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September 21, 2009
in a weekend interview (one of many), did The One imply that our presence in afghanistan is an occupation, similarly to that of the oppressive, communistic soviet union? here’s what he said on mtp:
DAVID GREGORY: … We’ve now been in Afghanistan for eight years. The Soviets pulled out of Afghanistan after ten years. Are we committed to this war for an indefinite period of time? Or do you think, in your mind, is there a deadline for withdrawal?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I don’t have a deadline for withdrawal. But I’m certainly not somebody who believes in indefinite occupations of other countries. Keep in mind what happened when I came in. We had been adrift, I think, when it came to our Afghanistan strategy. And what I said was that we are going to do a top to bottom review of what’s taking place there….
obama didn’t distance himself from our actions and the actions of the ussr during their occupation of afghanistan. his casual use of the word ‘occupations’ was also interesting – seems like more left fringe base ‘we create terrorists’ talk doesn’t it?
obama has also recently said that he would view any extra troop request with a skeptical eye, and that the military will have to justify sending more american men and women into harm’s way. yet, in a leaked 66-page pentagon memo, sent on august 30th, general mcchrystal – hand picked by obama – repeatedly warns that without more forces and the rapid implementation of a genuine counterinsurgency strategy – basically an afghanistan surge – defeat is likely.
how committed is obama to winning in afghanistan?
just like in iraq, we send our best, brightest, and most promising to afghanistan. it is where the life blood of osama bin ladin and al-qaeda thrive: the taliban. if we capitulate on afghanistan to appease obama’s fringe left wing base, it will be a disaster with the losses in blood and treasure in vain.
it’s not just about our own dead, which totals 29 just in the month of september. but it’s also our allies who stand shoulder to shoulder with us, and the afghans themselves, who risk terrible consequences if they are caught helping us root out the evil among them.
making nice with the enemies of america seems to be obama’s goal these days, not winning that sad forgotten war in afghanistan.
read this amazing story from our allies the australians:
“It was a pact that only a true friend would keep. Before one of them was sent to fight in Afghanistan for the British Army, they made a deal: If one of them died, the other had to wear a dress to the funeral.
So when Barry Delaney turned up to the graveside funeral of best friend Private Kevin Elliott, he did so wearing a tight fluorescent dress…
Mr Delaney wept on his knees during the Scottish service for Private Elliott, who was killed while on foot patrol last month. He was aged 24.”
a promise kept
i’ve always worried about afghanistan. we need to keep our promise there.
btw, my favorite milblog as you know is ‘this ain’t hell’ and they’ve written about afghanistan and obama’s incompetent leadership here. i am sure their perspective is a lot more meaningful then mine so please go check it out.
This just fricken pisses me off. McChrystal may have been picked by Obama but Gates, Petraeus, and others are warmongering hangovers from Shrubs’ administration and are trying to force and pressure the President. They just want to bog us down in Afghanistan. If the fricken Sovient Union couldn’t win in Afghanistan, we can’t. Why would we risk lives? Afghanistan will never be a country like Iraq or even Iran. There is no infrastructure!!! The people are illiterate!!! They have sex with goats!!! We need out of that hell hole.
We seem to be a bigger problem in Afghanistan then a solution. At first I was all for Afghanistan because of 9/11. Not so much anymore. I am war-weary and want our troops out of there. We need to focus on domestic issues for a while.
Afghanistan has been a disaster for thousands of years. It still will be when we leave. The only question is how much money and how many lives before we realize that.
These are very differents days I think. We’ve been in Afghanistan for 8 years and see very little progress. We’ve never had adequate troop levels because they were needed in Iraq. Karzai is only the president in the capital, the rest of that godforsaken country is owned by warlords. The country has no heart to fight in Afghanistan anymore. Here’s an article on a recent poll:
Let’s bring all the troops home, help with humanitarian aid as we can, and work on our own domestic problems.
WE SHOULD BE OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went in to get OBL and that didn’t happen. We don’t think he’s even in Afghanistan anymore and hasn’t been for years! This hype that we are the best military on the face of the earth is crap. If our military is so damn good why after this much time, and this much money, and this much bombs and bullets and what-the-hell ever else was used, are these Generals still getting their asses kicked by a third world nation and their army of civilians? Obama is not just going to turn the war keys over to Bush’s people with no certainty of victory.
