Yesterday, John Hawkins wrote a post explaining the history of Debbie Schlussel’s long descent deeper and deeper into crazy town. Blogger Emily Zanotti has been the main target of Schlussel’s wrath, but she’s attacked pretty much anyone who has the nerve to either disagree with her or say something nice about Emily.
Considering I’ve had a small amount of experience with Debbie Schlussel’s insane ramblings, I wrote about John’s post about Debbie.
How insane is Debbie Schlussel when it comes to Emily Zanotti? She searches out the blogosphere for any post, any at all, that mentions Emily in a positive manner. She then proceeds to troll the hell out of the comment sections, blasting pretty much anyone and everyone who has the audacity to not think that Emily is a vicious murderous Jew-hater (which, of course, she is not). This has happened to posts I’ve written several times, and I know I am not the only blogger to have been forced to peer into the depths of Debbie Schlussel’s insanity. Now, she’s like the boy who cried wolf, accusing every conservative who criticizes her of anti-semitism. As John pointed out, showcasing her stream of lunacy on her twitter feed last night (that’s some entertaining stuff, go read it), she’s now attacking Melissa Clouthier (a close friend of mine and someone I know is not an anti-semite), Tabitha Hale, and several others — including Dennis Prager and Michael Medved. She’s even accusing Mark Levin of supporting Hezbollah! My God, someone has seriously gone off the deep end. Most, if not all, of the bloggers she’s accusing of anti-semitism have been ardent defenders of Israel, myself included. I’ve received some of the worst hate mail in my life because I had the nerve to defend Israel over the Gaza flotilla incident, but I’m sure that as soon as I post this I’ll get slapped with the anti-semite label, too.
Gee, I must be a psychic. Because Debbie came along last night and wrote the most unimaginative, uncreative, and unintelligent attempt at an insult. What, exactly, did she do? She called me trash, a hooker, a two-bit whore, fat, and ugly. She based all of this off of a picture that isn’t even on my blog. She went digging through my Facebook and picked one that I guess she thinks is slutty or unflattering or something. This is the picture she used:
And what did creative little Debbie-kins put next to my picture?
Oh my gosh! That is just so insulting! And unusual! Because, you know, Debbie Schlussel never calls people Nazis or anti-Semites.
Oh, wait, that’s right. Debbie Schlussel always calls people anti-Semitic. Dare to disagree with anything she says or criticize her, and that automatically makes you an anti-Semite. It doesn’t matter if you don’t hate the Jews or if you support Israel. Hell, she’s even called actual Jews anti-Semites. But hey, in crazy Debbie-Schlussel world, logic and reasoning does not exist, so she can wildly accuse anyone of anything without any basis of fact.
Anyways, let’s dive into Schlussel’s stupid blog post about me, shall we?
Check out this photo, below. Is it a two-bit backwoods hooker . . . or an anti-Semitic “conservative” blogger who, today, joined the Twitter chorus of anti-Semitic bloggers on the right who’ve defended and praised lunatic Emily Zanotti and her four-year campaign of stalking me, filing raving (and quickly dismissed) complaints against me to the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, and praising Holocaust-denying death, rape, and torture threats on my life? It looks like the former, but “looks” (if you can call this sleaziness that) are deceiving. I’d give you her name, but her site is barely read, and I don’t want to give her any new readers or traffic. She’s currently in oblivion where she belongs. Sorry, I’m not sure what she charges, but the outfit screams “no dolla, no holla.” Trash is trash. Belongs on the curb to get picked up.
Right. So basically, she’s admitting that she can’t debate or dispute anything I said in my post with any kind of facts. The only defense she has is to make lame personal attacks against me. And hey, I didn’t start that game, but I’ll play it. I find it extremely rich that someone who looks like this would have the gall to attack the way I look or call me fat:
As for my blog being in oblivion, well, I’m not the one starting a blog war with every single prominent conservative blogger in existence in a desperate attempt to get attention. What really cracks me up is this: the idiot said she wasn’t going to link to my blog or mention me by name because she didn’t want to send me any traffic. But hey, what do you know? Right there on the bottom, in her tags, is my name!
What a freaking idiot.
The other thing I noticed was her obsessive editing of her comment section. When the post first went up, there were originally seven comments. Four of them were defending me. In less than an hour, they were removed. Throughout the night last night, I know that several of my readers posted comments defending me. They were removed. I posted a comment, and it was removed. She apparently cannot stand the fact that some people disagree with her and have the NERVE to respectfully express it.
