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Bill Murray the newest celebutard with a DUI

Bill Murray the newest celebutard with a DUI

But, you know, so many celebutards get DUIs that you gotta find some way to separate yourself from the pack, right?

Bill Murray was arrested for a DUI… on a golf cart.

Veteran funnyman Bill Murray was arrested in Sweden earlier this week on suspicion of drunk driving.

Murray was stopped by police in Stockholm as he was driving a golf cart in the center of the city at 3:29 am on Monday morning.

Bill refused to take a breathalizer test and was taken to the police station for blood testing and processing.

Driving a golf cart drunk. Now, that may just be a new one! Hard to imagine, as celebutards are able to find so many different and exciting ways to break the law and get away with it, but that’s pretty funny.

In all seriousness though, what is it about Hollyweird that makes celebutards think they can do crap like that? The instant you become a celebrity, does your agent sit you down and explain to you that you can do anything you want and get away with it, as long as you go to rehab and do some charity work? I mean, come on! There’s no excuse for a celebutard — or anyone else, for that matter — to drive drunk. Not when you can afford to have a freakin’ driver at your beck and call to avoid that very situation!! Ugh.

But hey, at least Bill Murray can claim he was unique in his law-breaking. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a DUI on a golf cart.

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  • Huck says:

    Does a golf cart count as a dangerous motor vehicle? Perhaps in Sweden. But, if that’s the case in the U.S., I know of a fair number of golfers who are lawbreakers when they hit the golf course!

    But be careful, if it’s Golf Carts today, it might be bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and rollerblades tomorrow! And eventually, they might just throw “feet” onto the list of transportation means subject to regulation according to alcohol consumption. Guaranteed that more injuries to self and others are caused by stumbling, “walking-impaired” drunkards than to Golf Cart driving-impaired drunkards.

  • Sassy Poker says:

    It was a Cinderella story, a boy with a dream……..

  • Don_cos says:

    In most US states it is illegal to operated any motor vehicle while intoxicated. In many it is illegal to ride a bicycle when intoxicated.

  • Don_cos says:

    And Huck, feet are already on the list. Ever heard of public intoxication?

  • Bilwick says:

    The interesting part of the story is that he was allowed one phone call, and he used it to call the Dalai Lama . . . which is nice.

  • Huck says:

    don_cos – I guess being surrounded by college kids, much less in New Orleans to boot, “public intoxication” is more a way of life than it is some kind of socially deviant behavior. If public intoxication were illegal in my neck of the woods, we’d be in big trouble! I wonder if it’s not public intoxication that is illegal but rather disturbance of the peace linked to such intoxication that is at issue.

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