Afghanistan is a mess and probably always will be. This is from Rudyard Kipling’s “The Young British Soldier” written in 1895.
“When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An’ go to your Gawd like a soldier.”
Apparently, things there haven’t changed much because it’s been re-written by a current soldier, anonymously.
Even though I was NOT for the actions in Iraq, I DO support the war in Afghanistan. I would hate to see the same political mistakes made there that were made in Iraq by Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. I think we should let the generals be generals and pundits stay out of it. Obama needs to listen to the generals about the future of Afghanistan not the “always anti-war” left.
Oh Jared pleeeeze! Give me a break! You started this crap last night!! The only nation we need to be building IS OUR OWN.
Wow, I wonder sometimes what has to happen in order to get the support of the left. Apparently 3,000 dead Americans isn’t enough of a reason for you.
You people are pathetic. God help us if Obama thinks like you. As usual the chorus of “It’s Bush’s fault!!” fill the air. Why? Becuase they don’t have any answers and they are realizing that REALITY is very much different than campaigning.
If Obama is so concerned about changing tacitcs, what is he waiting for?!? Isn’t HE the commander in chief?
Victoria, you show an amazing ignorance of the events in Afghanistan. Our troops have done everything possible, just like in Iraq. Afghanistan is very different than Iraq, blaming our troops is just showing your hatred toward the military that most dems possess.
Go ahead, retreat from Afghanistan. Prove that OBL was 100% correct.
Yeah, I don’t see any danger in that.
Dear God.
I posted on this today.I don’t believe Obama has any background to make sound judgements on military matters, He chose Gen. McChrystal to lead the effort. He was to analyse and make recommendations. His recommendations do not fit with Obama’s ideas thus they must be questioned and no decision made. If Obama is not capable of leading, does not trust decisions by people he selects, he needs to pull out before we lose more to a battle he is unwilling to fight. He campaigned on improving strategy, complained about the Bush administrations poor handling of the Afghan war and talked like he had insight into how to improve our efforts. Now he has the responsibility he is incapable of making decisions. I pray for our troops. They deserve our support and a CIC who is committed to victory. Indecision of giving the General what he needs will lead to more useless death of our brave troops.
It really is all about false premises. Once we go into a conflict or war, the question always becomes “Is this a war of necessity? It’s not getting enough resources!!!” But the true question should be “What are we trying to accomplish here?” And then factor the costs. I am quite certain Shrub and his war-thirsty henchmen never did that. Thankfully, Barack cannot be pushed into war. He inherited the messes from Bush’s time and he is going to carefully make his decisions. He is not a man of war so don’t be surprised if you people who are pro-war don’t get your way.
Afghanistan is worse then Iraq. Just ask the soldiers who have done tours in both places. Why do we keep that country propped up? Kabul is the only place that had some sort of aberrant democracy cobbled together by Karzai, the Americans, and the hardliners.
“Afghanistan is where empires go to die.” Even Alexander the Great could not contain it.
obama said that afghanistan was the real place to fight.
now he has to pu up or shut up.
i have a returned peace corps friend over there working for women’s rights. if the usa leaves, many women will be killed by the radical muslims.
Exactly lisa, all we heard from Obama and the dems was how Iraq was a distraction from the “real” war that we needed to be fighting. Now, they say that’s not worth fighting. Pathetic.
“I don’t believe Obama has any background to make sound judgements on military matters”
All go one better than that. I don’t believe Obama has any background to manage a little league baseball team. Judging by the Obamabots on this site who keep drudging up Bush (pssst, haven’t you guys heard, the dems are off of that. Now they’re onto calling everyone a racist) it’s obvious that they have no faith in Obama either.
It really does make me wonder what dems think is worth fighting for, besides their own power of course. Isn’t it interesting how violently they talk when fighting the Republicans but are more than willing to turn tail and leave a country that was responsible for 9/11. I think Obama and the dems have some serious soul searching to do.
So we give our life blood for them?? No! We have our own country, our own needs, challenges. Our own women need protection and empowerment. It is great that you can send others to die for you. Be quiet.
