today went from house to house to take away the scores of people massacred there.

…The Israeli soldiers were seen comforting each other after witnessing such horrors, including the bodies of entire families who were gunned down in their beds.

And that terrorist organization is who BLM Chicago and other BLM affiliates whole-heartedly support. 

“As Black people continue the fight to end militarism and mass incarceration in our own communities, let us understand the resistance in Palestine as an attempt to tear down the gates of the world’s largest open air prison,” BLM Grassroots, which represents dozens of BLM chapters and previously severed ties with the national Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation in 2022 over its financial and legal issues, said Monday evening.

They aren’t the only ones. As Kim wrote yesterday, the ugly that is Antisemitism is showing up everywhere. It is the Squad politicians who refuse to acknowledge that Hamas is and always has been a terrorist organization. It is students across multiple universities who’ve come out against Israel. And the media, who has always been apologists for Palestine and terror organizations. 

It wasn’t Israel who went after teenagers and took them hostage. But the media and BLM Chicago refuse to acknowledge that. And BLM is doubling down this morning on their assertions that Palestine and Hamas must be championed. 

Israel is the bad guy here, even as those who live in Gaza were given more than 12 hours to evacuate. 

Evidently Hamas attacking multiple kibbutz’s and slaughtering people and children in their beds is not genocide according to BLM Chicago. Then again, when the media and schools have worked overtime to downplay terrorism over the years…  

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, believes this attitude can already be seen in how a majority of major media outlets are reporting on the devastating Hamas terror attack, which has left hundreds of Israelis dead. He argued several outlets are downplaying the atrocities unfolding in Israel, such as refusing to call Hamas “terrorists,” and using gentler terms like “soldiers” or “militants” instead.

“Soldiers don’t kidnap little toddlers. They don’t kidnap grandmothers. They don’t go around neighborhoods, just firing indiscriminately into homes or setting fire to the bomb shelters to force people to come out so they can murder them on the spot,” Rabbi Cooper told Fox News Digital.

Which leads to Black Lives Matter organizations not understanding that terrorist groups such as Hamas have a deep underlying hatred for them and would rather see them dead than have their support. 

That’s it in a nutshell. But try telling that to BLM Chicago.

Oh, they absolutely were and are proud of their stand for terrorists. They are just mad they had to take down their posts because of the backlash they received. If they could, that post would be back up in a heartbeat. 

Hamas is a terror organization. Funded by Iran. Their charter fully advocates for wiping Israel off the map. They only care about the citizens living in Gaza in as much as how they can use them as shields to hide their military capabilities. 

They spent well over a year, with Iran’s support, plotting these attacks on Israel. Again, 14 Americans are dead and we have no idea how many are being held hostage. Yet BLM Chicago will gladly stick their heads in the sand and ignore reality because it doesn’t suit their narrative. 

Feature Photo Credit: Tony Webster/flickr/cropped/CC BY-SA 2.0.

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  • […] Nina Bookout: BLM Chicago Doubles Down On Supporting Hamas Terrorists […]

  • John Shepherd says:

    BLM Chicago is unphased about 7 year old black children being gunned down in Chicago so why you expect them to care about Jewish children murdered in Israel?

  • Scott says:

    ” Yet BLM Chicago will gladly stick their heads in the sand and ignore reality because it doesn’t suit their narrative” Gonna disagree with you here Nina.. they are very well aware of reality, they’re just LYING! Terrorists support terrorists.. How can anyone still be dumb enough to not understand that BLM is a terrorist organization???

    One would hope that all of this would be enough for American Jews to stop unconditionally supporting the demonrats who hate them, but sadly, history suggests otherwise.

  • Lloyd says:

    BLM is a Marxist, anti-American organization that continues to bilk the American public of $$$$$. Henceforth, anyone who contributes to them should hang their head in shame!
    BLM has done nothing good for America!

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