As for my being a hooker and a whore, I’d like to point out that I am married. I am MARRIED, to a Marine, no less. I love my husband so much and I am so proud of him. And he loves me. We are happy together. If we were out somewhere and a man called me a hooker and a whore in front of my husband, Matt would beat the living shit out of him. Debbie Schlussel should thank her lucky stars that she’s a woman, that she doesn’t live in North Carolina, and that she didn’t bring her crap to my husband. But we’re talking about a blogger who has absolutely no ammunition against me except idiotic personal attacks. I’ve been blogging for years now, and I’m used to the personal attacks. They don’t bother me much. In fact, I’m a little disappointed that anti-Semitic whore was the best Schlussel would come up with. It’s just so unimaginative! Come on, Deb. You can do better than that!
Seriously. Is this really the best you can do? Bring it on, Debbie. BRING. IT. ON.
She’s like the bully in the schoolyard who feels like a big guy because they keep all the other kids down. Debbie Schlussel is a nutjob who goes on the war path against other bloggers to make herself feel important, self-righteous, and relevant. She attacks people for no reason whatsoever because she is so miserable and crazy that she has to resort to desperate measures to make herself feel important.
Really, in the end, I feel kind of sorry for her. That’s got to be a miserable existence.
Well Put Cassie, Well Put!
ooops… Cassy. 😳
This woman is the Keith Olbermann of the right. Wow. Give her hell, Cassy!
Who the hell is Debbie Schlussel? Never heard of her. You, Cas, though are a star. Ignore drivel from anyone who can’t hold a conversation without slipping into snide, catty personal attacks. She’s beneath you. Far far beneath you.
With your blog, Right Wing News, and Liberty Pundits, no one ever reads your work. 😉 I’m pretty sure we could objectively document that you’re not blogging in oblivion.
OK – now a bit more thought-out comment…
Probably 10 years ago, I used to start my day with Boortz’s “Nealz Nuze”. He linked a lot to Jewish World Review, which had a lot of the authors that has now. Debbie used to be one of those writers, and I really enjoyed her writing – it was Coulteresque, maybe dialed back 1.
One day, I noticed that her articles weren’t there any more, and I think even the archive was gone. I e-mailed the “Contact Us” link and asked what had happened, and got a really nice e-mail from the man who ran the site, saying that they had a difference of opinion on some issues, and had decided to stop carrying her articles.
Life happened, and I ended up on Townhall more than JWR, and she wasn’t there either. The next time I heard about her, it was about how she was going off on someone else, sending cease-and-desist letters and the like. I just don’t get it. Like you said, in your short (compared to her) time of blogging, you know that people are going to say untrue things about you. And, when the targets are people who, for the most part, share your views on the important issues, what good does the infighting do?
Granted, we’ve got “Coulter Lite” women now, but we sure could use all that energy that she’s putting into defending herself into defending the cause that we’re all trying to advance.
She’s just jealous of your smokin’ hot … commentary. 🙂
She’s been batshiat for years. When this latest lunacy reared its head, I sent her a line: “Debs, you remember how Misha’s LCs beat you last time? And Dennis the Peasent? I was in on that. I’m a self-employed goy geared out so I can be my own ISP. Pick on me, you ….”
Y’all can fill in the dots.
I’m currently trying to recruit members of the 4chan cadre to teach her a REAL lesson on what happens when the Interwebs decide to screw with an impertinent twerp.
I’ve had a few conversations with John Hawkins over this but didn’t really believe it was that bad. I remember back in the old days (2002-2004ish) there were a group of female bloggers and we all knew each other (I was Right Thinking Girl back then) and I was aware of Emily. She was always nice to me. Then out of nowhere came Debbie Schlussel and seemed to think she was the queen bee or something. I just don’t get it.
I’m sorry you had to put up with the ugly words from her.
And just in case it needs to be said: I stand with Israel.
All the DS slings and arrows backfired.
You just gained another reader.
“All the DS slings and arrows backfired. You just gained another reader.”
Me too! 🙂
Count me in! 😉
Schlussel is a complete narcissist. She’ll never be able to look at herself with an honest eye, which is why she’s flipping out at everyone for calling her on her insanity.
Also why she’s stooped to calling you names and trying so hard to belittle your looks. Even though anyone with eyes and a beating heart knows better.