No Raphael, we give our life blood to make sure the people that were in charge of Afghanistan that helped harbor and train the 9/11 terrorists never do it again. Get it? Why is it that so many of the dems seem to think we woke up one morning and decided to invade Afghanistan for no reason. Remember 9/11??
“We have our own country, our own needs, challenges. Our own women need protection and empowerment.”
How very Chamberlain-like of you. It has been proven time and time again that ignorance like yours leads to more deaths than you ever hope to prevent. Also, please explain how “our” women are not protected or empowered? I’d love to hear this one.
“It is great that you can send others to die for you.”
And its great that you think that burying your head in the sand is an effective foreign policy. You’re so smart!!!
“Be quiet.”
Not likely, but you can keep trying.
You would just send the poor and minorities in this country there to be used as fodder for the Taliban. There has been little progress really in the 8 years we have been there, compared to lives lost and money spent. What have we gotten in return smart guy?
last time we let militant muslims take over afghanistan they flew airplanes into two buildings in new york and 3,000 people were killed.
had the attack occurred one hour later the death toll would have been many times higher … but fortunately the terrorists were early risers and chose the first planes out of boston.
perhaps you have forgotten
Any war that takes 8 years seems to be lost to me. Why can’t we just bring our soldiers home and strike at Al-Quada bases as they pop up around the world?
Why was a Pentagon memo leaked in the first place? It sounds like the Pentagon and Shrub’s boys are trying to make Obama look bad or force his hand to send more troops.
Raphael, just a suggestion. You’re telling the wrong person he’s sending people to die for him and to be quiet.
lisab it’s sad but I think yes some have forgotten.
Paul the one doesn’t need help from anyone or anything to make him look bad. He’s doing an excellant job of that himself.
the only “good” thing that will happen when obama pulls out of afghanistan
is that all the pictures of people being slaughtered by muslim extremists will be all over the web
there is no way to stop the pictures from getting out
and obama will be doa
for those who have forgotten
taliban execute two women
wait until this is on tv every day after obama pulls out of afghanistan
this video is tame. there are many on the web of actual beheadings.
obama will have negative ratings when this happens to tens of thousands after obama pulls out.
The Soviets had 120,000 and were a lot more ruthless and they couldn’t do it. After being in country for 10 years, the Soviets had 14,500 dead and 54,000 wounded. They gave up. We need to know the War Pig is never full. We got to get out of there.
all the dead will be on obama’s hands
and they will be all over the internet
even cbs will run the story
“You would just send the poor and minorities in this country there to be used as fodder for the Taliban.”
Ahhhhhh, and there it is. “You’re a racist!!!”. So very predictable. So very sad.
“What have we gotten in return smart guy?”
How about we haven’t had another 9/11? How about Al Qaeda has been disrupted and is not what it once was? What exactly do you want “in return” Raphael, I’m curious.
Apparently your hero Obama knows why we are there:
“We’re there because al-Qaida killed 3,000 Americans and we cannot allow extremists who want to do violence to the United States to be able to operate with impunity,” Obama said this morning on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.
Obama said that rebuilding the government in Afghanistan, and working with the government of Pakistan, are both critical elements of securing Afghanistan, but at the core of the strategy should be efforts to “dismantle, defeat and destroy al-Qaida.”
So is Obama a war monger or just stupid? Which is it?
“In his 1996 “Declaration of War Against the Americans,” Osama bin Laden cited the U.S. retreat from Somalia in 1993: “You have been disgraced by Allah and you withdrew. The extent of your impotence and weaknesses has become very clear,” he said. “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.”
Yeah, retreat is the answer.
“What about our own dead? You care about that?”
of course … using state sponsored terrorism the taliban were able to kill 3,000 in one day.
once obama pulls out it will happen again in the usa. not likely in giant events like 9/11, but in smaller strikes at our children’s schools, malls, cities etc.
fortunately obama and the dems will be blamed for those deaths too.
