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Get on board with Operation Drill Bit; UPDATE: Operation Drill Bit mentioned by Florida Representative
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Last summer, when Congress wanted to force amnesty down our throats, the American people stood up as one and made a statement they couldn’t ignore. Amnesty was defeated, because we let our voices be heard.
And it’s time for the American people to make their voices heard again. Everyone is concerned about the price of gas at over $4.00 a gallon, but it’s a bigger issue than that. Not only is this hurting our economy and costing us money, but this is also an issue of national security and energy independence. And while of course, we need to start finding alternative sources of energy, it’s impractical to say that we’re ready for that right now. It’ll be years before we can completely be independent of oil, if not decades. We have to find a solution, and there’s an easy one: DRILL HERE. DRILL NOW.
Congress, of course, is doing nothing about this. President Bush and John McCain have changed their minds on the issue, but most of politicians in Congress are either too invested in jacking up gas prices or are too afraid of the Environazis to come out in favor of drilling off the coast of Florida and in ANWR.
We have to force this issue, just like we forced them to drop amnesty.
I listen to the MJ Morning Show each morning, and today heard Todd “MJ” Schnitt, who has an afternoon political show (The Schnitt Show), mention “Operation Drill Bit”. I wish that I was the one who came up with this geniusity, but I wasn’t. Anyways, here’s the plan.
First, go to Home Depot or Lowe’s or wherever you’d like, and purchase three drill bits. Send them to your United States Senator and your representative in the House. Here are the addresses for the House, and here are the addresses for the Senate. Include a note that lets your feelings about drilling be known. Tell them that we need to drill here now. If you feel so inspired, call them as well.
If we all speak up together, then there is no way that Congress can continue to avoid this issue. Let’s all get on board with Operation Drill Bit, and force Washington to take action!!
Florida Representative Ginny Brown-Waite gets a letter from a participant in Operation Drill Bit, and talks about it on the floor. Great video of Rep. Brown-Waite calling out Congress.
Yeah…it makes total sense, is doable, and can actually be done without impacting too much on the environment and on any indigenous wildlife population in many cases.
Oops, though; you have to get the idea past actual politicians first – you know, those people who…OK, so I now realize that common sense by itself just isn’t going to win the day.
I’d join the campaign but I’m not a US citizen yet. I quite like the idea of sending sharp bits of metal in the general direction of politicians, though. Preferably at a high velocity.
With my luck, the two harpies my state (CA) re-elects every six years would claim to feel threatened by a drill bit…and call the Secret Service in to investigate. Feinstein and Boxer, in favor of oil drilling? HAH!
I’ll send letters to them, but I’m not optimistic that anything will get done. Feinstein is from San Francisco and is beholden to the left-wing wackos that run that town.
The best part is that the second we say were going to do it, before anything has been done, the price of oil will plummet.
Cassy you should have been there last Friday in Houston when Newt spoke:
Good start, but unfortunately, I think that Americans will have to be hurt more than they are now before any real change gets started. That might take a couple of years (and I think it’ll take 5-6 to actually get stuff in place to start drilling where we need to). Of course, we can always buy it from the Chinese, who seem to have no qualms drilling off of Florida (ChiCom leadership: hey, if the Americans won’t drill, let’s have a go at it). Not only are they drilling off the coast, but they are horizontally drilling into our areas. Methinks this country loves to kick itself repeatedly in the nuts (one could say its a national pasttime, right up there with baseball and stuff).
Since the Anthrax scare all letters/packages are scanned & examined closely.
How did they get a letter containing metal (drill bits) through security?
That definitely a security breach!
I want Rep. Henry Waxman to launch an investigation immediately.