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Academic Absurdity: Embracing Obesity With “Fat Studies”

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Academic Absurdity: Embracing Obesity With “Fat Studies”

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal:

Useless college degrees are nothing new. From degrees in art history and philosophy to women’s studies and queer musicology, academia loves to come up with majors that will be absolutely zero help to graduates in the real world. Given this, it makes sense that colleges across America would get the brilliant idea to glom onto the growing fat acceptance movement. After all, taking Fat Studies might not help you get a single job, ever, but you’ll feel better about yourself, so who cares?

Schools across America are now offering Fat Studies classes. What, exactly, is the point of these classes?

Fat Studies scholars say their mission is to promote weight awareness and acceptance among populations of all types. The sociological study of obesity has been creeping into academia for over a decade, often as a subtopic of Women’s Studies or Health Sciences. But only recently has weight become a subject of study in its own right. “There would be no Fat Studies if there were no obesity epidemic,” says Esther Rothblum, a lesbian studies professor at the University of California, San Diego, and one of the earliest to research the psychology of weight bias.

The Fat Studies Reader, a compendium edited by Rothblum and her colleague, Sondra Solovay, and published to much fanfare in late 2009, is fast becoming a cornerstone of Fat Studies curricula. Its 53 contributors ask the same questions that professors now pose to their students: How is weight perceived in different countries? What do media depictions of larger sizes say about our social priorities? What if there were a “fat gene,” and what if we could test for it prenatally?

Spurred by growing national concerns about obesity, many schools now offer undergraduates a place to discuss these questions. Courses that deal with Fat Studies and body image have been taught at schools, including Oregon State University and Rutgers University. Newer still, however, is the growing interest among students and scholars who aren’t fat themselves.

The fact that the fat acceptance movement has come this far is a sad commentary in and of itself. It’s true that Hollywood promotes an unhealthy body image; it’s true that women are pressured to conform to an unrealistic, unhealthy ideal. The somewhat surprising reaction to this by some has been to promote fat pride, instead of focusing on promoting healthy, normal bodies. Femisogynists in particular have been vocal about this — that obesity can be beautiful and that fat people shouldn’t need to change to fit the narrow ideas of a patriarchal society. The health benefits to losing weight and not remaining obese, of course, is never mentioned. Is it any surprise that Fat Studies sprung out of the women’s studies movement? The most ridiculous aspect of this is that obesity is something that people can control. It isn’t like gender or race. Obesity is a lifestyle choice, for the 99% of overweight Americans who don’t have an endocrine or thyroid disorder and just choose to stuff their faces with junk food without ever being physically active.

Should someone who is obese hate his body? No, of course not. But he also doesn’t need classes telling him that he is perfect just the way he is, he doesn’t need a fat acceptance culture telling him that it’s OK to be obese. If someone wants to eat all day long without ever exercising, then that’s his prerogative. It doesn’t mean that we have to spoon-feed him propaganda about how obesity is acceptable.

We do have an obesity epidemic in the United States; more adults and children are overweight than ever. Femisogynists have been telling women over and over again that they should be fat and proud, that they don’t need to change — and any criticism of overweight people is quickly shouted down as anti-feminist and misogynistic. (Consider this mind-boggling video featured at Feministing.) I would imagine that this boils down to the ridiculous femisogynist premise that you can never criticize women (unless of course they’re conservative women like Sarah Palin). After all, being a so-called feminist means never being subjected to any standards, ever — except those imposed by other self-proclaimed feminists, of course.

More and more, we’re being told that obesity is an acceptable lifestyle choice — and there are even people, like Kate Harding, who claims that being overweight can be healthy. The reality, of course, is somewhat different.

Right now, around 35% of adults are considered obese, and about 17% of children are obese. Obesity is currently the number two cause of preventable death in the United States, behind tobacco. Some of the health consequences for obese adults include increased risks of the following: coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer (endometrial, breast, and colon), hypertension, dyslipidemia, stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, gynecological problems – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s also just obesity in adults. Obesity in children causes even more health problems.