Lisa what are you talking about???? No Afghan was involved in 9/11. They didn’t fly the planes. I have no problem killing Taliban but make sure you are identifying the enemy. I spent 14 months in Afghanistan. Most Afghani’s are not incontrol whatsoever of their livelihood and are dependent on their tribal leaders or local warlords for food and work and any happiness they can muster. The Taliban are interlopers originally from murky borderless regions. Are you making this about Obama looking bad? Playing politics with soldiers and civilians?
salafis were responsible for 9/11
the taliban are salafis. the terrorists were all salafis, mostly salafis from saudi arabia.
you are trying to hide your head in the sand, but guess what …
you have to fight … the only thing you get to choose is where. but make no mistake, they ARE at war with you, they will kill americans in the usa if obama pulls out of afghanistan
and you dems will all be blamed for it … and rightfully so.
most likely type of attack?
9/11? nope. that takes too much luck and planning.
almost certainly the next type of attack will be a beslan type of attack on the united states.
which i am sure you have no idea about … but you almost certainly will.
“They didn’t fly the planes. I have no problem killing Taliban but make sure you are identifying the enemy.”
Now you’re changing the subject. You’re talking about strategy rather than justification for being there. Of course they should make sure they are identifying the enemy but what does that have to do with why we are there?
The Taliban provided support and aid to those who flew the planes into the towers. Giving them a free pass is inviting another attack.
“Are you making this about Obama looking bad? Playing politics with soldiers and civilians?”
No, sorry, that’s the dems you’re thinking about. It has nothing to do with making Obama look bad and everything to do with preventing more attacks. Only Obama and his ilk are more concerned with their image than saving Americans lives, just look at the Clinton years.
We need to cut our losses and get the HELL out of Afghanistan. The purpose behind going there was to get bin Laden and that ain’t gonna happen. The longer we stay the heavier our casualties and those of the Afghan people will be. It’s bleeding our coffers and is creating more terrorism than it is defeating.
actually afghanis are not really the issue
the people who attacked us were a particular group of radical muslims called “salafis” who are based in afghanistan and saudi arabia.
the fact that they were mostly saudis is not an issue.
the unifying concept of the people who are attacking us is not nationalism, or islam, or a particular tribe in afghanistan or pakistan …
it is a particular offshoot again called the salafis. they were trained and educated by the taliban, a radical salafi group, in afghanistan.
however, there are banches of salafiism even in the usa
“We need to cut our losses and get the HELL out of Afghanistan.”
then we will have our losses in the usa
and again obama and all dems will be blamed for the losses here and the massacres that occur in afghanistan.
but then you are just repeating yourself now.
the salafis do not even like other radical muslims.
they absolutely will attack the usa given the chance.
it is hard to believe even obama is so stupid he will pull out of afghanistan, but then, he has no backbone to stand up to his own party
Did any of you read that story about the 2 british soldiers and the one wearing a dress to his buddy’s funeral?????? Breaks my heart.
Happy High Holy Days Kate!
i just hope that when they are shooting you
they do not accidentally miss and hit us
“It’s bleeding our coffers and is creating more terrorism than it is defeating.”
Remember, this is the rallying cry they used for Iraq, now its Afghanistan. It’s quite clear that the dems wish to usher in a new era of isolationism, and we all know how well that works.
Can any of you tell me what IS worth fighting for? Anyone?
Lisa I agree that terrorists will always want to kill us. What I am talking about is the actual WAR in Afghanistan. USSR studies of Afghanistan back in the ’80s showed that every time they (the Soviets) killed or maimed a local, they got between 6 to a dozen more Afghans honor-bound to kill Soviets.
The only objective purpose for our military to be in Afghanistan would be to a) waste our own lives and treasure, and b) make more enemies in the region. We need to think differently about Afghanistan, not terrorism.
Liberty and Freedom Ken but that’s different then nation-building. I would give my life anywhere on the globe if sent by my country as a marine. But as a citizen now, I think we need to pick and choose opportunities and I think Afghanistan is not that opportunity.
“But as a citizen now, I think we need to pick and choose opportunities and I think Afghanistan is not that opportunity.”
Ok, then give me an example of what is an “opportunity”.
Piracy. Somolia. Finish stabilizing in Iraq; I feel we may have drawn down there prematurely. If we had done a surge early in Afghanistan, we may have had a chance. Not now.
Piracy? How many Americans have pirates killed?
I agree with you on finishing in Iraq. As far as a surge in Afghanistan not working now, wasn’t that the same thing the critics said about the surge in Iraq, that it was “too late”??
