Milo Yiannopoulos is one scary guy. With his bleach blond hair and penchant for pastels, he has managed to traumatize college age students again, sending them desperately searching for a safe space and anxiety counseling.
Milo is an outspoken journalist in the mold of Christopher Hitchins who pretty much makes it his life’s goal to offend as many people as possible. He is especially fond of pushing feminist buttons, but this past week he was working on students at Pitt University. Milo was invited to speak by the College Republicans, but surprisingly those who now claim hurt feelings were not conservatives. And it actually went beyond hurt feelings – those delicate flowers are apparently unashamed to say publicly that they felt scared!
Marcus Robinson, president of Pitt’s Rainbow Alliance, said after leaving the lecture on Monday, he felt unsafe on campus for the first time.
“So many of us shared in our pain. I felt I was in danger, and I felt so many people in that room were in danger. This event erased the great things we’ve done,” Robinson said. “For the first time, I’m disappointed to be at Pitt.”
Robinson suggested that the University should have provided counselors in a neighboring room to help students who felt “invalidated” or “traumatized” by the event.
More from the LGBT community who feel invalidated:
A genderqueer first-year student, Zubrow said Yiannopoulos’ speech was personal because it invalidated their very existence.
“This man does not believe my identity is authentic,” Zubrow said.
These people are incapable of irony. Milo is out and proud, and very gay. I think the biggest trauma they are feeling is mostly because they cannot fathom how other people that seem to them to be similarly situated could actually have a brain of their own and think for themselves. THAT really is scary!
Milo made such outrageous and egregious comments as saying people were “idiots” if they believed that women were paid less than men for the same work. Milo also called the Black Live Matter movement a “supremacy” group and that feminists are “manhaters.” So far it looks like he’s just speaking the truth.
While he was speaking several students ran through the presentation chanting “Trump.” Others raised signs and middle fingers. Some approached the podium and shouted “Two, four, six, eight – stop the violence, stop the rape” as if Milo was there to advocate for kidnapping underage teenage girls and selling them into the international sex trade.
So somehow a single person speaking in a normal voice expressing a point of view is blamed for being hurtful and even for making people feel that they were in danger. All the while this same group of people is shouting and moving about unpredictably in a crowd gathered to hear a lecture – but it is the speaker that is the scary one?!
Despite technically being adults, these snowflakes have no appreciation for acting like it. Their maturity level is sub-zero and their ability to reason and persuade through appropriate respectful dialogue is biologically inhibited, and may be permanently stunted. These are the people who are voting for Bernie. What a sad state is academia.
These are the people who are voting for Bernie.
These are the people who are voting for the political class, period. These are the folks who have now been trained to believe that only political saviors can protect them and provide for them. Funny that they claim atheism, but are more faith-based and more god-seeking than the most fundamentalist Christian I know.
The only reason I would start a business today is so that I can refuse to hire these snowflakes – for being idiots and fools.
Men can’t stand up to feminism without being called misogynists or rapists and since Females won’t stand up to the civilization destroying cancer called feminism, our only hope is a homosexual named Milo. Think about it, homosexuality was often blamed for the destruction of the West and now this Homosexual is our only hope.
For the record, I believe that females and men are basically equal.