I’ve got a blog (shameless plug), and it’s not even remotely read as frequently as yours. Maybe I should insult Debbie Schnitzel and get some exposure? 😀
So- Was just talking to a friend of mine about Schlussel and your post today, and he made a good point.
Even if you weren’t The Hotness (his words), it wouldn’t matter, because TRUE friends of Israel value a person’s character… not their looks.
Wow Cassy, you have certainly gained new respect in my eyes as someone who can hold her own against unfounded insults spewed from that double chinned woman’s hateful mouth.
And though you can hold your own, as your friend and former co-worker, I feel quite compelled to state you are one of the CLASSIEST LADIES I have ever worked with and at no time in your life have you stepped out with anything less in the years we have been friends.
There is a special place in hell for people who judge another without knowing the facts and defaming character by calling them “trash”. No D, Cassy isn’t trash, she couldn’t be trash if she tried. But you are. And you will know it when you read this what the world thinks of you. I’d post it on your page but you would remove it since you have no real basis for intellectual argument, just a mouth that isn’t connected to a brain. Too bad for you.
Debbie Schlussel took time out of her busy schedule to correct me about something when I linked to her, when my spot was barely a year old. So this would have been four years ago. We call ourselves The Blog That Nobody Reads, but we have a hell of a lot more traffic now than we did back then, mostly thanks to you and John.
So if we all become icky when we deign to acknowledge bloggers who aren’t read by anybody…well. Clue time, Deb.
This episode nicely captures exactly what is wrong with the way Schlussel thinks. Her indictments against you, John, Melissa, Emily, MKH, if you examine them they completely-or-mostly depend on this nasty antisemitist streak in Zanotti. Without that, all the arguments logically crumble into nothingness. And to support that, she has a Google cache of EZ saying a Muslim student “while mostly insane, is making some very valid points.” You have to click on EZ’s link to find out what she means by that, and of course it no longer works. So you need to take Schlussel’s word for it. And if you don’t, I guess you go into this ever-expanding bag of icky-people.
The one point to be made about all this, is this is my experience when I did the appropriate homework and made every attempt to give Debbie the benefit of the doubt. I read HER material, and when I was done reviewing it, there was NOTHING there. I’ve had this experience with Schlussel before. She holds a law degree from the University of Wisconsin. The woman cannot logically make a point. Speculating on it, I would say she possesses a number of appealing attributes that bring all kinds of coveted credentials and accolades to people who don’t deserve the privileges that go with them, and do not command the talents they should require. She’s female, attractive in her own way, skinny, blond, driven and mean.
In high school, every girl-clique has a ringleader, the “Alpha male” of the group. This one has the final word on who’s on the outs, who’s headed there, what boy is to be thought-of as cute. She has the final word on these things because she is accustomed to having it, and for no other reason; and she’s female cute skinny driven & mean. My speculation is — that’s Debbie. When she presents an argument, it all seems to boil down to “You’re not evaluating what she has to say, she’s evaluating you. You’ve got one shot to show Debbie you’re a decent person, and if you fuck it up you must be an antisemite.” And what I really find disturbing and troubling is, I’ll bet my last $10 that in the course of pursuing that law degree, this worked out for her just fine. Everything is a 15-year-old-girl argument. “She didn’t do what I said! We’ll all just HATE her forEVER!!!”
Get a load of the comments over there. I was fascinated to learn that denim skirts that end above your knees are now inappropriate. Inappropriate? For what? There’s no indication of what you were doing in that picture, or where you were. Looks like you’re on some kind of boat. Touring it, as in “tourist”? Or on a cruise? Hehe. Would Schlussel like to know what I’ve seen some tourists or cruise passengers wear. We’d be neck-deep in antisemites before anybody knew what was going on.
Nice legs!
Also, nice taste in shoes.
I started reading you sometime ago, and you’ve become one of my “must reads” quite often. I particularly enjoy your comments on the nuts over at Feministing.
I used to read DS a lot, she was one of my favorites, but she went off the deep end, kind of like Chuckie over at Little Green “Goofballs” (as I call it), so now she’s gone.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Ms. Schlussel reminds me of a bunch of loonies that reside in Topeka, KS. The Fred Phelps gang of lunatics.
Cassy, I had no idea who you were before seeing your picture next to a Nazi swastika on Debbie’s blog. Of course, as you stated, your name is in the tags, so all I had to do was look up your name to find your blog.
