abortion addict has 15 abortions in 17 years

abortion addict has 15 abortions in 17 years

for those of us who are unashamedly pro-life, irene vilar and her abortion addiction only supports the fact that abortion itself is not only painfully selfish, but it is a very sad story for women and those who love them and want to see them thrive.

irene vilar having 15 abortions in 17 years, did nothing legally wrong but what about the moral and ethical issues here? and how insane is ‘choice’ in the first place? one’s ‘right to choose’ is predicated on someone else being killed is it not?

you can read more about irene vilar’s abortion addiction here and all i can say is that this is what the word ‘weep’ was meant for.

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  • lisab says:

    that is actually about right if a woman uses abortion as birth control

    abortion will be free under obamacare but birth control will likely not be

    sooooo this will be a trend

  • PenniePan says:


  • PenniePan says:


  • PenniePan says:

    When will the anti-abortion right understand that a woman’s right to choose abortion or not isn’t ever going away. Ever. So deal with it and shut up already. You guys are like nails on a chalkboard.

  • gene says:

    get your nose out of other women’s business. quit trying to put your faux religious beliefs on other women. i though you said you had a “libertarian bent”? it sure ain’t here.

  • Jane says:

    I read the link and the background on her. Isn’t it clear the Ms. Vilar was particularly emotionally needy? For a Christian woman you have very little compassion. You do however have an abundance of judgementalism.

    Also Lisa and Kate
    I also agree with Pennie that a woman’s right to choose is here to stay. There is little you can do about it. Let’s hope that we can get reproductive health care as part of our HCR because so many poor women need it.

  • Ken says:

    “When will the anti-abortion right understand that a woman’s right to choose abortion or not isn’t ever going away.”

    We will learn about the same time the left develops a concern for unborn children. How’s that?

    “get your nose out of other women’s business.”

    As soon as the dems get their nose out of my health care. Deal?


    Is that a direct quote from Obama? It seems like his speed….and maturity.

  • kate says:

    hey jane you said ‘For a Christian woman you have very little compassion’.

    you’re right. i don’t have a lot of compassion for a selfish woman who uses abortion as either a weapon against a man or simply as birth control like this chick did.

    i do have a lot compassion for those 15 children that were never born. and for the millions of childless couples out there who would give their right arms to parent but because the adoption system is so cumbersome and expensive have not been able to experience that joy in life.

  • lisab says:

    i’m a muslim liberal so i can be as mean as i want to be

  • Ken says:

    “You do however have an abundance of judgementalism. ”

    That’s a laugh riot coming from the left!!

  • Jared says:

    I don’t have much to say about this but that this woman seems like a psycho and I pity the poor man she’s hooked up with. I hope he wears a steel cup to bed at night, just to protect himself. This woman could become a Lorena Bobbitt 2 or something. In a rational moment, she should get herself fixed.

    Personally, I don’t like abortion. My wife and I have a couple of kids and we worked hard to have them. We’re working even harder to raise them. Having said that, I am not going to tell some other woman what to do about her body.

  • lisab says:

    “I don’t have much to say about this but that this woman seems like a psycho”

    ummmmm … lots of women have multiple abortions.

    i bet you know some. basically if you do not use birth control and have regular sex you will get pregnant about once a year. that is what she did. she simply used abortion as birth control.

    that is VERY common especially in countries with “free” health care. birth control pills are basically $10 to $20 a month. abortion is “free”. i have known lots of women with more than six abortions.

    the reason you have not seen more of this in the usa is because until now, abortion has always been more expensive than birth control except for those on welfare or teens where it is free.

  • lisab says:

    i am not referring to the abortion pill, if you include that, then the number of abortions in europe is huge. it is extremely popular in places like france.

    however, that is not the type of abortion she was referring to.

  • micky says:

    As I’ve always said. abortion is just another tool allowing liberals to be promiscuous.
    Were not telling what to do with your bodys, although shaving and bathing would be nice.
    Were asking you to at least have as much respect for that baby and the potential for life as you do the potential for plants and animals to thrive.

  • lisab says:

    well, i am sure you have seen the “welfare mom” at walmart with three children from three different fathers.

    without abortion they would probably have twelve children from twelve fathers

  • I’m a conservative who believes in pro-choice. That being said – what this woman has done is wrong in every way.

    Read the article. She says that she couldn’t stop herself from getting pregnant, despite knowing her 1st husband never wanted kids.

    Birth control pills anyone?

  • David says:

    PenniePan said, “When will the anti-abortion right understand that a woman’s right to choose abortion or not isn’t ever going away. Ever. So deal with it and shut up already. You guys are like nails on a chalkboard.”

    I’m sure the South said that about slavery, too, Pennie.

    Don’t be too cock sure of your “rights” to kill the unborn…

  • David says:

    lisab said, “well, i am sure you have seen the “welfare mom” at walmart with three children from three different fathers.

    without abortion they would probably have twelve children from twelve fathers”

    First of all, you’re making a whole F*CKLOAD of assumptions there! AND, on top of that, I think your implied position of ‘at least she killed 9 of ’em so we don’t have to worry about ’em” is abhorrent and inhuman.

