Black Supremacists with Federal Power

Black Supremacists with Federal Power

Black Supremacists with Federal Power

Black supremacy in the form of the Left’s march through institutions is never challenged. DEI, CRT, Emotional learning, anti-racist — all part of an anti-white pedagogy shaping an anti-American culture. Bad enough at educational and corporate levels. Worse at the Federal power controls.

Take, for instance, the newest appointment at Biden’s State Department. Zakiya Carr Johnson, is going to be Chief Diversity and Inclusion officer. Leave aside a moment on the question of why the Federal Government would have racism-as-policy officers in the first place, but Carr Johnson is a particularly bad piece of work.

The Biden administration’s new State Department diversity chief previously called America a “failed historic model” and demanded the destruction of tradition “at every juncture” on the altar of antiracism.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced last week the appointment of Zakiya Carr Johnson as their chief diversity and inclusion officer. Blinken touted Carr Johnson for bringing “expertise and a fresh perspective on how we build a workforce that reflects America.”

Carr Johnson previously served as then-President Barack Obama’s senior adviser and director of the first Race, Ethnicity and Social Inclusion Unit at the State Department.

Ah! While Hollywood was pledging unconditional love and fealty to The One, President IWonPenPhone was improving [ha!] race relations by having an anti-white director of the first race-based unit at State.

Carr Johnson embraces a “feminist” leadership style, but one that “counter[s] White-centered feminism trends and narratives.”

She said in a feminist webinar in August 2020, “Because we live and work within systems… so deeply rooted in patriarchy and colonialism and racism and otherism, we tend to be very resistant to shifts and changes. It’s very uncomfortable for many colleagues… A culture of misogyny has allowed men to act without consequence and it becomes part of what we believe is normal, right? In order to make any change, we’ve literally got to be about the work of dismantling that traditional structure at every juncture.”

Carr Johnson had previously said, as part of the group Fair Share of Women Leaders, that she believes that America is a “failed historical model” with a “colonizing past,” in a since deleted article from Oct. 2019.

American “feminism” is merely a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left. The race, sex and gender hierarchy within it has merely supplanted the original Marxist class structure. And in both cases, to be outside its structure is to be the lowest of low. Non-left women, blacks and Hispanics are to be rejected as “white adjacent” as well as Jews and Asians are now “white” by Left definition. And while white supremacy is touted as the worst threat EVAH to America, black supremacists are ascendant.

This is yet another unaccountable bureaucrat with governmental power? Carr Johnson shouldn’t be allowed near a seat at city council level, let alone the State Department.

At least with racists in elected positions — like Democrat congresscritter and black supremacist Jasmine Crockett — they can be voted out.

A Democratic congresswoman is calling for black Americans to be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparations — though she admitted that the plan may not work because many poorer black people “aren’t really paying taxes in the first place.” (snip)

Crockett then argued that reparations in some form are necessary.

“So many black folk, not only do you owe for the labor that was stolen and killed and all the other things, but the fact is we end up being so far behind.” (snip)

“If you do the no-tax thing, for people that are already, say, struggling and not paying taxes in the first place —” she says, before Carter suggests they “may want those checks like they got from COVID” rather than a tax break.

“Exactly,” Crockett responds.

Le sigh. Where to begin with such melaninated, Marie Antoinettesque stylings of arrogance from a congress critter opining about poor black folk? That under a certain income threshhold, all citizens not only do not pay income taxes, they get an EITC which amounts to a cash payout which is no more than a redistribution from high earner taxpayers to non-payers? Doesn’t that already qualify for braintrust Crockett’s reparations? Or does she discount that because 1) some of it goes to non-blacks including the eeeevil yte people 2) it means not all black folk will get that free cash.

You know, like Jasimine look-at-my-designer-duds-and-fancy-fake-nails Crockett herself. How dare some working schlub white dude get off the reparations hook when big momma needs a new Channel purse?

It’s black supremacists all the way down. We can point and laugh when its just whining columnists trying to push a racist pay gap, but members of the Federal government?

