All Eyes On New York City New Year’s Eve Bash

All Eyes On New York City New Year’s Eve Bash

All Eyes On New York City New Year’s Eve Bash

In the next few days, all eyes will be on New York City and its big New Year’s Eve Bash. Oh, and also, protesters will be there. The word protester seems like an understatement these days, so I am going to start calling them terrorists, fanatics, and zealots. We need to start being honest with these people from here on out.

It satisfies me to read that others are getting the message, too. One RedState writer is switching from calling the anti-Jew, anti-Israel zealots what they are; not pro-Palestine but pro-Hamas.

These are not “pro-Palestinian” protestors. They are pro-Hamas protesters and anti-Israel protestors, and their intentions are not peaceful. If a protest starts, and the police are unable – or unwilling – to quell it quickly and decisively, it’s not at all unlikely that things could spin out of control. And New York isn’t the only place where these things are going on.

Could this end up being the black swan event that Catherine Herridge recently warned us about? – RedState

And while I appreciate the explanation of why protestors hate Israel and also hate Americans and Christianity, it’s not enough. Or maybe I need to ask when the rest of the people will accept this fact?

It is evident that the protesters zealots and terrorists do not care about our explanation. They just want to end America, no matter what. To them, it doesn’t matter what that looks like.

So, finally, I am starting to stand a little straighter that others are seeing it too. Seeing it for what it is, protesters are the pro-Hamas terrorists right here inside the United States of America. And how did they get here? Wide open borders and an invitation from Joe Biden and his administration.

It makes me wonder, too, if all the illegals here in America, in New York City, will be the pro-Hamas terrorists that are predicted to disrupt the New Year’s Eve celebration? And yes, they outnumber the once illustrious NYPD.

More from RedState:

Those who are supporting these pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-Jew “protests” will sooner or later have to be called to account for that support. At this juncture, I’m not sure what form that will take; the bulk of the protestors and rioters in American cities are, after all, people whose mouths are writing checks their butts can’t cash against any real opposition, and while they talk a big game they aren’t acting, other than shouting and waving signs.

Yet (and think about this), as far as we can see at the moment, they don’t have any real opposition. Our city, state, and national officials seem unable to address the problem, any more than they can address the mass influx of unidentified people over our southern border. And yes, the two are related.

I’m not sure about the ‘mouths are writing checks their butts can’t cash,’ but the writer is definitely correct about them not having any real opposition. Those last two sentences in the above quote are a fine example of truth-telling. I wish more people would awaken to this and start shouting however they can instead of having their heads in TikTok or trying to go viral on YouTube with the flavor of the month stunt.

Let’s all pray that everyone stays safe during the New Year’s celebrations, but I also pray that people start to wake up in 2024. As our excellent leader here at Victory Girls always says, “We have a country to save,” hopefully, this New Year of 2024 will be the year.

Feature Image: By Terabass – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

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  • John Shepherd says:

    You keep blaming “foreigners.” It is not foreigners but native born who make up the Democrats brownshirt shock troops. Without their support the Muslim immigrants would wave their flags and go home.

    The “foreigner” meme is a repeat of same talk in the Twin Cities” that blamed the Somalis who hate American blacks with a Klansman’s ferver. They may be willing to send terrorists back to Somalia but riot for George Floyd? Hell no, they probably applauded his death. So let’s stop letting American home grown woke anti-Semites off the hook and place the blame where it belongs.

  • jbspry says:

    I predict a bloodbath in NYC, police or no police.


  • NTSOG says:

    We in Australia expect the uncivilised Hamas mobs reinforced by juvenile social studies students and the usual Rent-a-Mob anarchist folks [think vegans, PETA, Extinction Rebellion] to be out in strength doing their best to disrupt New Year’s Eve chanting ‘Gas the Jews!’ and ‘River to the Sea, etc.’ There are Lebanese migrant enclaves in some capital cities and the Labor governments in power at Federal and State level need their votes so have been allowing them to roam the streets unhindered causing disruption wherever they can.

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