Now there’s $50K in tuition well-spent

Now there’s $50K in tuition well-spent

What is it about Pitzer lately?

Source: Daily Caller

This is the second racist incident within a week.

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  • J Walter says:

    Donations will lesson the white guilt we have infected you with.

  • VALman says:

    50K a year and they’re panhandlers. Well, okay then. Does anybody else wonder where are the PARENTS?!!

  • parker says:

    MLK jr, George Washington Carver, and Frederick Douglas would denounce Vargas. I say shame her without mercy or quarter. These special snowflakes must be herded towards melt down.

  • Wfjag says:

    My ancestors shed blood to free your ancestors because your “people” had captured and sold into slavery your ancestors. That’s enough giving. Since you aren’t receiving an education that is based on facts there and think the place is toxic, save all of us money (because I’m certain you aren’t paying the costs of attending) and the time wasted listening to your whining, and drop out and leave. And, since America doesn’t live down to your childish demands, leave. You won’t be missed.

  • GWB says:

    Yo,Daddy-o, how’s about you slip me some green, so me and the cats can party this weekend? Dig?

    (Plus ca change, plus le meme chose, eh?)

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