Ben & Jerry’s 4th Of July Whine

Ben & Jerry’s 4th Of July Whine

Ben & Jerry’s 4th Of July Whine

These days the 4th of July isn’t complete without the scolds coming out to tell us how bad our Republic is. Ben & Jerry’s decided to pile on with their lecture about stolen land.

Instead of sharing a patriotic message on the birth of American independence, ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s shared a messaged on the Fourth of July arguing that the United States was “founded on stolen indigenous land” and that the government should “commit to returning it.”

“The United States was founded on stolen indigenous land. This Fourth of July, let’s commit to returning it,” Ben & Jerry’s declared, before arguing that July 4th festivities, including parades, barbecues, and fireworks, can “distract from an essential truth about this nation’s birth.”

Yes, evidently those progressive founders believe that the “essential truth” is that our nation was founded on stolen land. So we need to commit to giving it BACK to all the Indian tribes we Americans stole it from. 

Really? Which Indian tribes? The ones who migrated here from elsewhere? Or the other tribes who then conquered them and took over their land and/or territory? 

Keep in mind, Ben & Jerry’s jumped the progressive shark quite some time ago. They are so virulently anti-Trump that in 2018 they debuted an anti-Trump ice cream! I’m pretty sure didn’t do much to add to the company’s bottom line. 

These are also the same guys who got mad at Unilever, who bought their company for a very big chunk of change, because they didn’t want ice cream sold in the occupied Palestine territory. More recently, Ben Cohen jumped into the Ukraine issue.

A co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream has donated more than $1 million to a group that is urging an end to US military support for Ukraine as the country tries to stave off a Russian invasion.

Ben Cohen — who with Jerry Greenfield started the ice cream behemoth in 1978 — told the Daily Beast: “I think the US should use its power to negotiate an end to the war, not prolong the death and destruction by supplying more weapons.”

Well, he’s not exactly wrong here as I’m on record wanting stricter oversight of all the billions in weapons and money that’s been shoveled Ukraine’s way. 

That said, the lecture they issued yesterday was tone-deaf on multiple levels, and they are getting dragged for it as they should be.

Perhaps they should’ve also come up with a flavor for those who, as Lisa wrote here, sadly won’t celebrate our Independence Day because sparklers are scary and fireworks reminds them of shots being fired. Pause Pod Vanilla, Cannibis Calm, or Safe Spaces Berry Mash sound like winners to me! 

Ben & Jerry have made a LOT of money off their ice cream and virtue signal their way through life these days. If Ben is so willing to give all his pot profits over to help those affected by the war on drugs, why not sell all their land back to the Indian tribes they themselves stole it from?

Better yet, how about ensuring their suppliers don’t use child labor?

Ben & Jerry’s is among the companies whose supply chains utilize migrant child labor, often in violation of child labor laws, despite the company’s self-proclaimed progressive values and vowing to “honor and stand with” immigrants.

A New York Times exposé, released earlier this week, interviewed more than 100 migrant children in more than 20 states “who described jobs that were grinding them into exhaustion, and fears that they had become trapped in circumstances they never could have imagined.” The report detailed children as young as 13 working 12-hour days, often overnight shifts before going to school during the day, in order to survive.

Anyone need a scoop of Cinnamon Walnut Hypocrisy right now?

Ben & Jerry, along with all the others screeching about patriotism, stolen land and reparations, have one thing in common. They’ll never put their money where their mouth is. 

Feature Photo Credit: Ben & Jerry’s logo via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    Every nation in existence, including the American Indian nations, exists on land stolen from some previous occupant.. I understand that it’s not properly marxist to study history, but these fools would do well to do so..

    • NTSOG says:

      ” I understand that it’s not properly marxist to study history…”

      Actually it is Marxist to study history rewritten to support the ideology of the progressive Left. Alternately history is censored so that certain events or practices of specific groups are deliberately omitted on the grounds of ‘cultural sensitivity’, e.g. Australia aborigines were documented from the earliest days of colonial settlement to practice cannibalism; they often ate their unwanted children – and others. The men were [and still are in certain remote areas] also extremely violent towards the women whom they ‘possessed’. Such truths are unpalatable to those of the Left who wish to promote the notion of a pure and noble race of natives living an idyllic life in Australia who were then corrupted by the savage white colonialists.

  • Mad Celt says:

    Still checking records down at the courthouse’ real estate office to see the name on the original deed. Oddly enough, no tribal names appear. Not even sure which aboriginal tribe was here first.

  • Cameron says:

    If they fought harder, the land wouldn’t have been taken over.

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