Bill Kristol Publicly Embraces His Inner Evil Clown

Bill Kristol Publicly Embraces His Inner Evil Clown

Bill Kristol Publicly Embraces His Inner Evil Clown

Neo-Con (and emphasis on “con”) and rabid Never-Trumper Bill Kristol reaches new depths of malevolence. Regardless of the proven harm, Kristol is touting the Queering of America by urging the embrace of Transgenderism.

Acts of “humiliation and dehumanization”? Is it Trump chemically castrating boys and hacking the healthy breasts off teen-aged girls?

Kristol links to a deeply mendacious screed about Poor Misunderstood and Put-upon Trans, that begins

DONALD TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION’S dehumanization of transgender people—literally denying their existence—is deeply harmful to a small group of Americans who face discrimination already. As someone who helped lead the fight to win marriage for same-sex couples, I’m familiar with the playbook of sowing fear, though I have never seen it carried out as viciously as the Trump administration is now doing. The question for all of us is whether we go along with it or, instead, question it, listen to the stories of transgender people and their families, and see if we can connect, empathize, welcome, and push back.

Push back against what? Trans are pushing now to make sure that males who want to sit in women’s locker rooms and watch girls undress get even more access?

A Canadian mother has come forward to reveal that she was chastised by staff at her local recreation center after reporting that a balding man wearing “fetish gear” was in the women’s changing room. Despite feeling so frightened that she called the police, the mother was told that the man had a right to self-identify into whatever changing room he felt like.

A study conducted by the United Nations found by March of 2024 that 900 female athletes had lost medals to cheating males. But Kristol lobbies for more of it? And that reprobate Marc Solomon Kristol cites cares not one iota about women and girls and sneers at efforts to protect them

Solomon continues on to accuse Trump of “trying to trick the public into thinking that his administration is trying to protect girls or children,” adding that Trump is “merely following the well-worn blueprint of scapegoating a small minority of misunderstood people.”

Keeping males out of females sports is the definition of protection … well, except to misogynistic villains whose corruption has been exposed and rejected.

Solomon, like all the Trangenderism activists, has to use Newspeak to cover up the heinous mutilations and psychological torture inflicted on minors and even young adults in service to pseudo-religious ideology. No child is trans, but we’ve seen what a having a “transkid” as trophy to be paraded does for the egos of many deeply flawed women.

“To have a transgender child has made me so much more interesting” ~~ Annette Bening

And what makes Solomon’s creeptastic article even more infuriating is his insistence on trying to cover up it’s dedication to barbarism by wrapping it up in figleaf of gay.

TQ+ not only has nothing to do with same-sex orientation, but the weirdo trans groomers out there have come up with a conversion strategy that makes any “pray the gay away” cliche look like weak tea. Transing the gay away involves dangerous chemicals and scalpels. It sterilizes and even kills.

There is something deeply wrong with Kristol that even Trump-Derangement-Syndrome doesn’t explain. Oh yes, we all know, too, that Trump’s actions to stop government corruption has hit Kristol’s pocketbook

But is all that enough to drive Bill to embrace a cult that is profoundly anti-woman and is pro-sexualization of children? What real evil lurks behind Kristol’s bulwark claim?

Things that make one go “hmmmmmmm.”

featured image original art by Darleen Click

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