Biden and Schrödinger’s Border

Biden and Schrödinger’s Border

Biden and Schrödinger’s Border

In the annals of historical gaslighting, nothing quite compares to Creepy Joe and his administration’s insistence that the “border is secure” while demanding MOAR MONEY to “secure it”.

Schrödinger’s cat was a thought experiment about a cat in a box existing as both alive and dead until you open the box and observe it. And here we are with Biden’s spokeshole maintaining

Karine Jean-Pierre said that Biden still has confidence in both Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and in Vice President Kamala Harris, who has led a White House effort to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration since March 2021.

… Nothing to see, calm down, peasants.


And yet we have Good Old Joe shuffling into the White House Tuesday night saying this when a ‘reporter’ asked him what he was going to do about the border.

“Well, we gotta do something,” Biden answered before appearing to say, “They [Republicans] ought to give me the money I need to protect the border.”

So, everything is under control and there’s no control because of no money to protect it.

Say what, pudding brain?

64 GOP members of the House, including Speaker Mike Johnson, put boots to the ground and opened Schrödinger’s box and found the border is out-of-control.

Speaking in Eagle Pass, Texas, Johnson told reporters the nation’s increasingly porous perimeter has empowered cartels, imperiled migrants and left the country vulnerable to terrorist infiltration.

“One thing is absolutely clear,” he said. “America is at a breaking point with record levels of illegal immigration.”

Johnson squarely blamed President Joe Biden and Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas for record-breaking rates of illegal border crossers, calling the situation a rapidly unfolding “catastrophe.”

It’s not like we haven’t known this for years, including the eager collusion of Mexico – both cartels and government – in facilitating this invasion of the US.

It’s so bad on the border, we even saw Governor Katie Hobbs panic and start pounding Biden and his staff of Obamacrats for the disaster befalling Arizona.

And while a token ‘reporter’ or two may try and commit an act of journalism on this topic, keep counting on Lamestream media continuing to hump Biden’s leg and downplay any worries.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) clashed on Wednesday after Tapper disputed one of Johnson’s claims about terrorists being apprehended at the southern border. (snip)

(Mike Johnson said) “Over 300 known terrorists apprehended at the border trying to come in. We don’t know how many evaded capture and detection, they’re in the country, potentially setting up terrorist cells everywhere.”

Tapper responded, “Just one note on the terrorist thing, that there aren’t hundreds of known terrorists getting into the country. There are people whose identity have been flagged on a certain database. I just don’t want people out there thinking that, you know, 200 members of Hamas have flown into the country and we don’t even know about it. It’s a little bit more complicated.”

Would someone remind Jake that it took only 19 terrorists to murder 2,977 people on 9/11?


featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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