According to Elite NYC School “Even White Babies Can Be Racist” [VIDEO]

According to Elite NYC School “Even White Babies Can Be Racist” [VIDEO]

According to Elite NYC School “Even White Babies Can Be Racist” [VIDEO]

Thirty plus years after the landmark court case that allowed American schools to be integrated, Brown vs. the Board of Education, we may be on the road back to segregation. Why? Because diversity. And inclusion. And white privilege. It seems even the uber rich liberals on the Upper West Side of Manhattan are furious over the latest ridiculous antics in the name of diversity. An elite school, the Bank Street School, has determined in their infinite wisdom that “Even white babies can be racist”. If you did a double take just then, don’t. You did read that correctly. Their “approach”  to education differs on the race of the child. Those in the “Affinity Group” are minority. These children are taught the “meaning of color” and they will experience “being embraced” and “learning what it is to be a child of color”. Whereas their white classmates will belong to the “Advocacy Group”, where they will be taught to feel guilty about being white, because white privilege.

Brown vs. The Board of Education was the landmark case that ended segregation in American schools in the 1960’s

The outcome of this horrid brainwashing? Children coming home in tears telling their well heeled parents that they “Feel like bad people”. These are children ranging in age from kindergarten to eighth grade. The sadder part is that this school is part of a graduate school of education. In other words these are people who are training the next generation of teachers to instill white guilt in children yet to be born. Can you imagine a sadder legacy than this happening during the final term of our nations first African-American president? I have to hand it to the Obama Administration, I honestly did not think that it would actually lead race relations in this country backwards. They achieved something I did not think could be done.

The Bank School is teaching future  teachers how to make white children feel guilty about being white. Isn’t that great?? I am horrified as a parent. Watch the video above. It sounds almost like theirs would be a curriculum driven by children’s developmental processes and abilities-much like Waldorf-but the reality is starkly different and highly toxic. I cannot warn parents enough who are looking for educational alternatives to public schools. Go visit the schools, observe the classrooms. Listen to the teachers and hear what their curriculum is based upon. Understand what their values are before entrusting the most precious thing in the world to them-your child’s innocent mind and heart.

Bank Street’s Director of Diversity, Anshu Wahi, says that the answer to racism is to teach children to see race in everything, She also maintains that their curriculum aims to “empower children of color” in a world that might “otherwise make them feel alienated”.

Director of Diversity of the Bank School in Manhattan
Director of Diversity of the Bank School in Manhattan, Anshu Wahi

Keep an eye on what is going on in your children’s schools. This trend of “stamping out institutional racism” is spreading like a pandemic in our society. This is an insane liberal construct that tells people that white America is “baking racism” into every aspect of our lives. Watch the video below, a professor from Texas A & M talks about how the best  teachers, the most educated teachers are assigned to middle class schools.

Make no mistake, these are people who are trying to re-segregate our society. This time though they are aiming to do it under the guise of “tolerance”, “equality” and “diversity”. But really, its just the same old tired racism with a new complexion.


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  • As a Texas A&M graduate I would like to apologize to everyone for Dr. Scheurich. His ugly bigotry does not reflect the majority of the A&M community.

  • Jennifer says:

    Recovering Lutheran,
    No apology needed. As an elderly lady once told me when I was horrified at the behavior of some “ugly Americans” in the UK “We all have them dear.”.

  • Jodi G. says:

    “She also maintains that their curriculum aims to ’empower children of color’ in a world that might ‘otherwise make them feel alienated’.”

    …By oppressing white Americans, the very antithesis of what Dr. King fought for.

  • Jennifer says:

    Jodi and Recovering,
    Oddly enough I have noticed a similar trend. Want to REALLY make a liberal mad? Remind them Dr. King was a Republican! #MindBlown

  • J walter says:

    Being white will soon be a crime.

  • Jennifer says:

    J Walter,
    And that is what scares the hell out of me about this insanity.

  • J walter says:


    At least you are a female. Things are twice as bad for white men.

  • Jennifer says:

    J Walter,
    But my son is who concerns me most.

  • J walter says:

    I feel sorry for every boy and young man out there today. The sheer amount of misandry and racism out there is staggering. It seems the SJW’s have won, now they are just racking up the score.

    How did it come to this?

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