“What I am talking about is the actual WAR in Afghanistan.”
which is actually against the taliban, the primary trainers of terrorists
but go ahead and hide your head, they will still cut it off
hopefully yours and not ours.
way to spout dem talking points btw.
however, you should have gathered from all the afghanis holding up their purple fingers that the bulk of afghanis actually like us there.
the taliban and their allies are a small minority of the afghan people. however, if obama pulls out they will massacre many men, women and children … and it will all be blamed on obama and the dems.
Ken I brought up pirates in Somalia because of the commerce danger and our interests as well as that of our allies. They have become emboldened and it is only a matter of time before we’ll have to deal with that coastline anyway. Also Somalia’s recruitment of young Somalia immigrants from the US is a growing problem, more then what we are actually told I understand. A surge won’t work in Afghanistan. There is no infrastructure in the whole country outside of a handful of cities. We have to build as we go: roads, water,. The logistics of moving vast numbers of troops across Afghanistan by anyone’s measure is a nightmare. Should McCrystal and his generals choose a surge I would support it though I am not active duty any longer. I am just giving my personal opinion about Afghanistan.
Lisa these are not Democratic talking points. That’s just bullshit. These are my words. I don’t know what I am anymore politically. Actually I only voted in one election that I can remember and that was an absentee ballot for T3 which I do NOT regret. I am still messed up on geopolitical stuff and just trying to sort it all out. Please do not talk to me about Afghani’s holding up purple fingers. We escorted small bands of Afghani’s to and back from 3 separate polling places just so they didn’t get cut to pieces. I am sorry you can’t seem to see the difficulties of Afghanistan. I am speaking from a practical, very tired place. Your type get grunts like me killed in places like Afghanistan for all your good will.
Ok. I’m beat.
“these are not Democratic talking points.”
yes, unfortunately you spout the democratic party platform
the difficulty the afghanis face is that people like
are going to abandon them to murderers.
there is a right side and a wrong side on this,
and you are selling out the afghani women and children in the hope the terrorists will kill you last.
you are a sad little person. of course i am sure this is not the first time you have been told that.
Totally agree with you about Somalia, it is a problem we need to deal with, but don’t look to this president to do anything about it.
Afghanistan is a much more complex issue. OBL told the world that America was a paper tiger after we left Somalia. He was able to turn that into a huge recruitment tool that fueled his organization. Abandoning Afghanistan would be a MAJOR victory for the Taliban and Al Qaeda and would give them a surge of new recruits, money, and sympathy from certain countries. It would be seen as Al Qaeda and Taliban driving the U.S. out of Afghanistan and our problems would increase tenfold.
If a new strategy is needed, then so be it, but folding up shop and saying “oh well” is not one of them.
I’m afraid Afghanistan is a lost cause…. now it’s just a matter of getting out. Bush and Cheney blew it at Tora Bora.
Ken. I am not saying “oh well”. I am saying it won’t work. I care about Afghanistan. We made inroads with locals we protected. We had native guides that became like family. I care. I just don’t see how it can work now from a practical sense that’s it. The enemy is too entrenched because we never had enough troops there to root them out and the Karzai government has made too many deals with the devil and border on corruption themselves.
Lisa I don’t know you from Adam and you don’t me. You cross a line and have lost the moral ground here. I don’t know where you get off telling me anything about my opinions regarding Afghanistan or trying to make me responsible for what happens in Afghanistan. I worked 20 hours a day mostly 7 days a week for 14 months straight there trying to protect locals and NGO workers so they could provide life saving services to the people of that country. I also worked my ass off and turned off my mind so that I could do what I needed to do in regards to the enemy. I took every mission seriously because I had to keep myself safe, my buddies safe, and get home to my own family. I don’t need some bat shit crazy gooder saying anything to me on some blog about me abandoning innocent people. You apparently have no idea what doing 3 tours in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan does to a soldier unless you have been there and lived in those circumstances. I have no power to make the decisions and obviously you don’t either. At this point, I do the best I can to protect my wife and son.
“I am saying it won’t work.”
So the solution is what? To leave? To let the Taliban return to power? How is that a solution?
“I’m afraid Afghanistan is a lost cause…. now it’s just a matter of getting out. Bush and Cheney blew it at Tora Bora.”