It seems pretty obvious that while overweight people should not be shamed, obesity should likewise not be celebrated or promoted. And that is unfortunately what’s happening. Being against unhealthy beauty standards doesn’t mean promoting obesity, either — just because you are against starvation, it doesn’t mean you have to be for gluttony. People don’t need to be told to lose weight to satisfy some kind of vapid Hollywood beauty standard; they need to lose weight for their own health and well-being. If they choose not to, well, then that’s their decision. But that doesn’t mean that we as a society should coddle the obese or pretend that it’s an acceptable lifestyle choice, because it isn’t. No one thinks that smoking cigarettes is an acceptable lifestyle choice anymore, but that people have the right to smoke if they so choose. We need to have a similar attitude towards fatties who can’t stop eating or get off the couch.

The other issue of contention here is the ever-present need for out-of-touch college professors to constantly find new victim groups. Hey, why not fat people too, right? It’s grievance mongering and social engineering for profit, and it’s outrageous. Consider the amount of money spent on college tuition, books, and fees. It’s typically tens of thousands of dollars. Aside from the grievance mongering, how does Fat Studies benefit students in the real world? When students graduate in Fat Studies, where are they going to find an employer who will be impressed? McDonald’s? Oh, Fat Studies, that’s great — they’ll be perfect with our overweight customers!!

All joking aside, this has to be one of the most useless programs in academia today — aside from queer musicology, of course. It’s a rip-off. Students go to college to learn and prepare themselves for a career, not to feel good about themselves and raise their self-esteem — or to be indoctrinated into ridiculous lefty political correctness. I’m sure that countless parents would be thrilled to find out that they were paying to send their children to what basically is a very, very expensive feel-good support group.

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  • mike says:

    The main reason these fat women (the article basically admits that the vast majority of “fat activists” are obese women) are upset is that they’re not getting attention from all those bigoted, “sizist” men. Which men, precisely? The fit handsome ones of course!

    Forget all this nonsense about fat people earning less, or fat people being teased – the OVERWHELMING majority of “size discrimination” occurs in the mating market, and that’s what these women are really upset about. These are the same reality-denying lunatics who say “Just because I’m fat doesn’t mean I should have to settle for a fat guy, BIGOT!” Unfortunately, no amount of feminist scolding is going to convince men that “big is beautiful”, so these ladies will be raging at their houseful of cats well into their dotage.

    And the saddest part of all? I guaran-damn-tee you that none of these “fat activists” know how to cook.

  • Marilyn says:

    I agree that “fat studies” is one of the stupidist things to come down the ‘pike in a long time! I cannot believe someone came up with that idea, what a waste of time and money!

    I have to disagree on a teensy point.

    I am not morbidly obese, but am about 20 pounds overweight. I eat 1,500 calories a day, and walk vigorously 30 minutes most days. I eat healthy…fruits, vegetables, whole grains (except wheat/gluten products). I don’t drink soda pop, don’t eat desserts, fast food or too much in the way of snack foods.

    I cannot lose the extra pounds. Some of us really DO have metabolic problems and bodies that defy logic!

    I wouldn’t generalize that “obesity is healthy” as quoted from Kate Harding, but overweight people do not necessarily have to be considered UN-healthy either. And my doctor has pronounced me healthy.

    • Cas says:

      Yes, Marilyn, but there’s a big — HUGE — difference between weighing and extra 20 lbs, even if you aren’t eating healthy all the time, and weighing an extra 120 lbs. It’s not all that strange to be a little overweight yet still healthy; being obese is something altogether different.

  • Innocent Bystander says:

    “The fact that the fat acceptance movement has come this far is a sad commentary in and of itself. It’s true that Hollywood promotes an unhealthy body image; it’s true that women are pressured to conform to an unrealistic, unhealthy ideal.”