While Debbie is, in my opinion quite unbalanced sometimes, I did have respect for some of her conclusions on some matters. Well, this tepid confidence in Debbie did lead me to conclude that you were probably somewhat against Jews in some matters. However, reviewing most of your writings I’ve found nothing to support her insinuation, and in fact I’ve found the exact opposite to be true.
I guess my main point is, you really need to get your lawyer to go after Debbie Schlussel for defamation and possibly slander. Her putting your image alongside of a Nazi swastika is not only deplorable on her behalf, it’s most likely a violation of the law.
Debbie has lost me as a reader for good now, she defames you, calls Mark Levin’s loyalties into question, and even more bizarrely, she wishes Bob Novak’s soul is burning in Hell – I’ve had enough of her. Good bye Debbie, seek help.
Echoing what others have said, I shall now place you in my list of blogs on my google reader thanks largely to the attention that psycho Deb gave you.
Recently, I have been suffering from the same personal attacks on my blog, though I have yet to be called a hooker, whore, or trash. Maybe because I’m male? I’m just stupid, a jerk, ignorant, goofball, etc.
This is how the left attempts to discredit its oppenents. My last post is on this subject, as it applies to my experience.
Let not your heart be troubled.
Check out this photo, below. Is it a two-bit backwoods hooker . . . or an anti-Semitic “conservative” blogger who, today, joined the Twitter chorus of anti-Semitic bloggers on the right…. It looks like the former, but “looks” (if you can call this sleaziness that) are deceiving.
Note to middle-aged women: trashing young ladies makes you look like a jealous hag who is rotting on the vine.
Note #2: young women can pull off cute clothes that look trashy on older women. Do not try to pull them off, nor insult as trashy those young women who look cute in them.
And that’s when you know someone has completely lost the argument. Calling everyone a Nazi pretty much means you’ve got nothing of worth to say.
Presumably Attorney Schlussel has evidence of Emily Zanotti’s anti-semitism, just as she certainly has evidence of that of Ibrahim Hooper’s.
Mrs. Fiano, ask her for it.
Catty special pleading for whom you know and like, and the “My husband will beat you up” card won’t do.
A very wholesome photo of yours…
A photo of a real normal person.
It’s also very clear that her blog only exists to provide an echo chamber for her. Any comments made about this kerfuffle that she doesn’t like immediately get deleted. I ought to know. I made two posts supporting Cassy, and both were instakilled.
I imagine Debbie sat there feverishly reading the comments and deleting the ones she didn’t like, double-chins jiggling with indignation as she screeched, “Nazis! All of these Nazis! Where do they come from?!”
It made me smirk.
I wouldn’t waste my time on her if I were you. When someone starts personal attacks and ignores the facts, it means they have no facts to argue and are therefore irrelevant. Also I can’t imagine a picture of you that would be unflattering.
Well done, Cassy!
Debbie Schlussel now joins the insipid ignominious ignorant idiots who I’ve permanently de-linked. to wit: St. Andrew of the Bleeding Heart Sullivan and Charles Johnson.
DS is not just the Olbermann of the right. She’s the Obama of the right, the Queen narcisist.
The previous commenter’s high school analogy is so on the mark: Debbie is the school “mean girl” – cross her at your own peril. I wonder if Charles Johnson is going to ask her to the dance? (Imagine the prom scene from ‘Carrie’)
And by the way, “sleeziness”? For your picture? DS is nots. And I seem to remeber that for years, her blog had one picture of her — in a skin-tight boob shirt.
You ain’t trashy, Cassy. You’re a real woman. After all, only real women can land a Marine as a hubby.
I used to troll some of the Left sites, and had to quit because of all the hateful comments posted by rabid individuals. I used to read Debbie, but I’ve noticed (like Cassie) that if someone doesn’t agree with her, then that person is Anti-Jewish or something. My comment was taken down also, so I know Debbie only wants her cheerleaders to comment. If you listen to Mike Church on Sirius, she does movie reviews, I hope he wises up and takes her off. Conservative Women have get enough crap from the non-armpit shaving Left women, they don’t need to get it from the Right. As far as Cassie’s looks, there isn’t a hotter blogger out there. ‘Nuff said.
Schlussel makes Johnson and Sullivan look sane. She’s really out there. I’m really glad that John Hawkins decided to lance this boil, because there are media outlets out there that don’t yet realize that Debbie is crazy, and it’s irritating to encounter her “analysis” when one is looking for . . . actual analysis.