Bush and Cheney may have missed their chance at Tora Bora, but at least they took the shot. If Clinton had done his job we would have never even heard of 9/11 so be careful how you slap that self righteous paint brush around, Dade.
Not to mention, do you think if OBL was dead the rest of the Taliban would run and hide? We would still have had a fight in Afghanistan, don’t be so naive.
Funny thing is, during Bush’s years, I seem to remember the dems saying we were using OBL as a “boogeyman” to scare people and that we were too focused on “one man”. Now you’re using it as a litmus test for failure for the Bush presidency.
Truly mind boggling.
I swear Republicans are the most bloodthirsty people I have ever seen. Lisa you are NO liberal. You are just like them.
Remember early in the war, when the Taliban was in retreat, and the news wires were full of speculation that the US military had al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden holed up in Tora Bora? That may well have been the decisive moment of the war. A full scale offensive at that moment might have actually bagged bin Laden and much, if not all, of the al Qaeda leadership.
But, of course, there would have been significant US military casualties. And Junior and Cheney didn’t want to spend that kind of political capital on this Afghanistan sideshow. They had something much bigger in the works and they didn’t want to dull the American public’s appetite for war with reports and images of American service personnel killed in action. So they bid the job out to rival Afghan tribesmen, who, truth be told, had probably cut their own deal with bin Laden. Net result? Al Qaeda survives, but more importantly (from Junior’s perspective) so does the “war mentality” of the American public which Junior needed for his Iraq adventure.
“I swear Republicans are the most bloodthirsty people I have ever seen.”
Interesting. Jane talks about Republicans being bloodthirsty, yet Dade says we avoided going after Osama bin Laden because of “significant US military casualties”. You people can’t even get your rants straight.
That’s a wonderful story you have there Dade, care to provide any evidence?
For the record Jane, I think democrats are the dumbest people I have ever seen.
All conjecture on my part, Ken. Nonetheless I stand by it.
“I don’t know you from Adam and you don’t me. You cross a line and have lost the moral ground here.”
sorry but someone like yourself who is willing to allow women and children be murdered
just so you can follow dem talking points
has no morals
“At this point, I do the best I can to protect my wife and son.”
then you would not be abandoning afghanistan
you have shown yourself to be absolutely ignorant of what is going on
the salafis will gladly kill your wife and son. the only choice is to fight them in afghanistan or here in the usa
you would rather have them kill your wife and son apparently than fight them overseas.
fine, but if they blow your son up … just realize
it was 100% your fault.
(the old … i am not responsible does not cut it. again, i hope they don’t kill us by accident when they target your family).
Hey Jane!! This must be one of those bloodthirsty democrats, huh???
“The top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee is urging the White House to send more troops to Afghanistan and stick with a military strategy that was outlined six months ago.
A letter sent Tuesday to the White House from Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri says the Obama administration cannot be distracted from its mission of defeating the Taliban to protect the U.S. from al-Qaida.”
You’re so clueless Jane, you are bordering on being Pennie.
Lisa, mam, you are the ignorant one. You have never been in combat I would imagine. I will stop there. Have a good one.
well if you are saying only people in combat can make decisions about afghanistan
then obama is unqualified.
also, the overwhelming majority of non-black soldiers supported bush and his policies, and the overwhelming majority of soldiers in combat roles are white or hispanic.
so you are over ruled.
also, even if you are a former soldier, clearly you did not do your homework on afghanistan.
you clearly showed your ignorance when you claimed the taliban were not our enemies.
they are exactly the ones who planned 9/11.
you would also know that the taliban are ruthless blood thirsty murderers who are
a SMALL percentage of afghanistan.
the afghans overwhelmingly follow a fairly moderate form of islam, although they practice it in a conservative way. they are not anything like the taliban.
afghanis in general hate and feqar the taliban.
the people who defeated the soviets, were basically the entire afghan nation. the taliban were a tiny fraction of the fighters.
the taliban were pretty much unknown in afghanistan 40 years ago, they have been introduced by the saudis like bin laden.
finally, since you advocate policies that will result in the
rape, torture and murder
of tens of thousands of people
it would only be justice if it happens to you and yours.
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