    I think people like to say these things because they sound good,but never question them. IS it true that HOLLYWOOD promotes an unhealthy body image? Does art imitate life or vice versa? Is it HOLLYWOOD that’s doing it, or are those the types of bodies that WOMEN, the main consumers of television and movies, like to see? In short, does it sound more logical that a group of people are intentionally selling a product to promote unhealthy ideals,or that WOMEN buy the movies with the unhealthy body images so Hollywood is simply doing what works so they get those women’s money?

    I mean, I know it feels good to put the blame on someone else for your problems, but if you never ask whether you are the cause, the problem never gets solved.That’s the reason why these people have fat studies now, they shift the blame for the consequences of their eating habits onto society, who rightfully recoil in horror at them, and never admit that the CAUSE of society’s horror is THEIR OWN DECISION TO EAT TOO MUCH. So rather than solving the obesity problem, society will simply stroke their fat little heads and say “It’s alright that you’re fat, it’s not your fault.” and then these people will die young from cardiovascular problems because nobody said, “Hey fatty,it’s called STAIRMASTER!”.

    Now,do we want to protect people’s feelings or do we want to keep them alive? You can’t do both.

  • slick says:


    I am considered “thin” by most people (small framed). I’m currently 155lbs (my “normal” weight)/5’8″/male, but I have gained and lost 30-40 pounds MANY times in my life. (mainly due to winter sugar binging). Have you tried shifting your diet by increasing protein and fat and reducing carbs (especially simple carbs)? From the description of your diet, it sounds like my OLD, typical “healthy” diet. Yes, that diet worked for me (with exercise) over time, but it was slow and unsatisfying.

    However, for this past Spring’s fat loss, I tried something different. I cut out ALL wheat (bread, crackers, cereal), sugar, even fruits, etc. I cut out the junk and glucose-fructose/corn syrup and wheat. I just naturally increased proteins to replace the absent “crack”. Didn’t count calories (I’ve never done that – too much of a drag). Two things happened: 1) I stopped being hungry all the time. No late night munching. No cravings. Whenever I wanted to, I ate, but lots of things like cheese and meat. 2) The fat MELTED away. Not talking about water loss (which is typical). I’m talking clothes sizes/fat. I was shocked. And that was with almost no exercise (usually I’d be running 25 miles/week w/ the “diet”).

    I’m not sure if it’s sustainable for other people, but I like this diet, so it’s not a problem for me. Bottom line: throw your body a curveball, and see how it reacts. Anyways…just thought I’d share the experience in case it helps you.

  • Obesity: second only to tobacco in preventable deaths. Well, where is the Smoking Acceptance Studies major? What discrimination!

    Look, it’s not about being fat or “thin” or “average”. It’s about being healthy. “Fat acceptance” doesn’t stop a heart attack, diabetes, or joint disorders. Eating well and getting some exercise will do that. Twenty pounds “overweight” is what happens to healthy, fit Americans as they age; “morbid obesity” is what happens when people put the hedonistic pleasure of eating above their duty to their bodies.

    Mike: yes and no. Some men like curvy women; some men like rail-thin. (Some men are jerks about either one.) I suspect that the biggest physical thing that men (except for the whack jobs) like is healthy, and the biggest emotional thing is joy. If a curvy woman eats right, works out, and has glowing skin and a great attitude, a lot of men will find her to be very attractive. If the same woman stuffs her face and gets even bigger, then snarls at everyone with a Y-chromosome, then men will universally find her to be unattractive.

    Not that women’s lives should revolve around making themselves attractive to men, and there are plenty of fat, out-of-shape men who complain that skinny, gorgeous women are too superficial to be into them, but… for heaven’s sake, what ever happened to taking care of your body, your mind, and your life and knowing that the right person will find that to be attractive?

  • ZZMike says:

    Another reason academia is becoming irrelevant.

    Is this the sort of thing that people who say “everybody should go to college” are talking about?

    How about “Thin Studies” – explaining the history and cultural significance of anorexia?

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