Forget about it. she’s insane. And please don’t “feed the beast”. It just gives her more attention.
All men are pigs dept.-Damn you look good,great legs,well balanced figure.
Hey Cassy,
Thanks for the response. I used to enjoy her site but she’s getting to bitchy and whiny for me. And she can viciously attack others but can’t stand to leave a post up on her site that she doesn’t agree with and that doesn’t contain an inordinate amount of ass kissing. I don’t know if she’s gone off the deep end or what. However I suspect she needs some physical love. Anyway, her site used to be good. But now it’s pretty much the BS I read on there today which obviously includes the attack on you. I plan on checking out your site more often.
“She’s currently in oblivion where she belongs.”
What does that even mean? I read you every day. (And nice pic btw.)
What I find strange is the over-the-top obsession Ms. Schlussel has with Ms. Zanotti. Mind you I didn’t read the whole post by the other person Zanotti made her original comment on, but from the zest of it I’ve seen elsewhere, Emily only stated that both the poster and Schussel had made a few valid points. How this was construed by Schlussel as Zanotti somehow supporting death and rape threat posts against Schlussel is beyond normal comprehension. Zanotti went on to say the the argument between Schlussel and the poster sounded like a fight between two kindergarteners, if memory serves, and that the both of them need to be wearing helmets, or something to that effect. Snarky? Yes. Advocating death and rape!?! Perhaps the poster DID make death and rape threats against Schlussel. I don’t believe for a minute that Zanotti was validating THOSE points. In fact, to think so would be absurd. I really don’t know the full extent of all this, but Schlussel herslf has stated that Zanotti apologized and one would have thought that would have been suffecient (at least to a normal person) to end it.
I’ve not read but a few posts by Debbie Schlussel and they seemed enlightening enough, and don’t remember anything concerning Emily Zanotti in them. Emily Zanotti I have read much more frequently and only on one occasion (possibly a year or more ago) did I hear mention of Debbie Schlussel. If memory serves it was a brief and civil explanation to her readers as to why Schlussel kept posting about her. I paid little attention to it as bloggers get attacked all the time, so no news there.
But Ms. Schlussel seems to be craving the attention this (one sided) feud brings to her, and the description of her acting like a kindergartener certaily seems apropos. Namecalling is so ‘little’. Its the pursuit of a person without a valid argument to make and is often found on playgrounds and schoolyards. Her calling some of the least anti-Semitic people around anti-Semites can only be described as sad. Perhaps, in my humble opinion, she protest too much…
What I can’t understand is how this Schlussel psycho can have any sort of following.
This individual obviously has the IQ of a swim fin, coupled with the emotional balance of an axe murderer – not the best combination.
I read your blog often & enjoy your commentary. I’m not sure what’s happening with DS. My wife is an elected official & has had “stalkers” who trash her at every opportunity, so I understand. Sometimes one’s character is also determined by who attacks them – & in your case your character shines positively.
BTW: You are attractive; I’m sure your husband lets you know that quite often!
My posts to “Debbie does the World” were very quickly deleted. Darn!!!lol
One sicko that woman is. Anyone beyond High School who praised what she did is nuts also, therefore I think all the comments commending her on being a first class asshole were Debbie herself.
I don’t for a second believe the other “favorable” responses that seem to focus on your clothes, shoes, length of skirt are real. Surely to God we’ve progressed beyond bully antics.
Sue that dirt bag.
I’d like to thank Debbie for bringing me here from
Look forward to reading more. Oh btw, cute picture. 🙂
I support U, the others that ‘she’ wrongly criticizes and Israel!
Go get ’em Cassy!
Schlussel has lost all credibility. Insulting the wife of a genuine American hero – a guy who puts his life on the line every single day for his country – is the lowest of low blows.
Schlussel is on the way down whereas you, Cassy, are on the way up. Over the past few years Debbie Schlussel has systematically alienated every single ally she ever had, with the result that she is now confined to the outermost rings of the right-wing blogosphere; a fringe ranter with a heavily-depleted circle of allies and a massively diminished sphere of influence. Nobody of note would be caught dead advocating for her now, and it’s nothing to do with supposed ‘anti-Semitism’ on their part – it’s about HER. She’s a petty, malicious, unstable backstabber, a poisoned chalice – and no-one wants a ‘friend’ like that.
Debbie likes to judge people by the company they keep, or for that matter even people who you read. Debbie has quite a double standard when it comes to herself and her associations.