The Constitution was written not just to limit the powers of the Federal government but to make it as neutral on ideological grounds as possible. They are supposed to serve and protect the inherent rights of all citizens. Supremacists of any melanin level shouldn’t be there.

Bounce these females and their comrades out … with prejudice.

featured image, cropped and modified, Adobe Stock standard license

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  • JAW3 says:

    This is a Blinken disaster blossoming. Get the popcorn!

  • John C. says:

    People of her ilk maintain that Blacks can not be racist because they do not have power. That’s a load of the stuff my grandfather used to fertilize his back 40 with. If a Black person were to deliberately use even the most insulting racist term on me, s/he would be lauded by All The Right People, while if I were to use a term, even accidentally, that could be construed as remotely derogatory to a Black person, those same people would do their best to destroy my life, as they have destroyed others (look up what happened to the guy who used the word “niggardly,” which is entirely unrelated to race, in a conversation). Who has the power here? I assure you, it is not I.

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  • Pertinaxjak says:

    Current black theology is not geared to equality but to dominance and becoming an oppressor over the oppressed (a Neo Marxist philosophy). Of note, there are a growing number of blacks that are catching on that the democrat party treats them as plantation slaves, have broken up their families, and have run our cities into the ground as mayors and other positions of power causing corruption and crime. The democrats also have opened up the borders and imported cartels which will cause even more crime. We have more than paid the price for engaging in slavery with the destruction of our cities, crime, welfare payments, and the flames of racial hatred encouraged by BHO and the current maladministration. We need to stop focusing on identify politics especially in an increasingly dangerous world and stop bowing to these cretins who wish to fundamentally transform a free Republic into a third world socialist hell hole.

    • GWB says:

      these cretins who wish to fundamentally transform a free Republic into a third world socialist hell hole.
      Especially when there’s so many already extant third world socialist hell holes they could choose from! Don’t break us, just go to one of these places and make it work!

  • wildman says:

    what really pisses them off to this day is that they would not have advanced in any way if it was not for whites.

  • GWB says:

    Race, Ethnicity and Social Inclusion Unit at the State Department
    “Unit”?! Did no one hear how much that sounded like a Soviet or East German or NAZI title?

    so deeply rooted in patriarchy and colonialism and racism and otherism
    Which are all just totem words to you. They have no meaning except as epithets to break everything you don’t like.
    Because nothing in that sentence actually means what you think it means.

    A culture of misogyny has allowed men to act without consequence
    Oh, honey. The only culture that has allowed men to act without consequence is the built by Progressivism. Think hedonism and welfare. Historical America sure didn’t have that, though.

    America is a “failed historical model”
    Well, then, your idea of success is not mine. And I think you should take yours off somewhere that it might be useful for building a civilization. Maybe you could start with one of those matriarchal African societies. I promise we’ll stay out of your hair and you can try whatever you want, there.

    in a since deleted article from Oct. 2019.
    When they tell you who they are believe them. And if they try covering it up, then you know they’re telling you who they are. Act accordingly.

    many poorer black people “aren’t really paying taxes in the first place.”
    Tell me you haven’t thought through your doctrine without saying you haven’t thought through your doctrine.

    the fact is we end up being so far behind.
    But that has little to nothing to do with the slavery “and all the other things.” It’s been 180 years since the Civil War. And it’s been 60 since Jim Crow was busted. If you can’t bring yourselves up in 2 generations (much less 5) then maybe the problem isn’t others.

    a new Channel purse
    If that’s the label on it, it’s a knock-off from Korea or the Middle East. Like the Britlings everyone bought when we went to Thailand.

    Unfortunately, to “bounce these comrades out” you have to convince the voters who put them there to understand and commit to things like the Constitution and what we call “Natural Law.” You have to get them looking beyond their tribe and “I gotta get me some.” You have to instill the “Protestant Work Ethic” and Biblical morals. You’re going to have to change their culture.

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