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Love it! We need this played on the MSM.
This is an interesting preview to watch Bammer at work in this weeks drama. The entire countries finances are falling and he replies well call me if you need me I am going to keep on debating. As we look around at the timeline for this trouble it is so interesting to see it based in the Clintons old econ fix from 1999. As we study the soundbites watching who is hiding from this issue we see over and over again those Decepticons trying to distance themselves from their past denials. Thank God for utube. Mac’s courage so far is pretty welcome. He has been against Clintonomics all along and has a convincing record blow by blow.
PS your new blog is pretty impressive
This is Great! Love the background music!
One word comes to mind – ARTICULATE – able to speak, expressing oneself easily and clearly, well formulated, clearly presented.
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