    Taking care of living human children – be it 3 or 12 – is the RIGHT thing to do. …Not killin’ them. Killing them is the (painfully obvious) wrong thing to do.

  • lisab says:

    “Killing them is the (painfully obvious) wrong thing to do.”

    not to them. the 9 who did not make the cut are just more mouths to feed and take up room in the government subsidized housing.

    birth control pills cost money.

    abortion is free if you are poor.

  • lisab says:

    and … i do admit the woman above did not have that excuse … she could have chosen a different form of birth control.

    however, she chose to use abortion as a form of birth control.

    a little expensive, because she had to pay for them, but less expensive than having 15 children

  • PenniePan says:

    Lisa you have a serious drug problem. Not to mention a personality disorder.

  • Ken says:

    Pennie, you have more problems than the internet allows me to post.

  • lisab says:

    hey blame the system not me.

    a welfare woman woman goes to a party, sees a hot guy, has sex with him … you expect her to bring up his child?

    abortion = free

    bringing up a child = not free

  • kate says:

    lisa maybe people who get free abortions over raising kids because of the cost, would considering having kids because they could get obamamoney to help with expenses. what do you think? :cough:

  • lisab says:

    it used to be that way. you used to getmore welfare money for having more children.

    that really is not the case anymore.

  • lisab says:

    that stopped under clinton

  • micky says:

    “Lisa you have a serious drug problem. Not to mention a personality disorder.”

    Thats like Jeffery Dalmer saying you shouldnt eat meat

  • lisab says:

    well when you say something that is factual which she does not like, she attacks the person

    like all dems

  • lisab says:

    “Taking care of living human children – be it 3 or 12 – is the RIGHT thing to do. …Not killin’ them. Killing them is the (painfully obvious) wrong thing to do.” david

    you think it is the right thing to do

    they think it eats into their beer money

    do you really think that if a woman decides to have sex with you for a night or two should should bear your children and take care of them for 18 years?

    abortion = free
    bearing your children = not free

  • David says:

    lisab said,”do you really think that if a woman decides to have sex with you for a night or two should should bear your children and take care of them for 18 years?”

    No. I believe that if a woman decides to have sex with (me) for a night or two she AND HIM!! should bear (the) children and EITHER: take CARE of them for 18 years OR… adopt them out to couples waiting to adopt.

    abortion = “free” and maniacally IMMORAL
    bearing your children = “painfully obviously” the right thing to do.

    P.S. It is almost unfathomably unbelievable that there is even an “argument” about killing children.

  • lisab says:

    but she does not want to bear your children, that is the point.

    she only consented to have sex with you, not get pregnant by you.

    and keep in mind, pregnancy is not exactly a 24 hour flu. even if you give the child up for adoption, that is 9 months of discomfort and inconvenience.

    plus, you are pretty much saying she cannot go drinking and hooking up again for NINE months! true, she might not show for the first three months and i suppose there are guys who might be attracted to pregnant women —

    but not most of the hot guys. you are basically saying she cannot have sex again for months, AND her body will probably change so even after she gave birth her body would likely not be as attractive as it was pre-hooking up with you.

    abortion = free
    bearing your child = very inconvenient and not free

  • lisab says:

    “abortion = “free” and maniacally IMMORAL” david

    YOU think it is immoral

    the women who get the abortions, not so much. actually they think it is pretty gosh darn convenient i would say.

  • Very incredibly sad, not only for what she is doing to pre-born babies, but also how she is damaging herself physically, emotionally and spiritually.

  • David says:

    lisab, I don’t know if you’re trying to be obtuse or agrumentative for a lark of if you really “believe” the things that you are typing down.

    BTW, in my opinion, the ENTIRE abortion debate boils down to the selfish matter of me, me, me and my life (vs. a baby’s) & the me, me, me of “discomfort and inconvenience” and of “not being able to “go drinking and hook up”, etc. That stuff is SO G*D D*MN selfish when another person is involved – a helpless baby at that!

    Damn, the Left is SOOOOOOOOOOO f*cking selfish I can’t believe it!! “Me, me, me” “What can I get out of it” “How can I GET out of it”, etc.

    G R O W U P people.

  • lisab says:

    well you are the one who want to force the woman to have YOUR baby

    can you not conceive of the possibility that a woman might not want to have your baby?

  • David says:

    lisa lisa lisa…

    I would be the one wanting to “force the woman to have MY baby”?? It took two to tango, lisa.

    Are you saying that women are “so stupid” that they cannot conceive of the possibility that a woman might get pregnant from having sex with a male? I mean, that IS the way that we get here on this earth afterall. It’s been know for, what, 10,000 years or more??

    Oh, and if the woman “might not want to have my baby” – why doesn’t she just NOT do the specifically baby-making dance?!?!?

