A Ceasefire Only Rewards Hamas For Their Murder And Mayhem

A Ceasefire Only Rewards Hamas For Their Murder And Mayhem

A Ceasefire Only Rewards Hamas For Their Murder And Mayhem

The calls for a “ceasefire” from international leaders are getting louder and louder. Now, we have the king of Jordan, the president of Egypt, and the president of France chiming in on how they would like a ceasefire.

In an op-ed published by the Washington Post, King Abdullah II, President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi, and President Macron have offered up their hot take on the situation in Gaza. The bottom line? Hamas should be saved with a ceasefire, because they have figured out how to use human shields so effectively that there is no rooting out the cancer that is Hamas. And then Hamas should be rewarded with a state of their own.

The war in Gaza and the catastrophic humanitarian suffering it is causing must end now. Violence, terror and war cannot bring peace to the Middle East. The two-state solution will. It is the only credible path to guaranteeing peace and security for all, and ensuring that neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis ever have to relive the horrors that have befallen them since the Oct. 7 attack.

Um, excuse me, why are the Palestinians suffering post-October 7th? I believe the finger is pointing straight at Hamas. But back to the brain trust of an unelected king, a president with a very big wall keeping Palestinians out, and the self-righteous Macron.

On March 25, the U.N. Security Council finally assumed its responsibility by demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. This is a critical step that must be fully implemented without further delay.

In light of the intolerable human toll of the war, we, the leaders of Egypt, France and Jordan, call for the immediate and unconditional implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2728. We underline the urgent need to bring about a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.

We emphasize the urgency of implementing the Security Council’s demand for the immediate release of all hostages and reaffirm our support for the negotiations brokered by Egypt, Qatar and the United States that address a cease-fire, as well as the hostages and detainees.

Okay, problem number one: Hamas keeps turning down the terms for a ceasefire. The latest proposal was 40 hostages for six weeks of a ceasefire. Hamas rejected it. News flash to the leaders writing this op-ed – it takes two to make a deal. Hamas isn’t interested in a deal – they are interested only in saving their own asses, keeping power, and killing Jews.

Does that matter to King Abdullah II (who is desperate to keep Palestinians out of his own kingdom and keep his throne, thank you very much), President El-Sisi (who has zero interest in opening up his shared border with Gaza and hosting refugees in order to keep them safe), or President Macron (what does he have to do with any of this)? Nope. They just want a “two-state solution” so THEY don’t have to be responsible for helping out those Palestinian refugees, their fellow Muslims. They’ll call for the release of the hostages, but also have to add in “detainees” to the mix. My guess is that means the Palestinian convicted criminals being held in Israeli prisons.

The op-ed has to throw in a comment about the accidental “friendly fire” killing of the World Central Kitchen aid workers – you know, the incident that has seen actual discipline and dismissal of IDF officers who made the call.

But don’t ask the Biden administration to take responsibility for the accidental killing of civilians.

Back to the op-ed. After demanding that Israel meet its “obligations” under international law to provide aid to the Palestinian civilians, and saying that they “condemn” acts of violence or terrorism, the leaders conclude with this:

Lastly, we underline the urgency of restoring hope for peace and security for all in the region, primarily the Palestinian and Israeli people. We emphasize our determination to continue working together to avoid further regional spillover, and we call on all actors to refrain from any escalatory action. We urge an end to all unilateral measures, including settlement activity and land confiscation. We also urge Israel to prevent settler violence.

We emphasize the necessity of respecting the historical and legal status quo at Jerusalem’s Muslim and Christian holy sites, and the role of the Jordanian Waqf under the Hashemite custodianship.

We stress our determination to step up our joint efforts to effectively bring about the two-state solution. The establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state on the basis of the two-state solution, in accordance with international law and relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, to live side by side in peace and security with Israel, is the only way to achieve true peace. The Security Council must play a role in decisively reopening this horizon for peace.

You know what they never say in this op-ed? There is no call for Hamas to surrender. There is no call for Hamas to immediately return the hostages in order to work toward peace. In fact, the word “Hamas” never appears in this op-ed AT ALL. And THAT should tell you all you need to know.

A ceasefire is just a way to preserve Hamas and let Egypt and Jordan continue to avoid any responsibility or obligation that THEY might have. A “two-state solution” would be the same thing. The burden is being placed on Israel, who was invaded on October 7th and had 1,200 civilians murdered, raped, burned alive, or taken as hostages to continue the abuse and killing and terror, to roll over and accommodate their attackers and rapists and murderers. It’s just disgusting, and King Abdullah, President El-Sisi, and President Macron probably know it. They just don’t want to have to deal with Hamas, either – so they will contain them and make it Israel’s problem in perpetuity. What leadership. Such wow.

Featured image by Hadi Mohammad for FARS News Agency via Wikimedia Commons, cropped, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0 DEED)

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  • GWB says:

    But, in our therapeutic worldview, we’ve stopped any sort of negative consequences for negative behavior.
    You must toss out the stick in favor of only the carrot.

    And we see where that idiocy has gotten us. Give me back the stick so I can beat some of these imbeciles.

  • Scott says:

    F#$K the UN, Ham-Ass, and all who support them.

    A ONE state solution is the only way to bring peace to the region (FIFY)

    Eradicate ALL of those calling for the extermination of the Jews and then there’s a chance for peace.

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