Debbie Schlussel’s attorney is Michael Schwartz. Michael Schwartz was/is Jack Kevorkian’s attorney. Emily Zanotti worked for The Thomas More Law Center headed by attorney Richard Thompson. Richard Thompson was the Oakland County, Michigan Prosecuting Attorney who prosecuted Jack Kevorkian, represented by Debbie’s attorney, Michael Schwartz.
Now, Jack Kevorkian has defended some of the medical experiments of the Nazi’s. Using Debbie’s logic —>Jack likes Nazi’s—>Jack likes Michael Schwartz—>Debbie likes Michael Schwartz—>Debbie likes Nazi’s.
Side Note: Cassy is a strikingly beautiful woman.
Way to go Cassy! I find it funny that she chose the picture she did, why didn’t she choose the one of you in a bikini? When moonbats have nothing intelligent to say, they start making personal attacks.
I support Israel as well!
Cassy – hubba hubba! But you know that!
BTW, what happens when DS starts in after your hubby?
Wow. I used to read Debbie’s blog up until about a year ago, when she started going after Hannity, Malkin, etc. for no apparent reason. Then when she accused Steven Crowder of anti-semitism without offering any evidence, I swore off her site for good.
Looks like I jumped off that but just in time before it went straight into Crazytown.
bus, not but.
There was a time when I considered Debbuh readable. Not exactly scintillating in her analysis of course, but readable. Over the last few years though, she – in my opinion (oooh, any legal threats about opinions Debbie?)- is a paranoid narcissist suffering from psychotic delusions of adequacy.
Keep on keepin’ on, Cassy. She who must be ignored isn’t worth your time. If she is batshit crazy enough to attempt legal action against, I’d suggest that there are a fair number of legal eagle bloggers who might be willing to take your case pro bono so that they can enjoy the spectacle of you know who getting laughed out of court.
One more thought occurred to me after re-reading this comment:
Seriously. Is this really the best you can do?
When you’re a raving loon, it’s no mean feat to string together two or three words into something resembling an actual phrase. I’m guessing that this is Debbuh’s version of “bringing it on”. Sad and pathetic of course, but that’s an improvement over her usual insane and raving.
I wrote a comment to Ms. Schlussel pointing out that you were not fat.
I also wrote that your outfit was not offensive in the slightest.
Well, she deleted all my comments.
I may be a liberal but I respect you Cassy.
And I think what Debbie did was wrong.
To call you a backwoods hooker because she didn’t like a skirt you wore……….Could she be any more filled with venom and hostility?
Personally, I think you looked great in that pic!
And I find it hypocritical that Ms. Schlussel would criticize you when I’ve seen pictures of her wearing short dresses and tight shirts that show off her curves.
Schlussel is one crazy broad – and obviously, so are the majority of her commenters.
Where to begin? Cassy, you are very attractive, but Debbie continues to use her fake airbrushed photo on her blog when in reality she has become a heifer.
I am thrilled that the truth has finally come out. The conservative and pro-Israel blogosphere is outing Schussel as the lunatic she truly is. Emily Zanotti, a close personal friend, is as anti-Semitic as Alan Dershowitz. The truth is setting her and all of Debbie’s other victims free.
Because of the Jewish Sabbath you can actually keep a post up on her site (one she doesn’t agree with) for more then a few minutes. It’s truly amazing, she can viciously attack others but cant stand to have any posts on her bs crap-0-blog that that don’t utterly agree with her opinion and contain serious ass-kissing. Go figure.
Enjoyed the blog. Mark Levin linked it off his facebook page so sorry Debbie I think Cassy might get a little trafic.
I never heard of Debbie Schlussel either.
Since anything goes in the insult arena, I think I’ll write hateful diatribes against Cassy because she’s married. After all, that’s completely unfair to me because I want to pretend that a 50-year-old fat guy in NY has a chance to get with her.
Hey, I’ve seen worse reasons to flame people. And I think I could do it better than Debbikins. But even though Cassy broke my heart because she’s married, I’m already over that.
Are there other lame excuses for flaming? I do not have good excuses, so I’ll settle for lame ones that aren’t already taken.
Semper Fi! I was married to a soldier and I just want to say that a wife of a military member is the hardest job I know for a wife! That being said, I think Ms. I really don’t have anything good to say about anybody, Debbie, is a total loon and that you and Emily are good people. Don’t let her get anyone who comments to you or blogs about Conservative issues get them down! She’s @ a loss and it’s so sad!!
