Biden Morehouse College Commencement Is A Pander-Fest

Biden Morehouse College Commencement Is A Pander-Fest

Biden Morehouse College Commencement Is A Pander-Fest

The entire point of having Joe Biden give a college commencement speech at Morehouse College was to reach out to the black community, and convince them that Old Joe really does care about them.

The truth is that Joe Biden and his campaign are more concerned about getting the black vote turned out. It’s becoming very obvious that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not inspiring the black community to turn out for them, and while Biden still gains the majority of the black vote, Donald Trump is gaining more of that vote than Republicans have traditionally gotten.

The Biden campaign’s solution? Send Joe to Morehouse College, one of the only places that the campaign was willing to send either Biden or Harris during this election cycle, even though the leadership of Morehouse College was deeply concerned about the optics of possible protests against the president. Morehouse’s president let it be known that he would rather shut the whole thing down rather than risk the bad optics.

On Weekend Edition Sunday last week, Morehouse College President David Thomas said he would rather halt proceedings than have students escorted away for protesting.

“If my choice is 20 people being arrested on national TV on the Morehouse campus, taken away in zip ties during our commencement, before we would reach that point, I would conclude the ceremony,” he said.

Well, it seems that aside from a few small visible protests, and several keffiyehs being worn like a fashion accessory and not being considered a terrorist statement, the commencement was quiet. But nobody was greatly excited about having Joe Biden there. Neither was Joe Biden, who looked to be dazed and half-asleep while waiting to speak. At least, that is the charitable view of what happened when the valedictorian called for “an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza” – and Biden CLAPPED like a trained seal who was promised ice cream if he stayed awake.

But once Biden himself got to the podium, the event turned into a complete pander-fest. What can Grandpa Joe do for YOU? How can Grandpa Joe make you FEEL?

And how can Grandpa Joe validate all the pro-Hamas college protests that have been happening?

President Joe Biden said he’s called for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza while delivering his commencement address at Morehouse College.

“What’s happening in Gaza and Israel is heartbreaking,” he said.

He continued: “It’s a humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” the president said. “That’s why I’ve called for an immediate ceasefire – an immediate ceasefire to stop the fighting and bring the hostages home.”

The president continued: “What happens in Gaza, what rights do the Palestinian people have? I’m working to make sure we finally get a two-state solution — the only solution where two people live in peace, security, and dignity,” he said.

Yeah, about that “immediate ceasefire,” Joe – you can’t get that without getting all the hostages released FIRST, and Hamas has made it quite clear that they will never willingly release all the hostages that are still alive. This is a deadlock, which means that Israel has no choice but to go into Rafah and root out as much of Hamas as possible – and block and collapse the 50-some tunnels that – surprise! – cross from Gaza, though Rafah, into EGYPT. For all we know now, the hostages could be hidden in Egypt, and the Biden administration is deathly incurious about the fate of the five remaining Americans being held hostage.

But that doesn’t occur to Joe Biden, who reassures the audience at Morehouse that his own family is upset about Gaza.

Meanwhile, the pander-fest continued.

Biden spent much of his address focused on the problems at home. He condemned Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigrants and noting that the class of 2024 started college in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and George Floyd’s murder. Biden said it was natural for them, and others, to wonder whether the democracy “you hear about actually works for you.”

“If Black men are being killed in the street. What is democracy?” he asked. “The trail of broken promises that still leave Black communities behind. What is democracy? If you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot.”


Biden – an elderly white man from Scranton, Pennsylvania, who represented the heavily black population of *checks notes* Delaware (snort) in the Senate – only says y’all when he’s trying to put on an affect to a black audience. It’s nearly as bad as Hillary Clinton.

The entire speech was just a blatant plea for votes, right down to Biden bragging that he got around the Supreme Court to make taxpayers cover student loan debts. So charming, how he’s pointing out that he’s paying people off with OUR money. Will this make a difference to the black voters in swing states that the Biden campaign is desperate to reach? Only time will tell. But no one is going to be voting for this meat puppet of an old man on the strength of this single commencement speech.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    “Will this make a difference to the black voters in swing states ” the deomcrat ones? yes, they are too stupid / brainwashed to understand that the dims are keeping them on the plantation.. the ones who have actually educated themselves, thrown off the victim mentality, and worked for a better life? Hopefully they are far smarter than that..

    “Humanitarian crisis in Gaza?” kill every living thing there, and there’s no crisis…

    “what rights do palestinians have?” the right to face the consequences of their chosen government and their actions… that is to say total eradication as beings unfit for civilized society… there are only three kinds of pali’s… Those too old to still be terrorists, terrorists, and those too young to yet be terrorists.. the idea of “innocent” pali’s is a fallacy

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