  • lisab says:

    they understand they might get pregnant

    that’s why they invented abortion … duh

  • David says:

    I suppose robbery was invented so that people could “solve their cash problems”, eh?

    I suppose slavery was invented so that people cold “solve their labor problems”, eh?

    I guess murder was invented so that people could “solve their people problems”, eh?

    Just because something CAN be done doesn’t make it advisable or moral or beneficial or recommended or ethical, etc


  • lisab says:

    ah, but you are assuming abortion is immoral.

    the woman impregnated by you disagrees, duh.

  • David says:


    I see that you decided to be selective in your response. What about the other things that abortion IS, as well?

  • David says:

    P.S. I’m not assuming that abortion is immoral. It IS immoral.

    Also, this from the merriam-webster dictionary:

    Main Entry: im·mor·al
    Pronunciation: (ˌ)i(m)-ˈmȯr-əl, -ˈmär-
    Function: adjective
    Date: 1660
    : not moral; broadly : conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles.

  • lisab says:

    “What about the other things that abortion IS, as well?”

    you mean convenient? cheap? easy?

  • lisab says:

    “conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles.”

    generally, the dems feel it is immoral to force a woman to have the child.

    david, fyi, you are not very good at this whole arguing for pro-life thing …

  • Dade says:

    If I may, quoting from a post I wrote long ago:

    “By the very nature of the issue, anyone who has a position on abortion will be strident in his/her advocacy. People who are “pro-life,” who view human life as beginning at the instant that a sperm fertilizes an ovum, are of course convinced that an abortion is the willful taking of an innocent life. And it follows that such people would believe that abortion is a monstrous crime. Equally, however, those that are “pro-choice,” who believe that the beginning of human life occurs at some unknowable point in the process of fetal development, believe that women must have complete control over their own bodies, and that infringements on their reproductive rights are obscene governmental intrusions.”

    For my part, I don’t take a position. I’m open to being convinced by either side. But generally, I find the so-called “pro-life” contingency to be hysterical, strident people with whom I can find very little in common.

  • David says:

    I’m not surprised, Dade. There’s a lot that you find “in common” with people who value things like life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness – especially in light of the founding of THIS nation and the beliefs of the FOUNDERS of this nation.

  • David says:


    No. I don’t mean like “convenient”, “cheap” or “easy”.

    BTW, there are more costs than just money costs (you are too money-focused and not HUMAN-focused, enough), and

    BTW, there are more difficulties to/from abortion than it just being “easy” to kill your baby.

    As I revealed before:

    “the ENTIRE abortion debate boils down to the selfish matter of me, me, me and my life (vs. a baby’s) & the me, me, me of “discomfort and inconvenience” and of “not being able to “go drinking and hook up”, etc. That stuff is SO G*D D*MN selfish when another person is involved – a helpless baby at that!

    Damn, the Left is SOOOOOOOOOOO f*cking selfish I can’t believe it!! “Me, me, me” “What can I get out of it” “How can I GET out of it”, etc.

    G R O W U P people.”

  • David says:


    P.S. I don’t care about your evaluation of my ability to argue the pro-life “thing” as you call it.

    I believe that the fact that you refer to an issue as important as this as a “thing” belies the rather shallow depth with which you value important matters.

  • Dade says:

    Quoth David:

    “I’m not surprised, Dade. There’s a lot that you find “in common” with people who value things like life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness – especially in light of the founding of THIS nation and the beliefs of the FOUNDERS of this nation.”


    You ought to consider taking a college writing course, David. Then, maybe we could discern some rudimentary meaning from phrases like:

    “What about the other things that abortion IS, as well?”


    “the ENTIRE abortion debate boils down to the selfish matter of me, me, me and my life (vs. a baby’s) & the me, me, me of “discomfort and inconvenience” and of “not being able to “go drinking and hook up”, etc. ”

    Not exactly Shakespearean, eh?

  • lisab says:


    actually dade said: “But generally, I find the so-called “pro-life” contingency to be hysterical, strident people with whom I can find very little in common.”

    i do not think that means he agrees with you

  • lisab says:

    “I don’t care about your evaluation of my ability to argue the pro-life “thing” as you call it.” david

    well you should, because if you are trying to convince people to be pro-life, you probably should come up with something better than

    “david thinks it is wrong, therefore it is wrong”

  • David says:

    Dade. I’m not going to change the debate to one of grammar. Not Shakespeare? Why should it be Shakespeare? I’m not writing a play, or history, or a novel.

    BTW, that “rudimentary phrase” that you selected to “call out” was just that – a phrase referencing my post just before. It referenced items that lisa conveniently (it’s one of her favorite words) decided to ignore.

    Lisa, althought it is true that I’d like to “convince” people to my position it’s not my loss that you are “pro-choice” – it’s your loss. Since you do not wish to ‘hear’, I’ll consider myself finished speaking with you on this matter, then.


  • lisab says:


    see that is a problem, because in all of the posts i only pointed out the flaws in your arguments.

    i have never actually said i was pro-life or pro-choice

    i merely said your arguments were unconvincing.

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