Keep up the good work! Hooah!
I had the most vile email sent to me by Debbie because I was defending Laura Ingraham. This was quite some time ago. I even forget what the issue was, but I will never forget the evil-spewing commentary I received from this nut job! (Including the usual “You’re a moron for defending Laura! She steals ideas from me!”, “She never credits me or my research!”, blah, blah blah . . .
Poor Debbie really does need help!
Debbie Schlussel is the epitome of a jealous sociopath. She lashes out at Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and others because she is no where near them, and tries to tear them down in order to make herself bigger. It’s obvious she attacked you out of pure jealousy. She’s not married (as far as I know), and I guess that website photo of her in the tye dye shirt with her breasts sticking out didn’t entice any takers.
I will be removing DS from my list of favorites from now on. Seems she wants to go the way of chuckles from LGF. If so, good riddance to bad garbage.
Is DS really a Conservative? She doesn’t sound like it.
Wow. I’ve been banned from posting comments on her site. Unfortunately for her she continued to bash the ‘military’ and I commented on her site that if she had not served in the military, or had been in combat, that she should just drink a nice warm cup of STFU. She wrongly assumes that all women in the military get pregnant and that all men listen to rap and act like fools. Having served in the regular Army (88-91), in then W. Germany, in the Army’s Third infantry division, I assured her that there were, and are today, many men and women who serve with honor, courage, dignity and respect. Yes some servicewomen get pregnant and some listen to rap, and some act like fools, but many, many servicemen serve with great honor, courage, and respect. And I deeply appreciate the sacrifices that are made by our servicemen in defense of our country. I was under the impression that it was only the libs and code pink that bashed our military, apparently DS has joined their ranks–or has been there already for some time. God bless our military and their families.
I don’t think I could disagree with DS more. I think the pic of you looks great and the Nazi reference is appalling. Cassy, you handled this with class and you have gained a new reader of your blog. Please extend my thanks to your husband’s service to our country.
OK…so I guess I’m confused. Why are you legitimizing her idiotic attacks by responding to them? The best way to shut her up is to quit…all of ya’ll…from responding to her. It’s obvious to anyone that she has more than one or two screws loose. Sinking to her level just makes her next attack all the more juicy.
Debbie is an idiot, ignorant blogger whose 15 mins of fame passed a long time ago. Ignore her… She loves this publicity battle.
She’s back on and slashing posts right and left!
Someone once posted (not here) that Debbie Schlussel belongs in Israel, not the US. Frankly, the Israelis deserve better than to have someone like her inflicted on them.
This woman simply cannot keep her jealousies and insecurities in check. It weakens her position and destroys whatever credibility she might have had. I wouldn’t be surprised if her blog disappears soon.
I tried to post the following at DS’s site but wasn’t allowed. I hope in posting it here she might read it. Cassy I appreciate your willingness to allow freedom in posting! Presumably I have no fears that this will be removed from you site in a matter of minutes. I wonder how many people she pushed to your site.
I’ve been reading this (DS’s) site for years. I mean it’s not easy to find some of the cutting edge info on the crazy Muzzies and their crazy and violent antics throughout the world and in America. So, I would get up each morning, check the e-mail, hit up Drudge and work my way here. And yeah, I took notice when DS ripped on ‘Vannity’ and ‘Fraudkin’ and WND accusing them of plagiarism. Hey I would be upset too is someone ripped off my work. Of course a charge of plagiarism from one blogger about others doesn’t warrant my time to research the matter. So I took the attacks in stride (assumed they were warranted)and kept coming back here. And for me, the tone on the site can be a bit whiny but the substance was decent–and hard to find elsewhere. I don’t/didn’t know anything of Cassy until I read the piece on her. She could be all of the things you wrote about her. She could be, I really don’t know. But the viciousness of the attack and the fact that you attacked her appearance (for me at least, apparently most of the people who post here–those who survived the moderation session–really get off on that) went beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable, on the internet or off. I guess the whole thing is pretty sad. I really don’t see anything wrong in attacking WHAT SHE SAID. But to attack her personally was, for me, unacceptable. The other thing that bothers me with this site is that you can’t or wont allow posts to remain that don’t put you or what you’ve written in a positive light. So then, for you there is no room for differences in opinion? For the most part I enjoy the site (I’ve been coming back for years) but personal attacks like the one on Cassy are pretty repulsive. Another reason I frequent this site is because I support the people of Israel and I support their right as a sovereign nation to defend themselves. However, I don’t suspect this comment will be up for very long but I hope it gives you a moment for pause. (Seeing all this drama unfold, I tried to post this at DS’s site but wasn’t allowed. I guess I will frequent the places that I am welcome to comment at.)
Thanks for allowing me to post this Cassy.
Here you go. One of the more flattering images of Debbie.
She’s nuts.
Cas, I think you’re making a fundamental mistake when you call this… thing… a woman. I have serious doubts that she’s Homo sapien, let alone female.
And don’t forget, if you defend your friends against her impotent rage, you’re a synagogue burner.
Teh Crazy is deep in that one!
As a former (I wish I was in the shape I was in when I…) rower, I can say that you look like you could make a boat go fast – either physically, or by looks alone.
This cat-calling is just silly. Hope that Debbie Schlussel realizes the true extent of her insanity and decides to bow out of this fight. Otherwise, she’s in for a final 500 m sprint test…
Hey Frank, Wordy Much?
To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.
Sun Tzu
Absolutely true. As soon as I posted a nice note about Emily Zanotti, someone from Michigan hit my blog and carped about her “costume jewelry.” Funnily enough, the IP traced back to the same town Schlussel’s uncle has his legal practice.
Can’t wait to frame my Cease & Desist Order.
Bottom line: Debbie Schlussel is now identical to Deb Frisch.
They are exactly the same.
And I’m not even sure which I just insulted.
Like Frisch, Schlussel should now only be ignored or mocked. Ignored is better – it is what stings her the most.
Unfortunately, while I understand your emotional desire to defend yourself … I’m afraid posts just like yours are exactly what Frisch, I mean Schlussel, I mean both of them, actually wants.
What works is a big fat yawn. Actually fighting with her, especially over completely non-substantive schoolyard taunts, only spatters you with her filth. There’s really no point.
Besides, if you just had to defend yourself against such silliness, you might have been better served just posting a few of Schlussel’s pictures. It is indeed endlessly amusing that that hag commented on another woman’s appearance.
Best wishes to you. And a big yawn for Crazy Deb. At least Deb Frisch was an entertaining loon; Schlussel is just … ugly and dull. Inside and out.
Ah..what fun! Two ignorant wingnuts attacking each other.
So says Larry the moonbat!
Debbie Schlussel is such a stupid, ugly, obese, vindictive, bitch that she could not find an anti Semite in Berlin circa 1938!
The both of yiz are fat, clueless cows who simultaneously PROVE Godwin’s and Darwin’s theories. But Cassie has at least five to six years before she looks like a Haggis with a babymaker, so: Advantage Fiano.
Ronald Wilson Reaganowitz – yeah and you probably look like Michael Moore in the morning before you answer the call of nature. You could not score in a New Orleans whore house.
I don’t know you, but I like the little I have read so far and plan to return.
I came across this piece of video-gold, and having read the disgraceful piece Debbie wrote about you, I had to share 😉
Debbie on Bill Maher’s show:!
Pay special attention from 5:30 minute point onwards……
Enjoy 🙂
Hi, Cassy — never heard of this issue or blog war until just a few minutes ago, but following links from another site I’ve read up on it all a bit. I just want to say that you are obviously a lovely and classy young lady, your Marine stud husband is lucky to have you, and Debbie Schlussel should seek serious psychotherapy immediately!
Hang in there, you look great, and don’t let that nutcase get you down!
John in Pennsylvania
A friend gave me a link to your Twitter account after asking him if someone could make a parody account of Schlussel’s account.
I have to tell you, that not only do i enjoy reading your posts, but you’ve got yourself a new, faithful reader.
As for Schlussel…it is my opinion after reading some of her seriously disturbed posts that she needs urgent therapy…and not traditional one. She needs shock therapy to forget who she is and what she’s got in the little brain of hers.
Relating herself like that to the Holocaust, when she and her parents had nothing to do with it, it just shows how much of an attention-twatt she is. She speaks of thinks she has no idea about nor she ever had to experience them.
Most Jewish people i know feel offended by her writings and are probably embarrassed to death that someone like her speaks on their behalf.
Cheers Cassy and stay cool!
I agree, Debbie Schlussel is a self-promoting twat. She is a seriously disturbed fat cow!